I’m the movie type. I can stay indoors and watch movies all day without eating. During the Covid, I was dating Sampson, a workaholic who didn’t have time to watch a single episode of a movie. We were a perfect match.
Sometimes love works like that. You don’t need to find the one you share the same interest with. Opposite attracts so while he was busy on his laptop working, I was in my corner watching movies.
We would stop once in a while and talk and get back to work again. I did the lockdown with him. Because we were not going anywhere, I completed watching all the movies on my laptop. I was bored and restless. Because I didn’t have anything to do, I took my attention on him and worried him while he was working.
One morning he said, “Let me register you on Netflix so you stop worrying me.”
I didn’t know what Netflix was but he sat with me and directed me on how to register. When we got to where I had to enter my account details, he keyed in his card details and tadaaa, I was opened to thousands of movies and series I didn’t know which one to select.
I could watch movies all day and he could work on his computer all day. Both of us were sorted.
After the lockdown, I was jobless. A man I knew asked me to see him for a job and I did. In his house, this man coerced me and had sex with me before I could have the job. The guilt lived in my head and heart rent-free so I confessed to Sampson about what happened. I accepted my mistake but he was so angry he called the relationship off that very moment.
READ ALSO: I Unknowingly Dated A Married Man Who Led Me To The End Of My Love Story
I begged him. I told him I would be a better woman. I promised a thing of that nature would never happen again but I looked too fifty in his eyes so he didn’t accept me back. Our relationship ended on Christmas Day 2020. He even blocked me on Whatsapp and blocked me on social media but the Netflix kept running. I thought he had forgotten.
Four months later, I called him on another line. He was calm and appeared happy. I asked him to unblock me and he did. I apologized once again and he told me he had forgiven me long ago. I said, “I have a confession. The Netflix is still running.” He answered, “I know. I get a notification whenever I’m deducted. You love it so let it run. It’s a gift.”
It’s almost three years and the Netflix is still running on his account. We talk once in a while but nothing serious. I’m in another relationship and he’s in one too. He told me they are getting married very soon and I wished him well.
My current guy wants to share my Netflix account with me and I tell him no. I lied that I got it from someone else and the person doesn’t want me to give it to anybody. When he realized the account was in my name, he got angry and called me selfish. I told him, “There’s a history behind it. Please understand me.”
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I can’t let him enjoy what my ex pays for that’s the simple truth but I can’t also bring myself to tell him the story behind it. Once in a while, we argue about it. Nothing serious but that won’t let me tell him why. Someone pays for it. He can also pay for his own if he wants it that much.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
You will not believe something as minute as this can jeopardize your relationship with your boyfriend…I mean when he eventually finds out the Netflix runs on your ex’s account… He is likely to think you still do have something to do with him or you haven’t completely moved on from him.
I suggest you let him know, irrespective of whether you’ll share it with him or not (that’s your choice).
No,keep it to yourself.
You were coerced,you confessed but….,look what happened? Don’t share this one;you have not sinned.
And also,yes,he should understand you.
What kind of opportunist is this? You are angry because your girlfriend will not share her Netflix with you? Red flag!
Cancel the old account and start a new one at your own expense.
Your ex is a good guy. I was all smiles while reading. I agree with you, ur recent boyfriend is also a manso he shd subscribe and pay for his Netflix subscription. He cannot hide behind you and enjoy another Man’s sweat.