My dearest son,

Let me tell you a story I intend to tell the world one day. When you read it, you will be filled with mixed emotions.

Your father and I have been married for some time now, and we were very happy in the beginning. Everything was perfect. We were in love, and life was good. Every moment brought its joys. Things were good and smooth until 2019. Our lives took a bad turn. Your father lost his job and our finances came to a standstill.

I was working alright, but my earnings were too small to support both of us. Your father, as hardworking as ever, started job hunting for a job. He applied for jobs, and sent CVs to friends he believed could help him get a job, but nothing came out of it. One time I asked him, “Are you sure the jobs you applied for actually exist? It looks like they are ghost jobs.” And we laughed about it. We were at the dark corners of our lives, yet we could afford to smile. That’s me and your dad.

Son, we went through it all. Sometimes we cried. The frustration was too much. We were tired of going in circles. We felt utterly hopeless. We turned to God believing he had answers to our problems. We prayed to God to have mercy on us. But God has His own plans. If it’s not in His time, nothing happens. In those times of hardship, I didn’t think of God that way. If anything, I believed He didn’t care about us and our struggles.

Your father decided that Ghana is the problem, so he would travel out of the country to work hard to keep us afloat. We invested half of our savings into the travel plan. It didn’t yield any fruits. So, in the end, we last all that we invested. Your dad couldn’t travel, yet we had very little left to our names. Can you imagine that? The disappointment both of us were going through? Can you picture that?

But your father had another plan. He decided to become a bolt driver. We bought a car with the rest of our savings and signed him up to drive. Whatever money he earned went into fixing one problem or another. Some days, he came home empty-handed. He felt despaired and decided to quit. We were back to square one.

There were times I questioned God. I cried, I prayed but it seemed God had tuned out my voice. How else would I accept that God was watching us suffer and did nothing? In 2021 on the 6th of the new year, I lost my father. The only thought that occurred to me was, “Eii, me that I don’t have money, I have lost my father too on top? How am I going to pay for the funeral?” It was a nightmare I wish I would wake up from.

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We traveled back home to spend some time with my mother, and on our way back, your father wept behind the steering wheel. “What is it, my dear?” I asked. “I didn’t know you loved my father so much that you’ll weep for his demise. I hope you can see where you are going. Don’t go and throw us away.”  Your father said, “It breaks my heart that you’re going to bear all the funeral costs without a single input from me. How can a husband not help in a situation like this?” I was touched and saddened by his outbursts. I cried too. “God, why do you keep adding to our plate of misfortune? At this point, I know you don’t like me. We’re a young couple but look at our struggles. Why God?” I said in my heart. Of course, He didn’t respond.

Besides your father’s joblessness, we were childless. We had tried in the past to get pregnant but it didn’t work. No one in our lives knew this. It was a secret battle we fought in our closet.

Son, let me not bore you with too much talk. Our world was simply gloomy, hopeless, and dark. I gave up on everything. I remember one dawn, I woke up to pray, but I couldn’t utter a word. It was just tears that kept falling off my eyes.  I felt so much pain within me. I said to God, “If you won’t help us, that’s cool. I won’t ask you for anything again. I’m done with you. I’m no longer on talking terms with you.”

When I look back at that moment now, I laugh. Because all that time, God was working behind the scene. You know God, it’s His way or no way.

One week to your grandfather’s funeral, your father was called for a job interview. It was the best news we had in a long while. Your father was so delighted, because if not for anything at all. Being invited for an interview was a sign. It was his chance to take. He went for the interview and as usual, the employers said, “You will hear from us.” We were hopeful regardless. Two weeks after the interview, we didn’t hear from them. Your father said to me, “I don’t think these people will call me o, my dear.” For some reason I was very optimistic he will get the job. I said, Be steadfast in your faith. You’re going to get. Just believe.”

Son, on 15th April, the day of our wedding anniversary, your father got a call around 3pm. It was the job he interviewed for. They asked him to start work the next day. I forgot about my fight with God, we were so overjoyed. I knelt down and lifted up my hands, “God you are King and you reign over everything.” God gave us the perfect anniversary gift. It didn’t end there. He gave us more.

Two months after your father got a job, he gave us another beautiful surprise. It was you, my dear. I conceived you. You are a beautiful addition to our plate of joy. I can boldly say that at that moment, we were the happiest people on earth. We decided to name you “King- El ” which means God is king. Indeed, He alone is king. He reigns over our lives. He does what pleases him. Only he can change our gloom into the light. He shares his position with no one, it’s true. God is king, whenever I see you it reminds me of the majestic nature of God.

When you come of age and you go through any problem, remember this story. Remember the meaning of your name and go on your knees before the king. Remind him of what he did for your parents and ask him to do the same for you. I know what he’s capable of. I’m a witness to his goodness and I know he will do the same for you and take you away from your afflictions.

Love, mum.

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