A guy said hello to me on Messenger. I quickly did a search on his profile to see where I knew him from. We were friends on Facebook but I didn’t know him personally, neither had we had any interactions on Facebook. I said hi and conversation ensued.
Normally guys who come to my DM talk to me like I’m under investigation and they are the investigators. Only questions and answers but this guy was different. I liked something about him. His depth of issues and how he made jokes. Three days later he asked for my number. I declined. I told him I didn’t know him that much to give him my number. He wasn’t angry. He came around every day and we talked.
Some days he insisted on having my number. I told him I didn’t know his mission yet. He said, “Friends.” I told him we could be friends on Messenger too. “Isn’t it fun the way we are here? Why don’t we keep it that way?” A little over a month later, I gave him my number. He called. Calls became dates and dates turned to I love you. Not from me but from him.
By this time, I knew him enough and could assign a character to his face and actions. I said yes. We’ve been dating for about a month now. Nothing serious. We go out. He visits. I visit too. The farthest we’ve gone is a kiss.
Days ago he confessed, “I didn’t love you like that from the start. My intention was to punish you for playing hard to get. You gave me ‘crown’ when I asked for your contact. It was hard to swallow the L so I pushed. I’m glad I didn’t stop. Now I love you for real.”
My Heart Was Broken All Over Again | Abena On The Hot Seat
This doesn’t make me feel good. He thought it was a compliment but I don’t see it like that. I thought we built what we had from scratch not knowing he had a different agenda. It makes me feel like what we have won’t last. I want to walk away. I’ve already typed the breakup message. I want to know if I will be right to send it.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Jon man
Well I agree he may have acted immature but that notwithstanding I do not believe that is valid enough to end things. Sometimes good things come from the least expected place . We are made up of our culture, our beliefs and our experiences growing up and they all form part of our ideologies. I won’t be surprised he said so because he may have gathered that from a companion (boys boys) he associated with. I believe for relationship the keys foundations should be your faith, career path, temperament compatibility. All others can be worked on or adjusted to suit the journey. Once a person accepts his or her flaw and is willing to learn and get better we should have that room to accommodate him or her. Do not let your guard down but be open to see how far it goes if you see a future ahead for you both. Best regards.
That would be unthoughtful if you.You rather have to appreciate his sense of truth and honesty,which are rare to come by nowadays.
really! he could hve jxt kept this honesty to himsef so seriously he didnt push sekof he liked her buh pused sekof dem give am “crown” ah wah nonsense
Please send the breakup message. He’s trying to make you believe that he’s a good man so you give him shuperu. Immediately shuperu comes in that’ll be the end. God made him confess to deliver you from the hands ofsuch a bad guy. Leave as fast as you can. Plus your heart will never be at peace if you decide to stay knowing what he told you. A word to the wise is enough.
You may be toying with a gem just because you refuse to see the sparkle. He has confessed his love for you and wants to start from a clean slate. Be candid and let him know you are hurt by his initial reason for dating you but that you appreciate and welcome his openness and truthfulness. If he apologizes, put it behind you and focus on building an open and trusting relationship with him.