There’s an Update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link
I thought I would find love at the university. However, my life in school was too chaotic to pay attention to any girl. I was dealing with a fraternity that was more like a cult. They were causing a lot of problems for me. There was even a situation where they beheaded my roommate. I was done with my final exams when this happened. So I ran from the school out of fear for my life. That’s how I found myself in Ghana.
When I got to Ghana I was living in a community among my fellow Nigerians. However, when I fell in love, it was with a Ghanaian girl. She was the perfect woman for me. Her face was beautiful, just the way I like it. Her body was also very hot. I really loved her. Our relationship was doing well but I was struggling financially.
I didn’t have my university certificate to apply for jobs. So I was only doing odd jobs. As someone who was ready to marry my girlfriend, Afia, I needed to be financially grounded. So I told her, “Babe, I want to go to Nigeria and clear myself in school so I can get my certificate, do my youth service, and come back to find a job so I can pay your bride price.” She told me, “That’s a good idea. Go and come, I will wait for you.”
With her support, I went back to Nigeria. I got my clearance done and did my youth service. By the time I finished everything and returned to Ghana, three years had passed. I was so happy that I was finally going to see Afia again. By then she had become an immigration officer and was doing very well for herself.
Unlike the saying that out of sight meant out of mind, distance did not quench my love for her. I loved her just as much as I did the day I left Ghana. I contacted her and we talked. We agreed to meet in person and talk. All the hopes I had about rekindling our love came crashing down by the time the talk was over. She told me straight to my face that she had moved on.
How was I supposed to feel when the woman I was trying to get my life together for was no longer interested in me? While I was on my way going home I said a simple prayer. I told God, “Let me meet a woman that I can take home and have shuperu with. I know it’s an odd request but it will help me heal my broken heart.”
Along my journey, I met a young woman with a very bubbly personality. I thought she would be an easy lay so I approached her. We spoke and took her number. When I got home I called her and we started talking. Her name is Freda. She told me she was in pharmacy school while working to support herself. This touched my heart. It reminded me of my own struggles at the university. I had to work to support myself through school.
The rest of the conversation we had that night blew my mind. I realized that Freda was not just a pretty face and I bubbly personality. She was also a very intelligent, hardworking, and kind woman. All my plans to use her to mend my broken heart disappeared that very day. I was more interested in getting to know her.
The next day I invited her over to my place and she showed up with her son. And we all bonded. The more I knew her, the more I was drawn to her. I was proud of her accomplishments as our friendship got deeper. When she completed school, I showed up at her graduation ceremony with pride. She was the second-best student in the entire school. Then she won a scholarship to further her education. I couldn’t be any more prouder.
That was the day I proposed love to her. The joy I felt when she said yes, was indescribable. This is a woman I am so much in love with that I enjoy bragging about her. People have negative perceptions about single mothers. They talk about the fact that they are unfocused people who like to entertain multiple men. I braced myself to experience that when I started dating Freda, but she proved all those stereotypes wrong.
I’ve Thought About How To Blame God
She is goal-oriented and loyal too. We have been through so much together. I am doing my best to be a better man for her. Currently, we had a big fight. I had to return to Nigeria to put some distance between us so we could resolve our problems. Despite all of it, we are still together. We know that when we fight, it is not because our love is finished. I don’t fight against her. I fight for her. She knows this, and I know it is the same for her as well.
I am just praying that when I return to Ghana, I will come with my family and friends so we can make things official. I know that people usually share their love stories after marriage, but I am sharing mine now because I believe love stories are love stories, whether or not they involve marriage. I am just so thankful to have the love and support of this wonderful. I am looking forward to the day I put my ring on her finger and call her my wife.
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I can’t wait for an update 😩
Charles, your journey of love and personal growth is truly inspiring. Life often takes unexpected turns, and your story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. From facing challenges in university to finding yourself in Ghana, and ultimately meeting Freda, your experiences have shaped you into a better person.
Your willingness to grow, change, and appreciate the value of someone’s character over superficial qualities is commendable. Freda’s determination and her achievements are a testament to her strength and character, which you clearly admire.
Love is a beautiful thing, and it doesn’t always follow a predictable path. Your love story with Freda is a testament to the fact that genuine love transcends stereotypes and societal expectations. Your commitment to each other, even during tough times, shows the depth of your connection.
It’s heartwarming to see that you’re looking forward to officially making her your wife. Love stories are indeed worth sharing, regardless of whether they involve marriage, as they remind us of the power of love and the capacity for personal growth and transformation. Best of luck with your future together, and may your love continue to thrive and bring you both happiness and fulfillment.
Please don’t jump the gun. Ask the relevant questions about her ex and father of the son and be sure of the answers. The prejudice about women bringing their first fruit into a new marriage is routed in evidence of disaster when the children grow to know and accept their biological fathers. The wahala is real and don’t discount it. Discuss it. Wish you well.