I used to see her in my accounting class but I never thought much of her. She was just among the sea of faces I saw in my class. I was at a place where I was not financially capable of taking care of a woman so I wasn’t open to engaging with anyone on a romantic level. This is why I barely paid attention to the girls I met on campus. As time passed, I remained resolute in my stand until one day when I was closed from accounting lectures and saw her approaching me.
This beautiful young woman who was just a nameless face in my class walked up to me. “Hi, I am Enam,” she said as she walked up to me. I was a little taken aback by her boldness but I maintained my calm as I also introduced myself, “I am Dadzie. It’s nice to meet you.” She asked if she could be my friend. Before I could respond she said, “I like the way you carry yourself about.” I wasn’t going to say no to her offer of friendship but even if I was, how could I say no, after that compliment?
I didn’t make it obvious but I was amazed by her beauty. The fact that she even wanted me as a friend made me happy. The next time we went to class we talked briefly. When lectures ended that day, she took my number. I also gave her mine. That was the beginning of many interesting conversations to come.
We had voice calls on the phone. We also texted each other via WhatsApp. After some time of getting to know each other, she asked me, “Do you have a girlfriend? Or are you in any form of relationship with someone which is beyond platonic?” “No,” I told her and then explained; “Currently, all I do is school. I don’t have any job on the side. I depend solely on my parents and the grace of God. If I go for a girlfriend, I won’t be able to look after her. This is why I am single.” I expected her to be put off by my broke student status but she surprised me when she laughed and said, “It’s not a problem.” Huh? What does that mean?
When I asked her what she meant she answered, “I don’t mind that you are broke. I am ready to be with you. I love you.” Whoa! Slow down. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. “Are you serious? You want me to be your boyfriend?” I asked her. I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating, you know. She smiled and nodded. That’s how we started our love affair.
I commute from my parents’ house to school. She, on the other hand, lives in a small apartment not far from her parents’ place. We spend a lot of time together. I see her whenever I go to school, and then we would go to her place and pass the rest of the time. I can boldly say that I know the ins and outs of her daily life. And I am certain I am the only man in her life. I have met her parents. They are good folks. They’ve welcomed me into their family wholeheartedly.
I have also taken her home to meet my family. They fell in love with her the very day they saw her. It has been two years now since we’ve been together and we are perfectly happy. My only concern has to do with money. She doesn’t ask me for anything but sometimes I surprise her with gifts. She also likes to buy me gifts. One too many times if you ask me. That’s what bothers me.
I know she is not working. She is also a student like me. She doesn’t have any business that fetches her money either. So I am surprised that she always seems to have money. I ask myself a lot of questions. For example, where is she getting the money from? I have asked her this very question countless times but each time I bring it up, she either goes quiet or changes the topic.
There was a time I casually brought it up in conversation with her parents. They’ve made me aware that they are not giving her too much money. Per my calculations, they give her just enough to take care of herself and her bills. She should not have so much money to spend lavishly on herself, let alone me.
This has become my headache. I have observed her enough to know that she doesn’t entertain other men. I don’t doubt that she loves me. I know that everything she does is to help me. All the many ways she supports me with money, I appreciate it. But I can’t also be too blinded by the benefits that I don’t question where the money is coming from. If she is not earning any, then someone must be giving it to her right? The question is, who? Should I be concerned that she refuses to talk about it? Or I should just let sleeping dogs lie?
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That’s a genuine concern especially as she is not open to give an answer. Be guided by your intuition but never beat up yourself especially since you trust your instincts that she is a good girl.