Two years ago when I met him he didn’t have much. It’s not as if I had anything either. All that mattered was that he was serious about his life and was willing to do the necessary work to become a responsible man. When he offered me his heart saying, “I don’t have much to give but I can love you with all my heart,” I accepted it wholeheartedly. Ours was the kind of relationship where marriage was on the table. So we did everything with our future in mind.

Although he didn’t have much, he was supportive right from the beginning of the relationship. I was so touched by his efforts. I told myself, “A man who shares his little with you is the kind of man a woman should marry.” Currently, he is furthering his education at the tertiary level. I also work as a teacher. He was still doing his best for me financially until we fought recently.

Now, before we get into the details of the fight, I want to talk about the fact that he has never liked it whenever he erred and I pointed it out to him. Even when I say it in a calm manner, he would get upset and say I am not a submissive woman. There were times he would even get so angry that he wouldn’t talk to me for days.

To prevent constant misunderstanding, I stopped complaining whenever he did something wrong. I just kept acting as if he did no wrong while I internalized all my feelings. I often found myself carrying a heavy heart around. Sometimes I would feel so overwhelmed that I would cry into my pillow when I went to bed. If we were together and I wasn’t happy about something he did, I would hide and cry. That’s because he is never moved by my tears. Why would I cry in front of someone who does not care that he is the reason I am crying?

His refusal to be corrected aside, he is not the type to give compliments. Even if you do something he likes, he won’t say it. He would just be grunting his approval. On days he does something to offend me and he knows it himself that he erred, he would never apologize. Anything that has to do with vulnerability does not concern him.

During this past school break, I went to spend the day with him. I was with him when he went out and brought food home. I watched him sit down and eat all the food by himself. When I asked him why he didn’t share the food with me he said, “You are not my responsibility. If you are hungry go out and get your own food.” I was shocked and sad at the same time.

It’s not as if I couldn’t afford food but what’s food that a man can’t share with a woman he loves? I tried to talk to him. All I wanted to know was if there was something else going on that he wasn’t telling me. He refused to talk. When I pressed him further, he got up and tried to walk out on me. I tried to stop him but he resisted my attempts. Before I knew it, my hand hit his face. It was by accident.

READ ALSO: I Married A Good Man But His Mother Was A Monster I Had To Fight

I explained to him that it happened accidentally, but he got angry and went to lie down. No matter what I said, he didn’t say a word. The next day, he asked me to leave his house. He said he didn’t want to be with me anymore. I asked him why but I got no explanation. He was just done with me.

I apologized for the previous night. I even apologized for whatever it is I might have done unknowingly. He couldn’t be bothered to listen. I didn’t leave that day. At night, he went out and didn’t return till morning. When I touched his food, he threw it in the bin and asked, “Didn’t I ask you to leave? Leave, we are over.” Wow! Two years together and this is the break up I get?

I left his place with a very heavy heart. I have tried everything possible to get back into his good graces but his mind is made up. I am so down. What else can I do? Should I keep pleading? Is it just another one of his angry fazes or I should move on?


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