We started a business together years ago. He was schooling in China then so he shipped items to me and I sold them for him. At some point, he asked me to invest in it so the two of us could become business partners. I obliged and contributed 40% of the total amount we needed for the business.
Two years later, business was booming but that was when he decided to come back to Ghana. The business didn’t stop but as time went on, we developed feelings for each other. That was our greatest mistake. We shouldn’t have mixed business with pleasure but our silly hearts didn’t know that.
Even while we were lovers, we managed to keep the business going until I realized I was the side chick. His main girlfriend was in China and their love was ever growing strong. Surprisingly, it was the same girl who was shipping our goods to us. I should have known it but I was blinded by too much love until it was too late.
My heart was breaking. The two of us had done so much together and had even bought lands together in our names. While I was thinking about marriage, he was busy planning his future with someone else. He told me, “You’re the one I’ve always wanted. Esi is someone I met in China and fell in love with out of loneliness. She was there for the taken so I took my chance. I’ll leave her. Just give me some time.”
I believed him. When you have so much to lose, you don’t let go easily. You give them another chance hoping they’ll do the right thing so you don’t get to lose what you’ve built together.
I asked him, “You mean you’ll choose me over her?” He responded, “I’ve already chosen you over her. All I need is some time to let her go.”
“How much time do you need? One week? One month? One year?”
“I can’t say for now but just give a few months and this thing will come to an end.”
One month went by. They were still together. Two months later, they were still kicking. They were even on social media flaunting their love. Six months later, he was still asking for a little more time. I said, “King, I’m not the one you’ll take for a ride. I’m not forcing you to choose me. Obviously, she’s the one you want that’s why you can’t break up with her. That’s OK but can you leave me alone?”
He didn’t leave me. While we were there navigating through the challenges of love and relationship, our business was also suffering. For close to a year, we didn’t import anything. It was in my mind that once the items we had in stock was gone, I would break away from him and leave the relationship even if he asks me to stay.
A year later, he was still with her. I broke down. I saw the signs but I don’t know why my heart was still believing that he’ll leave the girl for me.
I was there one day when he told me his girlfriend would be coming to Ghana. I asked him, “So what do you want me to do?” He told me, “You don’t have to do anything. I’m telling you that once she’s here, it will be very easy for me to break up with her. Just give me one last chance.
READ ALSO: He Left His Girlfriend For Me But That Is Not The Problem
The girl had been in Ghana for six months and the two of them were still together. The hurtful thing is, he didn’t hide it from me. They would go out and have fun and he would post the photos on his status with poetic captions. When I asked questions, he tried to make me feel like I was the problem. “You’re too jealous. Loosen up a little bit. I’m pulling away slowly from her so it doesn’t hurt her.”
By then we had nothing left as business partners so I told him, “It’s OK. You don’t have to keep fighting with me because of her. Obviously, you want her. Go ahead and be with her. It’s over. We only have to sell the lands we bought together so we part ways with our individual shares in the land. It’s over.”
He screamed at me, “So be it. If that’s what you want, it’s OK. I’m even sick and tired of your complaints. I’ll have my peace once you’re gone.”
A few weeks later, I saw their ‘Save The Date’ on Facebook. I broke down totally. I knew he chose her. I knew he loved her more than me but the fact that he led me on until a few weeks to their wedding made me feel used. I didn’t call him or tried to make the pain worse. I stayed in my corner and cried it out.
Their wedding is in two weeks. He sold our lands long ago but hasn’t given me my share of the money. His excuse was, “They haven’t paid all the amount so I’m keeping what they had paid in the bank. Once they pay, we’ll split it.”
When I saw his wedding invitations, I went to those two guys who bought the land and they told me they don’t owe him a penny. They paid everything the very day we gave them the title. I called King. I wasn’t angry. I asked him calmly, “The guys say they’ve paid the full amount for the land. When are you bringing my share?” He pretended he didn’t hear me and cut the line.
He doesn’t pick up my calls again and doesn’t respond to my text messages. I’ve even sent him a mail but he hasn’t responded.
I want to make a show and get my money before he marries. Once the wedding is over, I don’t think he’ll pay what he owes me. He has something at stake and a lot to lose now so I think that will make him pay the money if I threaten to put on a display. I’ve discussed it with friends. They are all saying it’s not worth it. In the end, I’ll rather embarrass myself.
In The End, I Had To Choose Between Three Men | Beads Media
Honestly, I don’t mind. No embarrassment beats the one I allowed him to take me through. I don’t really care what people will say as far as I get my money. I’m putting my story here because I believe I can hear a lot of voices here than I’ve already heard and out of the diversity of opinions, I’ll get the best advice. Please tell me, he doesn’t pick up my calls and hasn’t made any move to show he’s going to pay. Should I go ahead and cause a scene and take my money? We are talking about over GHC55,000 here.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Wow….. 55000 is quite an amount. Don’t let it go. Since he’s refused to reason, send him one last text, and if he still doesn’t mind you or make any move to pay your money, talk to his wife to be, tell her everything and let her know you’re neither acting out of anger nor bitterness. You just want your money. If he’s serious about his marriage and he gets to know from the would be wife, he’ll pay the money even before he realizes it
55k is not chicken change oo. This is fraud and you can lock him up for it. Get the police to pick him up and pursue the matter until he pays. I doubt he will allow the matter to proceed to court. He has too much at stake. Be firm about it and refuse any personal contact on the matter. Let the police handle it. All you need is your money, period!
Why are you here complaining whiles police is there?
And if you don’t have the money to take the matter to court, you can seek the help of legal aid. Who knows. Some men actually, smh.
If you have copies of the land documents, then, you can sue him. But first, talk to his parents,any family member or even his Pastor to talk sense into his skull
1.Don’t tell him anything again because at this point he will give you lame excuses just to finish with the wedding. Report to the police and go with them straight to either his house or workplace. 2. If the police fail attend the wedding but don’t make a scene just make sure you get the officiating pastor and brief him. Inform him you are not there to make a scene and that you just need your money.Make sure you get your money right there and don’t even accept half payment. By all means get your money because after the wedding that will be it. I hate nonsense.
I second sis.Madam do not relax he cannot fool you and take yOur money to.Abeg call the Cops
and trust me he will pay the money.I am not you but i feel your pain paa..Mekyiri nkwasiassem ah.I HOPE YOU CALL THE CORPS ON HIM SIS.CALL THE CORPS OK.Best of luck
Don’t let him finish the wedding before you go ahead and report him to the police,act now and I believe you will win this case. All the best
What kinda friends do you have?? 55K and they’re telling you it’s not worth it to cause a scene??
Use the police to to get your money asap before the wedding due date. Because after the marriage it’ll be very difficult for you to get your money back.
Who knows, they may even relocate back to China after the marriage ceremony.
Look, just go after. Use the police, if it does not work, look for shady guys to pick him up a day to the wedding. Get your money before he weds that china girl. Good luck
By this time, he’s planning to relocate outside the country after the wedding with her.
Report him to the police, his church, friends, family.
And let them seize his passport. Tell the police your investigations shows he wants to travel out of the country
Why do you have to loose twice? He made a fool out of you and took your money on top of it. No, get your money. Tell him you are going to demand your money on the wedding day. I you are involving the police then let them go for him on his wedding night.
I wish I were you, I wouldn’t wait for his wedding to take my money, get the police. You can take the issue to court but if u wait until the wedding is over, u will loose the second time. Sis don’t take chances, me I hate nonsense. Best of luck. Pls don’t loose guard oooo take ur money.