My husband and I have been married for six months now. We actually had an adorable baby girl before getting married. This Man has been very good to me and my family. I’m currently not working so he literally takes care of everything our family needs.
It isn’t that I don’t want to work. I just had difficulties getting something to do. So my husband has been pushing for an opportunity that has stepped on our doorstep for me. He has paid huge sums of money so that I will get this opportunity and start making something for myself.
While I appreciate everything he does for our family, certain have come to light about the man I thought I knew. About two months ago, I realized anytime we have sex, I get itchy down there. Sometimes the itchiness started while we were in the middle of the act. Other times too it happened right after we finished doing it.
The infection always got worse with time. One time it was so serious that I told him, “These days when we get together, I start to itch. Why is that so?” With a concerned look, he responded, “If that’s the issue, then it means I might also get infected. So I’ll get a medicine for both of us to take.” True to his words, he got us the medicine.
After taking the medicine, the itchiness happened again when we had shuperu. This happened a few more times so I asked him, “Babe, are you sure you’re not sleeping around with somebody else?” He swore on his stars that I was the only person he was having intimacy with. So I asked again, “Then how come anytime we sleep together, I get infected?” He couldn’t say anything sensible so I started monitoring him.
Sometimes, I would be with him while he answered some calls. The tone of his voice on the calls would be very soothing. It’s the kind of tone a man uses on a woman he likes. However, he would end the call by calling whoever was on the other end, “Chale” and then say something to them in pidgin.
To clarify, I would ask him, “Were you talking to a man?” And he would say yes. I’d then giggle and say, “If you are talking to a man like this, then how do you talk to women?” He would also laugh and we would end it there. Unbeknownst to me, this man knew what he was up to. He must have been thinking I was stupid, all those times I couldn’t figure him out.
Everything came out when I went through his phone one night. I couldn’t believe the things I found. Silent beads, my husband sleeps with random Men. They have this group on telegram. They use it to pick up men and arrange to meet up with them. In one of the conversations I read with one of his partners, the guy told my husband, “I can’t wait to see you.”
Then he continued with, “Will you be interested in a threesome?”
“Of course. I have a guy I do it with. I will call him so we can all meet and see how it goes. I am looking forward to seeing how big you are,” my husband responded.
Honestly, my mouth was opened for a couple of seconds when I read that chat.
In another chat, someone asked to meet him and he responded; “There is no privacy at home because I am married. But I will make time.” Then the person said, “I am sorry but I don’t do married men. I can get you someone who wouldn’t mind though.”
In another chat, he talked about me with whoever was on the other end. The person asked him, “Do you hit your wife’s front door or back door?” He told the person he does both. Meanwhile, we have never done it back door before. It dawned on me then that he might try to do it. There was a time when he brushed it there and I pushed his thing away. I thought it was by accident but after what I know now, I believe he was testing my reaction to it.
There were several chats but the one I can’t stop thinking about has to do with his friend, Kofi. In this chat, one of my husband’s partners asked him, “Does Kofi usually visit you at home to spend time with you?” This is where I was so surprised. So Kofi too does it? This is someone my husband spends nights with. I never saw a reason to assume they were together because nothing about them showed that they weren’t straight.
I remember a time when we were watching the news. Something about the LGBTQ+ community was reported. So I asked what he thought about it. He was vehemently against it. To think that I used to go down on him after all the places his yinky has been is really paining me.
As I’m typing this, I remember a dream I had about him in the past. He was among a gang of boys and they were all naked. I never would have interpreted that dream to mean anything sexual. I believe that’s why I missed the revelation God was trying to give me about the man I married. I am so disappointed in this man I call my husband. My heart is broken.
I’m currently calm about it but it’s getting to me. All those times I saw condoms in his wallet and didn’t know what he was using them for. Once, I asked him why he had them and he shrugged, “Someone shared them in a trotro. I didn’t want to be rude so I accepted them.” He must have been happy to exploit my trust in him. Why else would he keep feeding me lie after lie just to pursue his extra marital activities?
After I found out the truth about him, I got scared for my life. I didn’t confront him. I just packed a few of mine and the baby’s stuff and told him we were going to visit my mother. “There’s a family emergency so my mum asked me to come home. I will update you when I get there and know what’s going on.” Just as I never suspected his secret lifestyle, he also didn’t suspect that I was escaping from our charade of a marriage. He even accompanied me to get a vehicle.
