I met Louis four years ago when I was only seventeen. I am a plus sized young woman so at that age, I could pass for twenty-two. This brought a lot of men my way. To them, I was a girl they must have at all costs. As someone who grew up with a single mother, I was determined not to disappoint my mother. So I never paid attention to any of these men.

I found myself in a Facebook group when I was in SHS 2. The group was fun, and the admins were creative. That’s why when they announced that they were forming a WhatsApp group I signed up. Just as the Facebook was engaging, the WhatsApp group was also filled with lots of fun activities. They would ask us to post our photos using captions like; “Rate my look” and “Based on my fashion sense, which car do I deserve to drive?” This was a fun game I always participated in.

That was when Louis caught my attention. He always commented on my photos. He used adjectives like, “Pretty” “Beautiful” and “Nice” to describe everything I posted. All of these coming from him made me blush all the time. This is because Louise is very handsome and popular. He had the kind of personality that made the group lively. The men wanted to be him, and the women drooled over him. Of course, I enjoyed every bit of his attention because of how special it made me feel. In return for his kind words, I also complimented him whenever he posted his photos.

Things picked up pretty fast between us. We started chatting outside the group. We got to know each other intimately and I loved everything about him. A month after we started talking he asked me to be his girlfriend. I liked him but had to be sure about him. So I asked him to give me time to think about it. It took me three weeks to finally say yes to him. Louis was the perfect boyfriend. He called me every evening after I closed from class and we had lengthy conversations that lasted into the night. Apart from that, he was also very generous with gifts and money. I couldn’t help myself. I fell face down in love with him.

Barely two months into the relationship, Louis started slacking when it came to communication. I would text him and he wouldn’t reply. His behavior made us go for days without texting or calling each other. I was hurt by the way things were going but I couldn’t do much about it. While I lived in Offinso, he lived in Accra. The distance made it difficult for me to show up at his doorstep out of the blue and demand answers.

A few weeks after the drop in communication, things started picking up again. He had to attend a wedding in Offinso so we arranged to meet. I remember how I used up my last money for transportation from my hostel to his uncle’s house. I even had to sneak out. When I met him all my troubles were worth it. He was even more handsome in person. He was exactly as I had hoped he would be.

We talked for a while, and he kissed me before we parted ways. It was my first kiss. Everything about it was just as special as I wanted it to be. When I was leaving he said he didn’t have money so I had to walk back to my hostel. Unfortunately, I suffered a fall when I was trying to climb a hill on my way. It’s been years, but I haven’t fully recovered from the impact of that fall. What made the pain worse was that Louis didn’t call to check up on me after I left his uncle’s house. I was the one who called him three days later to complain. He apologized. “I am so sorry that I forgot to call you. It won’t happen again,” he promised.

In the weeks that followed, he tried to convince me to meet him up for shuperu but I always turned him down. I wasn’t ready to do it, and I wouldn’t be pressured into it either. When he realized that I wouldn’t give in he stopped talking to me again. I was so broken. I couldn’t even pull myself together to attend classes. I couldn’t eat so I lost a lot of weight. My friend Marina noticed the change and asked questions. I told her all about Louis. She empathized with me and helped nurse my broken heart.

Three months after he abandoned me he came back, and I foolishly agreed to take him back. This time around, we communicated consistently for two months. So I finally agreed to give him shuperu. He booked a guesthouse and I went to meet him there. I wasn’t ready to do it but I felt it was the only way to keep him. What can I say? I was seventeen while he was thirty. I didn’t know better but he did. However, God was on my side. My period came the day I arrived at the guesthouse.

Louis’ tribe has a taboo against having sex during menstruation so we couldn’t do it. We spent our three-day stay at the guesthouse cuddling and bonding in non-sexual ways. On the last day, he left his phone unlocked and went to the bathroom. I took it out of curiosity and found out the truth about Louis. I was the fourth out of his six plus-sized girlfriends. I was the youngest among them and a virgin so he saved my number as “Sweet Virgin”. I was beyond shocked.

I started shaking and crying when I thought about all the times I begged for his attention. It turned out he was busy giving it to the other girls. I couldn’t believe I got my heart broken again by the same person. I hurried out of the guesthouse before he finished taking his bath. He called and texted me but I didn’t respond to any of it.

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After a week, he called me with a new number. “Why did you run out on me? And you won’t answer my calls? What’s up with that?” He demanded. I brought up everything I found on his phone. Instead of showing remorse he got defensive, “Afi, you should know that I am a man. I am allowed to have a lot of women. Besides, I am not married to any of you so I am not doing anything wrong.” That response was salt to my injured heart.

I told Marina what he did and she advised me to pay him back. So I bid my time until he came into my life again. I agreed to take him back but I was on a mission. I acted as if I had forgiven him and he bought it. I let him buy me my first laptop. After that, I asked for an expensive iPhone. He bought that too. He then asked me to visit him in Accra. I agreed to go but I told him I didn’t have money. So he sent me GHC500 to use as transportation. I took the money but I didn’t go.

He tried his best to get me to visit but I always came up with excuses. Eventually, I came clean. I told him, “Louis, our relationship has been a lie right from the beginning so I also played along. I made you buy me a laptop and phone as payback for the way you played me. But now the game is boring. So I don’t want to play anymore. Have a nice life.” He was hurt but I didn’t care. I got the last laugh.

After him, I took a break from relationships for three years. I am currently talking to someone and if all things go well, I will take a second chance at love.



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