The day I met Chief I was in a very difficult financial situation. I was walking home from work while pondering over how I was going to solve my problem. I even got a headache as a result of it. While I was deep in my thought, a 2019 land cruiser stopped by me. I saw the car and the man behind the wheel, and panicked. The man driving the car introduced himself as Chief. He spoke with a Nigerian accent which terrified me more. I didn’t say anything to him. I just started walking fast so I could get away from him.
He drove right beside me and asked that I give him a minute of my time. I told him point blank, “Please, whatever it is I’m not interested.” He smiled and said, “I will respect your decision but please, hear me out first.” I stood to listen to what he had to say. “I want you to be my girlfriend,” he didn’t beat about the bush, “You will never regret it if your answer favors me.” After he finished talking, he stretched out his hand to give me his complimentary card.
Before I took his card I told him, “If you are sure that I am not going to regret being your girlfriend, then I am in a financial situation at this very moment. All I need is GHC1000 to sort it out. Give me that money right here and right now attached to your card, and maybe I might consider your proposal.” He looked at me, smiled and reached for his wallet. To my surprise, he gave me exactly GHC1000. I didn’t expect him to do that. After he gave me his card he smiled and said, “I will be expecting your answer,” and then drove off.
The whole incident had me thinking for the rest of the day. I was even more afraid because of how easily he gave me the money. But I needed the money so I used it anyway. Throughout the night I stared at Chief’s card wondering if I should call him. It said he is the CEO of an oil company. Before I shut my eyes to sleep I thought, “Maybe this is the chance for me to experience this sugar daddy thing and enjoy the benefits that come with it.” So I decided that I would do it.
The day I called him I was off duty. I was even ready to meet him if he asked me to. After we exchanged pleasantries he said, “We are adults, so as you have called me, it means you are ready for me.” I didn’t disagree with him. He then asked if I was available to meet him that very day, and I said yes.
We met at one of the most popular hotels in town. And though I convinced myself that I was ready for him, I was afraid. He saw the fear on my face and said, “My dear, anytime I am stepping out of the house, I ask God to protect me from anything that will devour me. I believe you also pray for protection and God has answered both our prayers. So you have nothing to fear. I am always positive.” To be honest, those words took away my fear.
He told me he has a wife and a daughter who live in Nigeria. I also gave him a little information about myself. After that, we went straight to business. We had shuperu. I thought he was the kind who would finish quickly and get off me, but that wasn’t the case. He is a stud. He took so long to climax. He loves going for many rounds. That’s what he told me after the first round. As I lay on that bed staring at the ceiling as I tried to catch my breath I thought, “I hope all the sex will be worth it.”
When we finished, he gave me GHC1000. I was expecting more but I accepted it with gratitude. I believed he would increase the amount with time, so I played the good girl and patient girl.
Two days later, we met again and I satisfied him very well. That day too, he gave me GHC1000. Then it became a routine. He would only call when he needed to see me. Sometimes it would happen twice a week. Other times too I wouldn’t hear from him until two or three weeks have passed. And the amount he gave me remained the same.
It got to a time when I felt our arrangement was not enough for me. He wouldn’t take me shopping, or on vacations. He didn’t spend money lavishly on me or buy me expensive gifts. I have seen enough of his business transactions to know that he can afford all these things I mentioned.
I started asking him for things hoping he would understand that GHC1000 wasn’t enough for me. This man refused to give me a single thing I asked for. I became unhappy when I realized that he was only willing to part with money after we’d had shuperu.
There was a time when I was having a situation that needed money to solve urgently. I didn’t have a meeting with him that day but I called to ask for his help. He said he didn’t have money to give to me. I got so angry that day that I insulted him. I called him stingy and so many demeaning names. When I hung up I thought that was the end of us but he surprised me.
A few days later, he called for us to meet but I refused to go. While all this was happening, I didn’t have a boyfriend. He was the only man in my life. I wanted to completely move on from him so I kept my heart open to find love again. While I was moving on, Chief was persistently calling me to meet him. It was difficult to shut him out but I did.
As time went on, I met someone and started a relationship with him. I was very happy with my boyfriend. The only thing I didn’t get from him was money. I didn’t let it bother me because I had a job. I even ended up investing more money in the relationship than he did. Every time we went out on dates, I was the one who paid the bills.
When we started dating, Chief was no longer in the picture, but along the line, he came back. He tried his best to get me to meet him but I didn’t mind him. Just around that time, my rent was almost due. I knew I couldn’t count on my boyfriend to help me to pay the money so I decided to raise it on my own.
I love my boyfriend very much and he treats me right, but this whole rent thing got to me. Before I realized I was calling Chief. I asked to meet him and we met, then I faked tears and told him about my rent. He said, “If you are patient with me, I will see what I can do.” That day he gave me GHC2,500 before demanding for shuperu. I tried to say no to him but I ended up giving him everything. This is how I started cheating on my boyfriend.
