From the way he approached me, I knew he came with an agenda. I looked at him very well and checked his finger to see if he was already committed to someone else. I didn’t see any evidence of that nature so I gave him attention. Weeks later when the conversation started going toward “Would you be my girlfriend” I asked him, “Are you married?”

There’s a way someone says something and you immediately know he’s lying and there’s a way someone says something and backs it with his demeanour, you’ll believe him instantly. This guy said he wasn’t married and from the way he said it and acted afterwards, I believed him. He said, “Do you think I would be here wasting my time If I were married? What else do I need in another woman that I can’t find in my wife?”

I nodded my head and believed in my heart that he was telling the truth. Days afterwards, he proposed and I asked him to give me some time to think about it.

You love the person but you’ll still want to think about it. Men don’t understand why we do that but I’ve come to believe that we use that thinking-about-it period to ask ourselves questions and also talk to people about it and see the way forward.


I spoke to my squad. Suzzy and Asantewa. They cheered for me because I’d been single for three years. Suzzy asked, “I hope he’s nice ooo. You didn’t wait for this long only to fall for the beast.” I took my phone out and proudly showed them his picture, “Does this look like a beast to you?”

Suzzy took the phone from me and checked him out. She said, “Ne ho twa mom but do you think he’s single?” Asantewa was watching from behind. All of a sudden she said, “Wait, this man resembles someone I know.” She took the phone, looked at him and laughed. She murmured, “I can’t believe this!”

Asantewa mentioned his name and mentioned where he was working. I nodded. She said, “He’s married. I know his wife. I used to be in the same church with his wife but when they got married, his wife left our church.”

I was shaking. “Seriously? Asantewa, are you sure you’ve not mistaken him for someone else?”

She went to his wife’s social media and showed us their photos together. I started laughing. “Herrh, men! Wow! This one nearly used me for Shaolin soccer just like that.”

We agreed we were going to tell his wife. We also agreed I should say yes and waste his time and money before I tell him that I know he’s married.

Currently, I’m doing the second one with him—spending his money and wasting his time. He tried taking me to a hotel. I said no. I will only do it in his house. I’ve met his friends and they all call me wifey. He tried sleeping with me at one of his friend’s house but I declined. He nearly raped me. It’s getting serious so I’ve decided to shift to the next plan, that’s to inform his wife.

Did Marriages Last Longer In The Past Than Today?

My friends think it’s the best idea but I’m developing cold feet because I don’t want to be the reason a marriage is destroyed. I’m here to ask if I should go ahead and tell his wife or just let him know that I know he’s married and walk away.

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