Stephen approached me the first day I went to church. After service, I introduced myself to the church as a new member. That was when he also introduced himself to me and took my number before I left the church premises.
By and by we started talking. I enjoyed his company. I liked talking to him, but when he eventually proposed loved to me, I turned him down. It was because of the age gap. I told him, “You are a good guy but I am older than you. And that’s a deal-breaker for me. I can’t be with a man who is younger than me.”
Although he was disappointed, we agreed to be friends. Even with our friendship, we don’t talk much. He only called me when he didn’t see me at church for a few weeks. He would call to ask if I was okay. Then he would ask why I didn’t come to church. He was always ready to offer me support in whichever way I wanted.
The other day I was with my boyfriend when Stephen called to check up on me. He hadn’t seen me in church for about a month now. He asked if I was okay and I said yes. Then he asked where I was. “I am home,” I responded. After the call ended, my boyfriend got angry and said he could no longer trust me.
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He said the fact that Stephen could call me and ask those questions meant we were up to something. Nothing I said in my defense made sense to him. He broke up with me.
I am in tears as I am writing this. I feel sad for hurting him. He said I let him down. He said I broke his trust. I know it was my fault. If I hadn’t spoken to another man in his presence, none of this would have happened.
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Now he says I am playing games with him. I wasn’t doing anything of the sort. I was not entertaining other men. I have been faithful to him right from day one. I know it’s hard for him to believe me now but if he gives me another chance, I will do whatever it takes for us to work things out.
Babe, I’m sorry. Please let me prove to you that our relationship is important to me, I cannot stand you being mad at me. I made a mistake and now my heart aches knowing that I hurt you. We can have a conversation to fix it. I apologize for causing you pain and hurting your feelings. I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me.
Your Girlfriend,
— Beautiful Sunshine
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Sunshine I don’t know how old you are but never beg for forgiveness. U can only ask especially if its something so trivial. If you had ignored that call what makes you think he would have reacted any different?
You are allowed to have friends of the opposite gender as long as there are clear boundaries. If he cannot see that then there is an issue.
I agree.
You are better off without such an insecure boyfriend. Such people are controlling and toxic. Let him go. There are several people praying for just a ray of your beautiful sunshine!
Please move on… He’s looking for a way to break up with you
Please believe what everyone has said here. You did nothing wrong. Or don’t they encourage people to check up on their friends who were absent from church where he worships? Forget about him, he’s either paranoidly jealous or looking for an excuse to break up with you.