His thing is small and very short. The first time I experienced it I didn’t like it. However, I didn’t want him to feel bad so I moaned as loudly as possible. I made all the facial expressions a woman is supposed to make when her man is hitting all the right spots. I did all this because he is a good man. A man who loves me dearly and one I am also very crazy about. He takes care of my needs in every way. Physically he is there. Emotionally he is my rock. Psychologically he looks out for my mental health. When it comes to money, I don’t have a problem. He provides. It is only my sexual needs he is unable to meet properly. And it is no fault of his. 

I know the size of his thing was not his choice. Lord knows if they had given him a choice, he would have chosen something bigger. But he was not given that choice so he had to manage what God gave him. If he is managing it then why don’t I manage it like that? That’s what I thought as I envisioned the rest of our lives together.

Although I find the size of his thing a challenge, I have fallen into a pattern. I am always acting like he is the best lover I have ever had. As long as he enjoys himself, I will keep playing my role as a dutiful wife. My concern now, however, has got to do with childbirth. My friends who have given birth have shared some of their experiences with me. They say a woman’s body changes after childbirth. I know this happens but I was under the impression that things eventually return to normal.

When I say things, I am talking about the size of the vagina. They say it becomes a little wider after it has seen a baby’s head passing through it. Here lies the case where we are yet to give birth. Although they assured me that the difference is not much, they are clear that things would never be the same.

That’s what I am afraid of. Things are already not so enjoyable for me. So if we should have a baby now, I may not feel anything at all when we are having shuperu. What if he doesn’t also enjoy it because I would have become too wide for him? I may be comfortable with taking it like that, but maybe it wouldn’t work for him.

I wish I could talk to my husband about his shortcomings (no pun intended) but this is a sensitive subject. I have heard men talk about their sexual prowess in relation to their virility or even masculinity. That’s my concern. What if I go and tell him the truth and it bruises his ego? How will he feel if he finds out that I have been faking it all this while? I don’t want him to find it difficult to touch me after knowing the truth.

READ ALSO: Five Years Later, I Found Out Why She Ghosted Me

As much as I want to protect his feelings, I also don’t want to keep lying to him. I believe it is best for our marriage if I tell him the truth before we start having children. Who has had to have a difficult conversation like this before? What did you say to lessen the blow of the news? I am looking for ways to have this conversation without hurting my man. Any tips for me?

I am also hoping to get some recommendations. It could be drugs or anything I can do to tighten my place. Or even better, something to make his thing bigger. I don’t want us to get to a place where my man would feel less of a man. That’s why I would appreciate it very much if I could get some helpful solutions to my problem.


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