Sometimes you ask yourself if someone is worth your tears after you have cried a river over them. This is one question I have asked myself so many times after I cried because a man broke my heart. I am about to turn thirty but I have suffered more heartbreaks than I can count. I am sure if a doctor took out my heart, they would find it covered in footprints from all the men who have walked over this resilient heart of mine. My last relationship was the most eventful one.

The guy I dated is called Phee. We started dating in 2014 but things did not work out so by the next year, we broke up. I went through the ritual of healing a broken heart. When I say that I mean, I cried a bucketful of tears over the relationship. I thought about all the plans we made for the future and how they would no longer be realized. I thought about meeting someone new and having to start all over again, and it made me cry more. Then eventually, I encouraged myself that everything would be alright. I still felt pain at the thought of him but I made a conscious decision to move on.

After I healed from Phee, I met someone else. This new guy was nice and very caring but he could not measure up to Phee. Everything he did made me think about how Phee was everything I needed in a man. Yes, my boyfriend was loving but Phee was more loving. My boyfriend was caring but Phee was more caring than him. And when it came to the bedroom, Phee was excellent. There were times I tried to just focus on my relationship and forget about the ex who got away, but it was not easy.

As time went on, I stopped comparing my boyfriend to Phee. When that happened I saw all the amazing qualities in him that I had missed and started enjoying the relationship. We dated for a long time and things were good between us. But it got to a point where we weren’t making any headway as a couple. While I wanted to get married and start a family, he was happy with the way we were. So we both went our separate ways so that we can both get what we want.

Another heartbreak, another bucketful of tears, but I was determined to keep moving. It was just around that time that I reconnected with Phee. “You look good,” he admired me when we met. I smiled and said, “Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.” “Your boyfriend is doing a good job taking care of you.” He said. I knew it was just a subtle way of asking if I had a boyfriend but I indulged him. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Do you know any single guy who would take me off the market?” He laughed, “I am a single guy. Let me take you off the market.” I laughed too. After all the jokes and laughter we had a serious conversation.

We talked about how things were when we were together. And we talked about all the relationships we had after we broke up and how much we had changed over the years. The conversation led to us talking about the love we had buried deep down in our hearts for each other. Everything he felt for me I also felt for him. He also mirrored all my feelings for him. So we agreed to give our relationship another try.

Phee was just as I remembered him to be. He was everything I needed in a man; very caring, loving, responsible, and good in bed. We were perfectly happy until we had a little misunderstanding when he visited me. He stormed off in anger before we could resolve the issue. So I decided to go to his place and talk to him. When I knocked on his door, a lady opened it and told me, “Phee is not home.” I answered, “It’s okay, I will for him.” So she let me in.

After waiting for a while, I called him but he didn’t answer any of my calls. So the lady asked, “Do you want me to call him for you?” I nodded. She called Phee and he answered. She told him, “There is a lady here waiting for you. She says she is your girlfriend. You should come home.” I don’t know what he told her but it seemed he did not want to come and meet me there. I also refused to go home. I got to know the other lady’s name, Lizzy. She started dating Phee after we got back together so I concluded she is the side chick.

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Lizzy is a really sweet person. Another woman would have fought with me the moment I showed up on Phee’s doorstep but she didn’t. She didn’t even react badly toward me when I said I was Phee’s girlfriend. She was calm and tried to make me feel at home. We talked and bonded over the fact that Phee was playing both of us. That night Phee did not return home. And I ended up spending the night in his room. Lizzy slept there too. The next morning I left.

Later Lizzy called me and narrated all the horrible things Phee said about me to her. As if that was not enough, he went on to make posts on his WhatsApp status that were intended to hurt my feelings. And it broke my heart. I thought we were going to get it right this time but it turned out I was just a game he delighted in playing repeatedly. I almost ended my life because of him, but my friends were there for me.

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It was difficult to accept that someone like him could do me dirty. This is someone I have been there for. I gave him monthly pocket money when he lost his job. I loved him very much but all he did was cheat on me with different women. I just thanked God I did not contract any infection or disease from him. Lizzy was the one who opened my eyes to the truth of him. She left him after we met and so did I.

Today, Lizzy is now my good friend and sister. Through her, I am currently in a happy relationship. Things are so good for me that I am always in a joyous mood. The guy and I are making marriage plans. I am so happy that Phee cheated on me with Lizzy because it brought her into my life. I believe she is Godsent. She saved me from a toxic relationship and brought a healthy one my way. Thank you for being my sister, Lizzy. I love you.

– Gee

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