If you haven’t read the first part of this story, read it here before you continue with this part.

The last time I saw Kojo was before I saw his wedding invite on WhatsApp. It was after I saw the other lady’s underwear in his room. He came to see me to own up to the fact that he indeed had someone else. Something happened that day that I wasn’t ready to talk about at the time I shared the story. But now I want to share it. That day he tried to have one last shuperu with me before leaving, but I refused to let him touch me. He also refused to take no for an answer, so he forced himself on me. It was a horrible experience. The fact that he lied to me and played with my emotions for so long wasn’t enough, he had to take my body as though my feelings don’t matter.

I felt disrespected as a person and I was completely broken. I cried so much but I couldn’t find relief. So I took my grief to God in prayer. Out of anguish, I prayed all sorts of prayers against him. I cursed him and I cursed his marriage. I remember some of the prayers I prayed during my period. I asked God to withhold the fruit of the womb from his wife. I just didn’t think that it was fair for him to ride into the sunset with the love of his life after everything he put me through. “Why should he get to be happy after stringing me along, making me get rid of two pregnancies, and then violate my body? If the God I serve is a just God then he will see to it that Kojo gets what is coming to him.” I believed.

Just when I started to pick up the pieces of my life, he started texting me. I mostly ignored him but he was very relentless. By the seventh month of his marriage, he was asking me for money. He told me; “I have started a business and I need funding. I know things ended badly between us but this is a good investment opportunity for you. I won’t lie to you about something like this. You may not like me right now but don’t forget about our good moments. I was not entirely bad to you. You know that I have done you a lot of good. You may not believe me but I do care about you. If things were different, I would have chosen you.” Maybe my empathy is my curse because I genuinely felt bad for him and I gave him GHC1000.

He was filled with gratitude when I sent him the money but when it was time for him to pay me back my money, it became a problem. Every day came with a story. There was always a legitimate reason for his delay in payment. I was concerned but he was really good to me when we were together so I chose to be patient with him. That was until one of his colleagues contacted me out of the blue. The first question he asked was, “Have you heard from Kojo recently?” I hadn’t heard from him so I said no. After the phone call, I sent him a “Hi, how are you?” To which he responded, “I know you don’t really care about me. You just want your money back.” His response was very unlike him so I started asking questions about him from anyone who knew him.

READ ALSO: He Crashed Into My Car And Took Every Piece Of Me Away

Through my digging, I found out that Kojo was on the run from the law. He was wanted for fraud. And the money he owed people summed up to GHC350,000. I didn’t believe it. Yes, Kojo had shown me that he was a dishonest person but I just couldn’t accept that he was a fraudster. However, he called me one evening and confessed all his crimes to me. “I didn’t start out to defraud people,” he lamented, “I met some people who told me it was a good business opportunity. By the time I realized they were scammers the harm had already been done. It was my face they used so everyone came after me. I sold all my properties, including the brand-new car my wife bought me, to pay off debts but it wasn’t enough. Now, my life is a mess!”

We spoke for about four hours, and I could feel that he was relieved talking to me. He said he had been arrested three times and he was currently under threats from so many people. He asked me to help him out with some money and I did. It was not much but it was the best I could do. Another time he pressured me to send him GHC100, and I did. I kept helping him because I genuinely felt bad for his predicament. This is why I say my empathy is my curse. The guy made a fool out of me and yet I could not rejoice over his downfall. I even regretted all the curses I pronounced over his life. If I could take them all back I would have done that. But words, they say, are spirits. Once they are spoken, they cannot be reversed. This is why I felt partly responsible for his struggles. I even prayed to God to help him come out of all his problems.

Why Are You Still In This Marriage?–Beads Media

I haven’t heard from him for a while but I didn’t go looking for him either. It was one of his friends who called to tell me that Kojo’s wife has a baby. But unfortunately for Kojo, he wasn’t there to see it. The law caught up to him, and he has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment. I feel pity for him and the family he left behind. Again, I felt responsible for his ordeal because of all the prayers I prayed against him and the curses I pronounced on him in my anguish. However, a few people came out to confess that he offended them in different ways and they too prayed against him and cursed him. So now I am relieved, knowing that it wasn’t my prayers alone that caused his downfall. Maybe, it wasn’t any of our prayers at all. Perhaps he wronged the wrong people this time, and they didn’t let it go as I did. I hope this serves as a reminder to all of us that what goes around comes around.


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