I met Emma in 2020. I don’t know how and when he caught my attention. We just started talking, and the next thing I knew, we were very close. He became a very important part of my life. There was nothing I didn’t talk to him about. I would wake up in the morning and we would text each other before my day begins. He would send me a photo of something in the middle of the day with the caption, “This made me think of you.” Sometimes, I would reciprocate the gesture. At night, we would text or speak on the phone before I fell asleep. I guess that is what they call making someone your habit.
It didn’t take long before I started having feelings for him. I could tell that he also had feelings for me, but I didn’t initiate anything. Something just kept telling me that he was too good to be true. In my experience, rarely does one find a nice guy like him single. So I sought to get to know him better before I let it known to him that I liked him.
As fate would have it, he didn’t wait around to make his move. He called me one day and said he had something serious to tell me so I shouldn’t freak out. I thought something bad had happened. “Is everything okay?” I asked. He responded, “Yes I am fine. It’s just that I have come to like you so much. Who am I kidding? I am in love with you. And I want you to be my girlfriend.” I still wasn’t sure about him so I didn’t accept his proposal. I needed more time to get to know him.
Things became a little uncomfortable but we sailed through it and continued with our friendship. One day he posted a very beautiful girl on his WhatsApp status with the caption, “My one and only.” Out of curiosity, I asked who she was. He told me, “She is just a friend.” Who on God’s green earth calls their friend their “one and only”?
That didn’t go down well with me so I asked him for her name. “She is Myra,” he said. It was just her first name he gave me but I was on a mission so I had to manage it like that. I went on Facebook and tried my luck to see if I would find her. Lo and behold, her picture came with the name Myra. So I sent her a friend request. Luckily, she quickly accepted it.
I sent her a message and she gave me a warm response. Things picked up from there. The more we talked the more I liked her. We bonded so well. I couldn’t even believe that two strangers on the internet could have that kind of connection. We even had the same birth month so she started referring to me as her younger sister.
She was on campus at the time so she invited me over. I went there and she cooked for me. Whatever bond we shared became stronger after we met. I made a habit of visiting her on campus whenever I got the chance. She would always cook for me and introduce me to her friends as her sister. I felt so connected to her.
One day we were having a conversation when she told me about her relationship with Emma. “He has been my boyfriend for the past two years.” Everyone in their circle knew they were together. I still had feelings for him so I was a little broken when she shared the news with me.
I was also hurt that Emma didn’t tell me the truth about her. If I had accepted him when he proposed, I would have been his side chick. He would have been stringing me along knowing very well that he had someone else. That one hurt me the most.
I went to confront Emma, and this time he didn’t deny that they were in a relationship. He also insisted that he loved me. “I feel more like myself when I am around you. That’s why I want to be with you.” I asked him, “Does Myra know this?” He shook his head, “No, she doesn’t. My relationship with her doesn’t have any romance. She wants to keep things casual. No physical affection or intense love. But with you, I can have it all; love, romance, and friendship.”
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I was upset. I felt like he wanted to use me to satisfy the needs he was lacking in his relationship. Even if I didn’t know and love Myra like a sister, I still wouldn’t have gotten involved with Emma. So I told him we could only remain friends. “I love Myra too much to betray her by getting involved with you,” I explained.
I thought he would leave me alone but I found out that he wasn’t one to give up easily. He kept sending me messages about all the ways he loved me and desired me. It got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore. So I took screenshots of some of the messages and sent them to Myra. I wanted her to know the kind of man she was dating so she would be careful with her heart.
Why Men Don’t Say “I Love You” To Each Other
I don’t know how she interpreted the messages but she stopped talking to me after she received them. I’ve tried everything possible to get her back but nothing has worked. She is my sister and I hate that Emma has come between us. This is why I am here today. I am hoping she will see my story here and reach out so we can talk about things.
Did I do wrong by sending her the screenshots? Does she think I’m the bad one in this situation? I wish she would tell me the problem so I apologize. Myra please if you see this message, know that I love you. I didn’t mean any malice when I sent you those screenshots. I just didn’t want you to be in a blind relationship. I am sorry it didn’t have the desired effect. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me so we can be sisters again.
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