I practically grew up in church. My mum and dad ensured that we never missed a single service. So going to church became a part of me. As I got older I joined church groups and became very actively involved in doing the work of God. By the time I was a teenager, I was attending youth meetings. When I was sixteen, a Muslim man came to our church and gave his life to Christ. Although he was a new convert, he was spiritually mature. He had the anointing of God on his life. The more time he spent in church, the more his anointing increased. His conversion and the rate at which he was growing in the spirit was something most of us young people admired.
He took a liking to me and taught me things that I didn’t know. I was happy too because of how his attention helped me grow spiritually. He called me to meet him at prayer meetings and all church activities. And whenever we met, we would discuss my quiet time and he would give me prayer points. He is much older than me so I took him like a big brother. Soon enough he started sending me on errands. He would invite me to his house to cook for him. I trusted him and he never abused my trust. He lived alone so there were times when it was just the two of us in his house. And he never tried to touch me inappropriately. Come to think of it, he has always been polite to me even though I am much younger than him.
Akbar always advised me, “Don’t let any boy distract you. You need to focus on your books and the things of God. When the time is right, God will send a man after his own heart to come and marry you.” I liked how much he cared about my well-being. So I was determined not to disappoint him. I made up my mind not to date anyone until I at least complete my senior high school education. Then his younger brother came to stay with him. That was when everything started.
Anytime I went to Akbar’s place to cook, his younger brother would be all over me. He would touch me when I am not looking and try to kiss me. I always pushed him away and turned down his advances, but I couldn’t report him to Akbar. This boy didn’t propose to me or tell me he likes me. He just wanted to have a physical relationship with me. I also didn’t want anything like that to do with him so I did my best to avoid him. One day I was in the house cooking when Akbar went out. I didn’t know his brother was home so I was relaxed.
READ MORE: To Me, We Were In Love. To Him, We Were Just Friends With Benefits
After cooking, I even went to sit in the hall to watch TV and rest. That was when this boy came out of his room and came to sit beside me. He started saying things to me that messed with my head. I was sixteen, a church girl, and a virgin. Some of the things he said, I had never heard in my life. My body started reacting to his proximity due to the vulgar words he was whispering into my ears. The next thing I realized he was kissing me. I couldn’t resist him. He did more than kiss me that day. He touched me in all the places my mother warned me not to let boys touch me. He wanted to go all the way but I was scared so I said no.
I didn’t see him again after that day but I spent a lot of time wallowing in guilt. I couldn’t believe I let a boy touch me like that. I felt so sinful that I couldn’t stop praying to God for forgiveness. Eventually, I forgave myself and I accepted God’s forgiveness. After him, I have not been with anyone or even kissed any man out of curiosity.
The Story Of My Worst Valentine–BEADS MEDIA
Now my problem is, a lot of years have passed since that incident. Akbar doesn’t know that anything happened between me and his brother. He is now a prophet of God. I have also grown into a very beautiful woman. We are closer than we used to be. Just recently, he told me, “I don’t know when it happened but one day I woke up and realized that I am in love with you. We are close enough for me to know that you don’t have any man in your life. You also know I don’t have anyone in my life. I believe that I will be a happy man if I marry you. So my dear, will you marry me?” I was stunned. I started stuttering when I tried to speak. Eventually, I told him, “Please give me time to pray about it.”
Just as he has fallen in love with me, I have also fallen in love with him. I love the man he has grown into. I want more than anything to say yes to his proposal but I am concerned about my past with his brother. Should I say yes and hope he never finds out? Or should I confess everything to him? I am very confused.
— Deborah
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
If the brother did not break your virginity, then you are as good as new; let sleeping dogs lie. But if he did, then you have to tell him what happened.
Tell him what happened and let him decide if he still wants you. You can never have a healthy relationship with him if you carry this burden with you
Ahhh, but his brother never slept with you, and you were 16, come on brush it off and get married.
Nothing happened between you and his lil brother