I thought I had learned something from all the mistakes I made in my past. At least, if not for anything at all, I should flee when I recognize a red flag in a man. Well, recent events have shown me that I haven’t changed at all. It is as if I am still as stvpid as I used to be in the past.
I am saying all these things about myself because of Edward. He is a man I met on Facebook. When he started chatting with me I felt it wouldn’t go anywhere. “Very soon he will be lost among the sea of faceless men in my inbox who failed at getting my attention,” I said to myself. I was so sure of this but maybe he was also sure of himself.
Despite my nonchalance, he managed to break through my walls. We hadn’t met but I liked the things he said. I deduced from our conversations that he was educated, romantic, and nice. I also got this energy from him that made me think, “This guy must be bossy.” The tone of his messages gave me the notion that he liked to call the shots. That should have been enough for me to nip everything in the bud, but no. Silly me wanted to see where it would go.
As the conversations got deeper, he started asking me questions like, “Are you the kind of woman who likes to take care of her man? I am talking about cooking and doing laundry.” When I asked why he wanted to know he answered, “Because I want you to cook for me.” This was something else that should have put me off. I mean, how do you tell a woman you’ve never met to cook for you?
Eventually, we agreed to meet just this past Friday. When the day arrived, I didn’t hear a word from him. No call. No text messages. Not even to ask if we were still on or to tell me something came up so we wouldn’t meet. He just went radio silent.
I waited and waited until I got tired in the evening and texted him, “What’s up? Are we still meeting today?” He quickly responded, “Oh yes! We should go get ice cream.” Since it was going to be our first time meeting, I picked a place I was comfortable with. Then I quickly jumped into the shower and took my bath.
By the time I got to the place, he was already waiting for me. You wouldn’t tell by looking at us that it was our first date. The chemistry between us was literally sizzling. He was playful and nice. He spoke of things that tugged at my heartstrings.
Most of the things he said had to do with us as a couple. “We will be happy,” he said. Maybe it was the magic of the moment but I believed him. I felt like I had known him for ages. The night started getting darker but we were not ready to part ways just yet. “Do you want to get out here?” he asked. Just as I was about to say yes he said, “We can go to a different place so the night doesn’t end too soon.” It was a definite yes for me.
We ended up at a snack bar. I don’t drink alcohol but that night I took a bottle. The alcohol percentage wasn’t much but the effect was enough to lower my inhibitions. So when he suggested that we go to his place, I didn’t decline. He said he just wanted me to know where he lived and I believed him.
By the time we got there, it was very late. I tried to go home but he persuaded me to stay the night. “It’s safer for you here with me than out there by this time of the night.” In the end, I gave in.
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He got touchy the moment I agreed to stay the night. He wanted sex. He was quite direct about it but I told him no. He didn’t force me. He left me alone and we slept.
The next morning he woke up and got touchy again. This time around I didn’t resist. I gave him what he wanted. After that, I took my bath and he took me home. He continued to be nice the entire time we were together. I was full of smiles. I thought I had gotten a boyfriend until he left.
She Left Me To Marry A Man Who Was Ready For Marriage
He grew cold toward me the very moment he left. It is as if we never met or that we never shared anything. Every time I text him, he responds with indifference. I feel I was just a one-night stand of a sort to him.
I am here telling myself that I should forget about everything and move on but deep down, I regret sleeping with him. I honestly thought he was into me but look at me now. The most painful part about this for me is the perception he will have of me. The fact that I ended up in his bed on our very first date will give him the impression that I am the kind of woman who goes about sleeping with any man who shows interest in me. I really should have left him as one of the faceless men in my inbox.
— Emma
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If he believes you are cheap then so he is. Please please listen to your intuition. You call yourself stupid it maybe so but I would say lack of self control is your problem. You have repeated a particular behaviour more than once despite it not helping then it’s called stupidity or lack of self control. All in all read the writing on the wall clearly and pray for strength and self control. Self assessment is really important as well. When about to do something ask your self will it benefit me? if not pull the break. Don’t just say you have learnt your lesson but still commit the same mistakes back it with actions.
Some men find the right girl and they mess up whiles some of us find it difficult to find the right ones. It’s sad, stay strong and forget about him
As women we have been guilt tripping ourselves for a long time about sex. We are human beings with feelings too. It’s not easy to refuse sex when turned on so my sister don’t be hard on yourself. If the man was really interested in you he would still want to be with you even after sex. My longest relationship of 4 years was with from a one night stand,aah man adored me more especially after sex. I had my best relationship and sex pity he was and is a married man. But what I’m saying is don’t hate yourself for being a human being. If you want to avoid sex maybe next time avoid alcohol or late dates. You are worthy baby girl. Much love
Hey you need to just be mlre carefull you know at times even if u know someone for months they can still ghost you like that even after waiting lonh to sleep with them so if u used protection at least thats one stress down the rest you got to be honest with yourself about what you are really looking for is it true love and do you love yourself when u call yourself stupid like that there are some issues within you girl that you just need to work on first before giving anyone else space thats how us women fall for these pranks so fast because there is is just something inside of us that we dont pay attention to before loving these men. So dust yourself up and start your own journey to a healthy mindset trust me you will find love along the way
This is exactly what you said, very cheap
in fact this generation is sick, everywhere, everyday fornication
We need to fear God oo