When I got home , I sent him a message, “It saddens me to let you know you are the reason I left home.” He asked why and I put it straight to him that I found out he’s a closeted gay man. He denied it. I recounted everything I saw on his phone but he still denied it. My mother asked me what was going on but I didn’t tell her anything.
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Later, my husband reached out to me. He said he was ready to come clean so I should come home. When I got home he sat me down and told me everything I saw was true. “I tried to change. I went for counselling. I even went on some online therapy sessions. I have prayed ceaselessly but nothing has changed,” he confessed.
He said he loves me and doesn’t want to end our marriage. I was upset and undecided about what to do at first. I was living with him but I was giving him space. Then he lost his mother. When that happened, I decided to put this problem on hold and stand by him until the burial was over.
I’ve Thought About How To Blame God
Last Saturday was the burial. His friends showed up. The very people he had been doing his things with. I didn’t confront them. I was polite. I even served them. Now I have asked my husband that I don’t want him to hang out with those friends anymore but he has refused. These are people I know very well. He used to bring them home and I’d cook for them. Sometimes I would leave them at home and go out. How can we work on our marriage when he won’t let go of them?
He says he wants to change. He says he doesn’t want to engage in those activities anymore. So why hold on to the people who will not help him change? I am wondering if I should get involved. Should I call the guys and tell them I know about them so they should stay away from my husband? Will I be right to do that? Or I should let him cut them off on his own? What’s the right step to take here? Please, I need help.
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The human being is a spirit. Anytime a partner dreams about another partner in a weird way, it happens to be true. I’m married and have had several dreams about my wife been unfaithful, she has always denied but some of the dreams were do vivid. After observing her patterns, then i realised my dreams were correct. This world we are in, when you are kind and have a good spirit and trust completely in God, he will always give you hints that will make sure that when you get the truth finally in real life, you do not collapse. You should have taken screen shots of the chats, forward them to your phone to use as evidence in case divorce comes in a you need to tell the judge the true reason why the marriage needs to break and why you should be compensated well to take good care of your child. Keep praying and move on. This individuals never change at all. They are even becoming bolder every passing day.
Hmmm, this is a bitter pill to swallow but the Lord is your strength.
This kind of act is demonic and difficult to counter especially when the person enjoys for money.
Kindly engage him with a man of God for deliverance. Fighting him physically alone is not enough.
You can contact me on+233570162060 to assist you with a man of God to help you out
Prayer they say do wonders. Don’t force your husband to leave them. Pray to cast them away. Trust in God for all your expectations. This is not a reason to divorce him. It should be a reason to fight for the liberation of your husband through prayers. Spirit of homosexuality is at work so deal with it spiritually. Victory will be yours. You sending them the message that you know that they are gay won’t do anything. Don’t sit for your marriage to be in Shambles. Your husband is in boundage with the Spirit of homosexuality. Prayer is his only breakthrough. Don’t draw away from him because of his sexuality , its time to draw nearer. Arrange ,rebuild things.
My only advice is everything is not prayer and also Aids is still real and thou manageable it still kills. If you are going to be with him without sex then cool. Do get tested thou since he is involved with multiple partners. It’s good to pray but remember it won’t save you from any deadly infections. If you think he’s worth it by all means stay but if he’s not then do needful.
I feel very sorry for you. I believe he will only change if he’s really ready to. This is a spiritual issue and I recommend you take him to the true faith people for prayers.
But please think of yourself and daughter first. This is something he was doing before marriage but hid it from you which was very selfish of him.
You should always love yourself first before loving someone so think twice. If you doing something in the name of love, it shouldn’t be detrimental to you.
I believe he will not change.My dear the best option is to leave him as much it hurts you.Prayer won’t change him unless he is willing to change. I think you are just his cover up. The earliest you leave the better.
Keep him in your prayers because he is the father of your child but please don’t wait for for his said change.
You are walking a thin line. He’s been having unprotected sex and infecting you repeatedly. I hope you know what that means. With time the drugs won’t work or worse still he could infect you with HIV! The fact that he is unwilling to give up his gay friends means he is not prepared to change and worse still he has no respect for you. Prayer could help but only if the subject is willing. Think of yourself and your child. Let him go.
Madam your husband is telling you he will change just to calm you down so that you don’t take any drastic decisions.if he really mean, the first thing he will do is to disassociate himself with his friends and get more closer to you that way his mind will be off that things but if he insists then there is trouble.
And as for the itching It is obvious your husband has infected you and the best effective and quick solution is herbal treatment. Contact me on w.kofi@ymail.com let me help you out
Run for your life. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.