Two years into our marriage, my husband told me I’ve never given him accolades for how well he performs in the bedroom, so he’s withdrawing his “services” until I start appreciating what I get. He said, “Talk to your married friends. Some of them don’t get a taste of it for weeks. Some beg for it before they’re given even a minute of show, but you get it whenever you want without showing appreciation.”


He wants me to tell him he performs like a beast.

At first, it sounded like a joke, but then I realized we’d gone a week without intimacy, then two weeks, and then three. Throughout our marriage, I’ve never been the one to initiate—he always was. When I realized the situation was getting out of hand, I approached him. He told me bluntly, “Until you bow to the king and sing his praises, there will be no meal for you tonight or any other night.”

“Oh, so you were serious when you said that?” I asked him. I did what he wanted—I sang his praises and blew his trumpet. He responded, “Now let me sleep. I’ll think about whether I want to do it.”

He slept without fulfilling his promise. I struggled all night, unable to sleep. Around dawn, just as I was dozing off, he got up and tried to initiate. I told him to leave me alone since I hadn’t slept all night. I chose sleep over him, and again, he got angry.

I haven’t approached him since because, honestly, why should I? Everyone can keep their desires to themselves. I don’t know how long we’ll go without intimacy, but does it make sense for my husband to demand praise and worship before performing what I see as his God-given role as the man of the house? I mean, who does that?


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