We attended the same primary school. His sister and I were in the same class and we were good friends. Fiifi on the other hand was three years ahead of us. However, we all got along very well. Our friendship continued until I completed secondary school and relocated to another town to further my education. Coincidentally, his sister and I moved to the same neighbourhood, so our friendship continued. Fiifi left for the States but we continued to talk.

Although we kept in touch, we weren’t close friends so we didn’t speak very often. That’s why I was surprised when he called me one day and said, “Naana, I am in love with you. I have been in love with you for a while now but I didn’t have the courage to tell you until now.” I must admit that I didn’t see him as a love interest until he professed his love for me. I was not with anyone at the time so I decided to give things a try with him.

We tried hard not to allow the long distance to make things difficult for us. We spoke every day and caught each other up on our lives. We were talking one time when he said, “I am making plans to come to Ghana in a few weeks.” I screamed, “Really? God, I can’t wait to see you again.” I was elated at the thought of having my boyfriend physically close to me, even if it was just going to be for a brief moment.

The day he arrived in the country he called me, “I am here, babe. Let me settle in and come see you on Saturday. Is that okay with you?” I happily said yes. I looked forward to Saturday the way kids look forward to unwrapping their presents on Christmas. You know how time crawls when you need it to sprint? The days leading to Saturday were torturous but I endured the wait. When it finally arrived, I readied myself and waited for Fiifi but he never showed up.

I called him several times but he didn’t answer even one of my calls. I became worried about him when that happened so I called him until he eventually switched off his phone. The next time I heard from him, he had returned to the U.S.A. He had a lot of excuses. I listened to whatever he had to say but that was it. I stopped entertaining the thought that we were together. Eventually, things slowly faded between us, and neither of us complained.

In August last year, I received a message from a strange number. I recognized the area code and knew the person was living in the States but I didn’t know exactly who it was. I replied with the question, “Who is this, please?” “It’s me, Fiifi,” he responded. He asked that I spare him a moment and hear him out.”I know I have wronged you in the past but from the bottom of my heart, I want to make amends.”

He then asked, “Are you dating? Because if you are not, I would like you to give me another chance. If you agree for us to start all over again, I will not repeat the mistakes I made in the past, I swear.” I took some time to consider his proposal. I had forgiven him for standing me up. The relationship I went into after him didn’t work out. Also, I believed in second chances. So in the end I agreed for us to try again.

Because of how he behaved in the past, I did not jump into the relationship with all of me. I took a long time to reply to his messages and did not answer all his calls. He understood that I was being cautious so he was patient with me. By and by, I lowered my inhibitions and things got better. He openly spoke about the past, his regrets, and his plans for us. “I intend to come to Ghana this new year,” he informed me. Due to our past, I didn’t have any expectations. I didn’t even believe he would come around.

I was at a family dinner during the Christmas holidays when his best friend called me. He said he had a gift for me from Fiifi. I told him, “I am in the middle of something right now so I will call you back.” Twenty minutes after the call, two of my family friends who were facing the door kept staring in that direction. I got curious and turned to see what they were looking at. It was Fiifi. Utter shock, that’s what I felt.

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When I regained control of my senses, I excused myself from the table and launched myself into his waiting arms. I was just so surprised. He introduced me to his best friend, who drove him to the restaurant. He told me that he planned everything with one of my closest friends. That’s why he knew where to find me that night. His friend stayed in his car, while I took Fiifi back inside the restaurant and introduced him to my family. They liked him immediately.

After dinner, I went with him and his friend to a party. It was a wonderful night. I had so much fun that I didn’t want it to end. His friend left us at some point so at the end of the night, I drove him home. The next morning, he came to see me on his way to his parents’ grave. I was happy that this time around he didn’t ghost me. When I left our town for where I lived in Accra, he came to see me. We had a beautiful time and spent the night together. Before he left he said, “Tell your parents that I will come and see them next weekend for an official introduction.”

I didn’t hear from him for two days so I got worried. I called him and he said he would call me back but he didn’t. This time around too, he reached out to me after he left the country. I was so hurt. I kept asking myself why he would try so hard to get me to love him if he knew he didn’t want to stay. I asked him a lot of questions but he wouldn’t give me answers. I asked his best friend what was going on, but he wouldn’t talk either. So I reached out to his sister. She was the one who told me Fiifi had a wife living with him over there.

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My heart was broken when I learned the truth. If anyone would do this to me, it shouldn’t be Fiifi. I didn’t say anything to him until he reached out to me. He had a lot of faux apologies and false promises. He wanted me to give him another chance to break my heart yet again. I told him point blank, “I know you are married so why are you doing this?” He was shocked that I knew the truth, “It’s not what you think. I had to get married for a green card. I live with her but we don’t have kids together. However, she came into the marriage with three children and they are making my life hell. It’s you I want to be with, not them.”

He wants my sympathy but I do not feel sorry for him. He thinks his life is hell now but he doesn’t know what I will unleash on him. Clearly, he doesn’t know the saying that hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. He will live to pay dearly for toying with my emotions.


Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com