In November 2022, I needed a place to rent as quickly as possible. So I was happy when I finally got a room at Dawhenya – Prampram. I paid for the place in the second week of November. And the landlord gave me the key the next week. I then got myself ready and moved into the new place with my six-year-old daughter.

Two weeks after we moved, it rained. That was when I realized that the room had a leak, it was really bad. It’s a single-room self-contained apartment. The type you enter through the kitchen before you get to the main room, then there is a bathroom and a small space next to it like a closet area.

The first leakage came from the closet area and then the bathroom. The bathroom didn’t bother me much. After all, it’s a bathroom. The closet area, however, was bad. I mean, I kept our clothes there. The room too was so small that there wasn’t enough space to move things around.

I took a video of the leak and the damage that was caused and sent it to my landlord. “Sorry about the inconvenience. I will fix the problem as soon as possible,” he promised. The heavy rains stopped for two months so I assumed my problem was fixed.

Rains started again in February only for the leakage to continue. It wasn’t even leaking anymore, it was practically pouring in the closet space. Again, I sent a video to the landlord. He made more promises he knew he had no intention of keeping. He even sent me a photo of some work being done in the house. However, nothing changed. Every time it rained heavily, my room leaked.

This continued till June 2023. It was at this point that the main room also started leaking. The paint on the ceiling peeled off and fell on us when we slept. My daughter and I suffered some skin rashes because of this.

In the second week of June, I travelled. I returned past 10 pm and opened my door to meet a very wet room. The kitchen, main room, closet, everywhere was wet. My bed was completely soaked with water. I called the landlord but he didn’t mind me. His daughter stepped out but didn’t bother to come take a look at my flooded apartment. It was one of my co-tenants who came out holding a broom and a mop to help me clean up.

That night I had to go find a guest house to lodge with my daughter. While I was lying in bed that night, it dawned on me that my landlord didn’t care about me or my safety. There was no way he would fix the leak. So I started looking for a new place.

Within a week, I got a decent place. I told my landlord, “I have found a new place that doesn’t get flooded when it rains. So I am moving out.” He didn’t object to it. Even if he did, it wouldn’t have mattered.

Now here is my problem. I returned the room’s keys to the landlord in the first week of July. He is supposed to give me a refund for the rest of the period I was supposed to stay there. He assured me, “When someone moves into the room and pays for rent, I will give you your refund.” I don’t know what possessed me to believe he would honour his word this time around.

I have it on good authority that the room has been paid for in August. One of the tenants is friends with the person who paid for the room. That’s how I know. However, every time I call this landlord he tells me, “I will give you the money when the month ends.” The month would end but he would tell me again, “I will give it to you when this month ends.” I called him yesterday and he said the person who wants the room will pay for it at the end of the month. Meanwhile, this person paid for the room in August.

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I believe he plans to keep pushing me around until my time is due, so he tells me that the balance is exhausted. That must be the reason he is still keeping my money even though he has rented out the room.

My job makes it a little difficult for me to get enough time to follow up on the money. So I need advice on the right channels to use to get my money. And I want the right amount he is supposed to give me. This man has cost me enough. I haven’t even calculated the electronic devices, clothes, and footwear I had to discard because of how badly the water ruined them.

I’m the kind of person who says, “Yes please”, and “Thank you”. I am polite to a fault. So he is taking advantage of me. I don’t want to be rowdy. I am only looking for legal ways to deal with him. Any advice or assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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