It was around 11pm in the night when I heard the sound of the first knock at the door of the guesthouse I was in with my newfound love. I was busy on top of the girl I found just a few hours ago so I ignored the knock. A few seconds later, there was another sound of knocking at the door, this time louder than the first. What we were doing was more important than the sound of the knock so we kept going. And then there was another knock, followed by another knock, each of them louder than the previous one. In my mind, it could be one of the workers of the guesthouse so I thought if we kept ignoring her, she would walk away, but the person kept knocking with this urgency that started getting me worried.

I looked at the girl beneath me, wondering if she was the reason someone was at the door. I asked her, “Did you tell anyone that you were coming here?” She shook her head. I said, “Then who’s at the door at this time of the night?”

I was a stranger in that little village. No one knew my existence in the village so I was worried about the knock and the time it was happening.

I went to a funeral in the village. The mother of a good friend of mine died so I woke up one early dawn and made a four-hour trip to the village to support my friend bury his mother. I didn’t have any intention to stay the night in that village but I met a girl who changed my plans.

She was the first person I saw when I got down from the decrepit taxi that drove us through the dusty roads to the village. I asked her, “I’m here to attend the funeral of so-so-and-so. Do you know where that funeral is being held?” She nodded and pointed to the route I should follow to the funeral ground. She then said, “If you don’t mind, I’m buying something from this store and will go back to where the funeral is being held. I can walk you there.”

I waited for a few minutes and she came back. She led the way while I walked behind her. A few minutes later, we were at the funeral grounds. I thanked her and she left. I thought of her when she was leaving. “How can a beautiful girl like this live in this village? She would have been a beautiful slay queen if she was in Accra. See her nyash, she only needs a Tiktok account to become a star.”

I wondered why I didn’t get her name or even try to know her. A couple of hours later, I saw her passing by. I ran to her path and introduced myself to her; “I’m the guy you brought here a few hours ago, thank you so much.” She smiled and I was enchanted. I asked if I could get her number. She shook her head and said, “My phone got spoilt a week ago so even if you call, it won’t come through but I can give you my sister’s number. If you call and I’m there, she’ll let me talk to you.” I took the number and she left.

Later in the afternoon, I saw her again. I said in my head, “Something has to kill a man. I have to do something before I leave this village with regrets.” I called her and started telling her about my feelings. She was softer than I imagined her to be. She nodded to everything I said as if she didn’t have a sense of resistance. “You’re beautiful and want you to be my girlfriend.” She nodded while smiling. “You mean you’ve accepted?” She nodded again. “Just like that?” She answered, “If you’re serious then I’m serious too.”

She was the one who took me to that guesthouse. The place looked exactly like one of the houses in the village but they offered strangers a place to sleep so I accepted. I didn’t even tell my friend that I was spending the night in the village. It was the girl who gave me something to eat in the evening and told me she was going home to bathe and come back to spend the night with me. She came back around 9pm and at around 11pm someone came knocking on our door.

I got down from the bed, went closer to the door and asked, “Who’s there?” It was the voice of a man. He said, “I know my wife is inside there with you. Open the door!” My heart skipped several beats within a second. She quickly got out of bed and started dressing up. I was like; “You’re married and you didn’t tell me?” The man on the other side heard me and said, “When you strangers come to the village, you don’t ask questions. Open the door!”

He called me a stranger. It meant he knew something about me. I asked the girl,  “You told him about me? How did he know you are here?” She wasn’t answering my questions but she was visibly shaking while she searched around for her things. I didn’t open the door but I started begging the man on the other side.  I told him I didn’t know about her marital status. I told him he should forgive me because I was only a stranger who fell in love with a woman I didn’t know much about.

I started hearing voices. It looked like some people had gathered in front of the door. They were telling him to blame the woman and not me. After she finished dressing up, she asked me to open the door and I declined. She said, “Open the door, he can’t do anything. The guys in front of the door added their voices. “Please open for him to see her. He’s a chief he can’t fight in public. He just wants to see her.” I unlocked the door and opened it halfway, just enough for her to walk through. Once she stepped out, I locked the door again. I was scared for my life.

I heard them arguing; “Am I your wife? When did you get married to me? Who is your witness? When did you send drinks to my parents that I’m not aware of? Stop monitoring my life. Until you marry me, you can’t call me your wife. The man answered, “Who should send drinks to marry a whore like you? You opened your legs for a man you met only today? And you call yourself a woman?”

They exchanged words and said a lot of things against each other. The other voices were trying to restore calm but were unsuccessful. Slowly, the voices faded and the sound of footsteps was no longer heard. They were gone. The time was 12:19am. If it was a place where I could get a car easily, I would have sneaked out immediately but I had to wait till daybreak before I could get a car.

READ ALSO: He Blocked Me After Our Time Together At The Guest House

When I stepped out early in the morning, I saw the guy who gave me the room. He told me, “If I saw her coming in, I would have warned you. The man is a fetish priest and can destroy your life. Don’t leave without apologizing to him. If you have money on you, buy a drink and add a little money to it and go and see him. Tell him the truth. Tell him you didn’t know and it’s the reason you’re coming to seek his forgiveness.”

I nodded and rushed out of the guesthouse. I got to the roadside and jumped into a car and left the village. I sighed when I finally got home, thinking the battle is over. I never told anyone about this encounter. It was my secret and I was ready to guard it with all I have but four years down the line, my life hadn’t been the same. I fell seriously sick and spent one month at the hospital and two months in a prayer camp. By the time I got totally healed, I’d lost my job. I was in a car going for an interview for a new job when the car had an accident. I broke my left arm. For over two months my arm was in a sling. When I got healed, I had another accident while going to my hometown to look into the issues if they were spiritual. I broke my left leg.

I called the number the girl gave me. It had been two years since the incident. The number was picked by a man. He said he didn’t know anything about the girl and didn’t even know about the village I was talking about. Out of fear, I narrated the whole story to the friend whose mother’s funeral I attended. He didn’t think my mishaps had anything to do with that encounter but he called some family members and were tasked to look for the girl. A few days later, his family told him the girl had relocated and they couldn’t tell where she was. “How about the fetish priest?”

They said they couldn’t recall anyone like that and the only fetish priest they knew had died years ago. He was an old man. My friend said, “Maybe the guy lied to you but if you still believe it’s spiritual, then seek the face of God.”

I’m thirty-five years old but nothing goes right in my life. I have a job now but when I’m paid, I don’t know what happens to my salary. It will disappear from my hands without any trace. I don’t buy, I don’t wear and I don’t build, yet I have nothing to show for my work. All my friends are flourishing, even those who are doing less-paid jobs. My life is in shambles all because of a woman I carelessly pursued and took to bed.

How Do I Spend Eternity With A Man Like This? | Beads Media

I haven’t given up on myself. I’m still praying, diligently seeking God’s face and his intervention which I know will soon come. I’m sharing this story so our men can learn from it. You can’t eat from just any pot and think life is all about that. There are consequences. There are women wherever you travel but know also that there are men for these women. I’ll be fine one day, maybe sharing this story is what’s left for me to receive my breakthrough, if only someone will learn from it.


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