Chief increased the money he gave me after every intimacy to GHC1500. And eventually, he sorted out my rent. My boyfriend knew I always took care of my bills so he didn’t ask where I got the money to pay the rent. I played my game so well that he never suspected I was cheating on him. It was my sugar daddy who got suspicious but I managed to get his mind off it.
Things were going so well until I woke up one morning and found out that I am pregnant. I didn’t question the paternity of the child. I knew immediately that the baby belongs to my sugar daddy. The day it happened I told Chief, “If we get intimate today, I will get pregnant.” He responded, “I will be very happy if that happens. All this while I was wondering how you haven’t taken in after all these years we’ve been together.” I explained to him that I know my cycle.
He insisted on pouring all his seed inside me when we did it. I made a mental note to buy the morning-after pill, but as soon as I alighted from his car, I forgot. I had intimacy with my boyfriend a few days later but I know he is not the father.
When I told Chief about the pregnancy, he said; “Wow, you are indeed calculating. I’m glad you’ve taken in. Please, keep this pregnancy for me and you won’t regret it. I will get you a very befitting apartment in a neighbourhood where I want my child to grow. I will also buy you a car. You will go on vacations after you deliver. I will make you very happy.”
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I was having a conversation with my boyfriend recently when I told him I am pregnant. I saw the fear in his eyes. He wasn’t happy with it. He told me, “We are grownups and we know that we are not ready for a baby. So get rid of it.” I was speechless but a part of me knew he was right. I was not ready for a baby.
It’s been two weeks now, and the pregnancy is still there because Chief has changed drastically. He sends me money three times a week. This time I don’t have to meet him first. Ever since I broke the news to him, I have gotten GHC15000.
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We met yesterday and he treated me so well. He is doing things he has never done for me before. My boyfriend on the other hand is getting worried. He doesn’t understand why the pregnancy is still there. He thinks he is the one responsible for the baby so he would have to take responsibility for the pregnancy. That’s why he wants me to get rid of it.
Chief has been good to me so I am beginning to wonder if I should keep the baby. I also don’t want to hurt my boyfriend with the truth. I don’t know what to do about this situation. Chief is overjoyed while my boyfriend is in pain. What do I do?
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Keep the baby . If you abort the baby you will regret it. Your conscience will haunt you. Chief is giving you money so you can’t say you are not financially stable. As for your boyfriend break up with him . This is because if he finds out you cheated it won’t end nicely. Many are praying for a child and you have gotten one irrespective of how it came about. It’s yours alone. Even if chief withdraw all your privileges and your boyfriend breaks up with you keep it. For all you know your child will be the blessing you need if not now then it’s later in life. Don’t let the pressure your boyfriend give you cause you to commit something evil. Besides what if you can’t have kids again. Be wise own up to the consequence of your actions. Also the money that chief is giving you save it wisely. No unnecessary spending. He can change his mind any time. At least you will be financially safe for that time frame. Remember what ever we do will come back to us if not now then later. So avoid any evil recuperation by doing right and reaping good in the future. Good luck. 👍
@Bebe,please keep the pregnancy and end the relationship with your boyfriend,after giving birth then you decide what to do next,but with the pregnancy don’t terminate it,you’ll be proud of this decision years to come
I won’t write many words, all I can say is KEEP THE BABY
As you are earning money from chief please i take God dey beg you please invest the money in treasury bills stocks and all other good things that can pay you while chied runs away. Dont chop those hige money as a woman oil ur lantern when darkness comes. Keep the baby too. Thank you
Hello Bebe, please my advice to you is to save the monies chief is giving you and use it wisely.
You can start a small business with the ghc 15,000 and grow it upwards to be the life 😆 NE for you and the baby in the future.
Do this so you won’t go hungry if chief changes after you have given birth. Fact is,chief can change at anytime so take very good care of the monies you are receiving now so you don’t come here latter to cry about money .
Talk to your boyfriend about the whole issue and watch his reaction then decide what to do with him based in his response and actions but keep the money from him, please and please don’t show him the money oohh,else he will pretend and take it from you and dump you.
KEEP THE BABY and take care of the money chief is giving you now. Keep your mouth shut ,don’t go about telling your friends about it else,you are in trouble.
Give up update when the baby comes.
Good luck dear
Hmmm. My dear, you are treading on dangerous grounds. Not all that glitters is gold. You may be “enjoying” now but you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Chief is a married man ooo. Don’t forget the consequences that comes with sleeping with married men. Even if their wives are silent, God will speak for them. Hence, you know the right thing to do.
Again, don’t abort the baby.
Keep the baby and manage the money wisely. Find a nice way to break things with your boyfriend. Your baby is enough for u now, at least let the father take responsibility as he’s doing now so I he changes his mind, u won’t regret it. Manage the money wisely ooooo, invest it in a business that can profit you
Dont tell your bf anything abt u a d chief and ghost him after you give birth dont explains any thing to hime even after childbirth. If you dont follow this you ll regretfully regret it. Keep the baby dont even think of abortion or miscarriage handle the baby with care and invest the money and keep ur self on low key out of friend’s avoid any gfs