The first time I met Rockson, I knew I would be happy with him. I imagined spending the rest of my life with him before he even made a move. Shortly after we met, we started dating. Let me state that my babe is a good man. He loves me. He worships the very ground I walk on. I love him too and I would do anything for him just as he would do anything for me. I almost hit a jackpot when I found him. I say almost because, despite his awesome personality, he is physically lacking in a department that is very important to me. It’s about the tool he brings to the bedroom. It’s too small to make any satisfying impact. I am not exaggerating when I say that it is as small as a GHC1 spring roll.
In my experience, joysticks are supposed to hit all the vital spots that bring joy. Some even go deep enough to shift your womb and rearrange your guts. But here lies the case, I am with a man whose stick only tickles my uterus. It doesn’t hit anything. What even makes me more unhappy about it is the fact that he finishes after five thrusts. After that, he would go completely soft. Nothing I do to revive him works, so I always end up unsatisfied during intimacy. I spoke to him about it and he responded, “You feel the way you do because you have a big appetite. I am not the problem, it’s you.”
How can he tell me I am the problem when there is nothing to hold when I put him in my mouth? Everything just fits in there. When I am helping him to find his way I have to hold the thing between my thumb and my forefinger. Yes, it’s that small. He is not even able to do it from behind because it is physically impossible. When I sit on him, I have to grind, because if I try to bounce it will slip out, and I would have to put it back in. Annoyingly, he likes to do it rough. Meanwhile, his equipment is not meant for that. So his thing is always slipping out right in the middle of the action. Anyone who has experienced this knows how frustrating it is.
Due to all the stress involved in doing it with him, I got another man on the side. He is a sugar daddy. You would think the fact that he is an older man would make him terrible in bed but it’s quite the opposite. He is good-looking for his age. He is also very fit. This man rocks my world from earth to the gates of heaven. His joystick is the exact opposite of my boyfriend’s; long, thick, and sweet. He also lasts longer and doesn’t even go soft when he finishes. When we are together, it’s always like the titanic kind of lovemaking; passionate and memorable.
We both have partners but we are in love. Besides shuperu, we have a lot in common. We can talk about anything at all. We connect on so many levels and it’s not even about the fact that he gives me money. I believe our connection is what makes things easier for us in the bedroom. We understand each other’s needs. Every position he puts me in is sufficient. I have never gone dry around him as I do with my boyfriend sometimes.
This man is a fantasy that I am experiencing in real life. I can do whatever I want with him without any worry that he would slip out. While my boyfriend likes it rough, zaddy isn’t aggressive. He takes his time to sweep me off my feet. Every touch we share is coated with love. You should see us cuddling and kissing afterwards. Boy, I’m dripping just thinking about him. He calls me his baby girl, and yes, I am his baby girl! There’s a mutual understanding between us. We don’t sleep with other people apart from our partners.
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We know each other so well that we get jealous when someone new gets in the picture. There was a day he almost hurt me during shuperu. When we were done, he confessed, “I am sorry if I was too rough. I did that because of my stupid jealousy.” “What? Who made you jealous?” “I saw you talking to a guy. He was flirting with you and you looked okay with it. It annoyed me.” I had to assure him that there was nothing to worry about, considering I didn’t even realize that the person was trying to get my attention. I know it sounds crazy but zaddy and I are very possessive of each other.
When God Throws A Wife On Your Table–Beads Media
One other thing about him that I wish Rockson had is creativity. Where my old man is creative with the ways he delivers my pleasure, my boyfriend isn’t. He has taken his time to learn about my body. He knows the expressions that say, “Yes, that’s the spot.” and the ones that say, “This is not really working for me, but if you like it, I will put up with it.” He knows I lose my mind when he goes down on me so it’s one of his favourite things to do. He does it as if his life depends on it. Rockson refuses to do any of those things. At first, I thought he was shy. But I have come to see that he is just boring in bed. I try to touch him in certain places and he holds my hands, “No, don’t go there.” I don’t know what his problem is.
The world is unfair. How come a sugar daddy has so much energy and craves for me so much, yet a young man like my babe is this dry? The reverse should be the case but unfortunately, it is not. I am thinking of spiking his meals with size enhancers but I’m scared of the side effects. What do you advise that I do?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Don’t be addled, take that bold step, you prove how much you care of his love, do it and now
He wasn’t wrong when he said you have a big appetite. You’ve have a taste of several joysticks. So you surely do have a preference when it comes to the size of a joystick.
There are ways to make your man understand that you’d need you two to explore your body more during shuperu to get to know how well you can satisfy each other.
I met My sugar daddy at a work environment. He was so different from my other bf. I like it when I flicks my fingers, he comes running, the rest is history, provided him with a baby, all locked in