She was the one who contacted me first. She sent me a message in my inbox on Facebook. That was how our connection began. We didn’t rush things. We spent weeks on Facebook Messenger chatting and nurturing our friendship before we took things further. She had a crazy sense of humour and seemed to have an amazing personality. Everything she did and said implied that she liked me. It warmed my heart to know that there was a woman out there who wanted me.
I didn’t get the chance to meet Anita before I started falling in love with her. I fell for her so hard that I was willing to do anything to make her happy. That was the turning point of our relationship. The moment she realized that I was crazy about her, she started acting indifferent toward me.
I remember when we had a little misunderstanding. It wasn’t something that deserved a breakup but my girl decided she didn’t want the relationship anymore. I had to talk and talk before she reconsidered her decision.
We used to speak on the phone all the time but all of that seized all of a sudden. She started controlling my access to her. She would call me whenever she was in the mood to talk to me. If I called her, she would decide not to answer the call. On my lucky days when she picked up, we wouldn’t even talk for up to a minute. As soon as we finished exchanging hellos, she would say something flimsy just to end the call.
“I am going to eat. Let me call you back.” Or
“I am washing my hands. Let me finish and call you back.”
There was a time when she said, “I need to take something out of my fridge. I will call you when I am done.”
As if that was not enough, the next time we had a misunderstanding she blocked me. She only unblocked me when she felt I had been punished enough.
Throughout our relationship, I have only seen her once. After that one time, she denies me the opportunity to see her again. “No, I cannot come and see you. I am busy,” she would respond every time I asked to see her. “What if I come to you instead?” I’d ask in a desperate plea to spend some time with her. That too would be met with a rejection.
I am the oldest child of my mum. I have a younger sister whose upkeep is now my responsibility. My aged mum is also mine to care for. Because of these responsibilities, I explained to Anita that I couldn’t do much for her financially. “It doesn’t mean I won’t do anything at all. I will do the little I can to support you whenever you need me,” I assured her. She agreed and I have also done my best to keep my promise.
The Secret He Wasn’t Telling Me Was On His Phone
Unfortunately, after everything I do for her, she makes me feel I am not giving her enough money. She is not a helpless little child who cannot fend for herself. She has a job, government work. By all standards, she is financially sound. She doesn’t need my money to survive but she can’t seem to get enough of it. She prefers spending it than her own money.
Recently, I agreed to give her an amount of money she asked for. Coincidentally, the day I promised to give her the money fell on my birthday. I was busy celebrating so I couldn’t send the money. The whole day, I didn’t receive a call or even a text from her. She forgot my birthday. I know she is still waiting for me to send her the money I promised. I want to ask, should I give it to her or I shouldn’t? I don’t know what to do.
— Sammy
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Please go and change your payroll’s name and account number to hers.You will die if you
do not send all that money.
When you finally learn sense then you can respond to my message
My Bro, receive since. Infact you are a mumu man. Am not sure your mother born you well. For Christ sake, This lady might be married or into a serious relationship and is using you as a side pocket. Disappoint her by never giving her any money. Save money and get married. Check, since this year, how much have you saved for yourself and you are busy giving a woman money??? Your shame is shaming me bro😭.
Don’t give her the money. Block her .it’s looks like she doing you a favour dating you. Humans are predators to their fellow Humans. If you show too much desperation they will feed on it to cause you pain. Your relationship is one sided relationship. She doesn’t respect you ,talk much less of caring and loving you. As you said ,” you are the first born” .So please put yourself first before anything other than your family. Don’t allow your vulnerability and desperate to be used against you.
I bow my head on shame for sharing your name. Please redeem us by never ever contacting her or her kind ever again. I beg!