I was interested in Cindy but I didn’t propose to her immediately. I was taking my time to know her. To know what she likes and what she didn’t like. I wasn’t looking for a temporary relationship. I was seeking to build something that can last, possibly last me a lifetime. We went on several dates. Through that, I got to know how she enjoyed being out.
On Saturday nights, she would call to ask me, “Where are we going today?” I would tell her to decide and she always made the decision to suit her happiness triggers. I didn’t have a problem with that. When you love a woman, you let her choose so you’ll know her through her choices.
I proposed to her and she said I should give her some time to think about it. While thinking about it she asked me to buy her a phone because the one she had belonged to her sister. “She wants it back. I would be phone-less if I give it to her. How would I talk to you?”
I had a phone I wasn’t using. I gave it to her to use in the meantime until I was able to get her a new phone. She wasn’t working. I asked what she wanted to do and she told me she had a certificate in business and would like to work in areas where her qualification would be of importance.
I started asking friends for openings. It was hard but I kept going. I was sending her CV to people I knew telling them she was my sister. All that while, she hadn’t responded to my proposal but I had hopes that she was going to say yes.
One evening we talked about it and she said, “Hmmm, there’s a problem. I’m pregnant for my ex. I wasn’t sure at first, that’s why I asked you to give me time. It’s confirmed. I’m two months pregnant for him.”
“How did it happen? You left him and were still sleeping with him?”
“That’s not the story. It’s a new breakup. We broke up while I was pregnant but I didn’t know. I just got to know about it.”
She didn’t know what to do with the pregnancy. She didn’t know whether she was going to have it or not so she asked me to give her more time to put her life in shape. That day, for the first time she told me she likes me but there was a lot going on than the eyes could see so I should give her more time.
A few days later she came to tell me she was going to have the child. she said, “That stupid guy didn’t accept the responsibility but I’m going to cater for the child alone and see what the world has for him/her.” I asked, “That means we can’t be together right? You have someone’s child. He is always going to be in the picture. It’s not possible for us, right?”
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The look on her face when I said that was that of shock. “I thought you said you love me,” she said. “You don’t love me again because I’m having another man’s child? Is that how love works in your world?” I answered, “I love you but not when you’re carrying another man’s child. There’s too much going on so settle your life and let’s see how things would go.”
I retreated but didn’t stop helping her because according to her, the guy abandoned her. I got a job for her and she told me she couldn’t do the job because she was pregnant. The job would be too hard on her baby. I didn’t push it but I couldn’t give her everything she wanted. I tried to help but when I couldn’t, I said no.
Four months later, this girl’s stomach was still flat. She told me it was in her family’s genes. “Pregnancy doesn’t show on us. We can carry it for nine months and you’ll never know. It’s God’s blessing on the family.”
She even made me feel grateful that she didn’t give me the pregnancy. She could have accepted my proposal and later tell me she was pregnant for me. I showered praise on her for not going in that direction.
Along the line, I travelled. Work took me out of town to a working site for about six months. I was always busy so communication ceased along the line. I once asked about the baby and she told me she had already delivered. I did the maths and it wasn’t nine months but she told me she delivered prematurely.
I sent her money that day and even called to sing my congratulations to her. Honestly, I didn’t see a future for both of us. At that point, I was only being a friend to someone I loved but circumstances didn’t allow us to be together. She’ll call with baby stories and get money from me. I didn’t complain. They were things I was doing for someone I once loved.
I was talking to a friend one day and Cindy’s name came up. I told him she had delivered and he asked me when she got pregnant. I was laughing at him, “Oh you also didn’t see it? Then what she said was true. In their family, when they are pregnant, it doesn’t come up.”
This friend was so sure Cindy didn’t have a baby because he saw her not too long ago and she didn’t look like someone who was pregnant. I told him, “That was because she had already delivered.” He answered, “She didn’t look like a nursing mother too.”
Cindy sent me a photo of a baby and said, “She even look like you because you were the face I saw often while pregnant.” This baby I was looking at looked more dry and settled than a few-week-old baby. “Or it’s in the family genes too. Babies come today and tomorrow they are talking?”
When I raised my doubts she asked me what I knew about babies. My friend went to investigate. He called me on the phone and gave me the facts; “She’s lying. She has never been pregnant. Look at the screenshots I sent you. Nobody in her circle knows she’s pregnant. Is she a werewolf?”
So I sent him the photo she sent me. The baby wasn’t for her. It belonged to a woman in their house. I was laughing when I got all the facts. I called her; “Cindy, so what made you tell such a lie? What were you running from?”
Even when I’d showed her evidence, she still insisted that the baby belonged to her. She concluded, “You don’t understand. Leave me alone.”
We never talked again until I went back to town. I went straight to her house. I met her mother and her junior sister. They both laughed when I asked about Cindy’s baby. Her mother asked me, “Are you sure you’re talking about my daughter? The Cindy I know doesn’t even have a boyfriend, let alone get pregnant and have a child.”
When she met me and realized I’d gotten to the end of the issue, she decided to confess, “I was buying myself some time to know you more without pushing you away. I was going to tell you the truth.” I said, “This is not the truth. Say it to my face that you didn’t like me but couldn’t tell me. I won’t be hurt. Why are you still lying?”
She never admitted the truth but she told a friend who told a friend and that friend told me that she lied because I was giving her pressure. And because I was good to her, she didn’t know how to say no.
Why Ghanaians Don’t Like To Say, “I Love You” | Silent Beads
I already knew the truth so it didn’t shock me. If a woman can go that mile just to escape from your love then she really didn’t like you.
But there was some truth in her lies and that’s what I appreciate. Some people will say yes and still have nothing for you but she didn’t. She didn’t waste my time but I’m also disappointed with the way she carried me along. I hope she finds true love so she wouldn’t have to tell such a lie again.
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Awwn Uncle dont mind her thats a really crazy way of finding out she is not into you.Its so funny how some people want someone who will understand them and give them peace and someone has it and throws it away.Hmmm pls move on wai….You will defenitely find someone better ok…..Maybe we can be friends if you dont mind