The other day my mother sat me down and asked me, “My dear, why are you still not married at your age? You don’t even have a girlfriend. If you did, I would have been hopeful  that you were preparing toward marriage. What’s going on? I know my son. You are a sweet person so why are you still single?” Why are you still single? My mother is not the only person who has asked me this question. Everyone who knows me seeks to understand this. The truth is, I hope they find the answer so they can share it with me. Just like them, I also want to know why despite my best efforts, I end up being a tool in the hands of women who claim to like me.

I am a young man who is striving to make it big in life. I am a pharmacist who is currently pursuing his master’s degree. I wanted to give my education my full attention so I have currently put work on hold. That’s not to say that this is the reason I am single. Not at all. Before I took the step to pursue higher education, I was actively pursuing love. I am not saying I am perfect but I know I have never treated any woman badly.

Even when we are in the talking stage, I treat them like queens. Sometimes I would surprise them with gift packages at work. I’m intentional about the gestures I make. The point is to prove to these women that I am capable of being a wonderful boyfriend. I make them happy. When we are in a relationship I go all out. I remember one of my exes. She was from a very humble family. I used to take her to work and picked her up after she had closed. I did this whenever I had days off. The entire relationship revolved around the things I could do to make her feel loved.

She lived in a very rough neighborhood. It was the kind of place you would never see me on a normal day. However, my girlfriend lived there so it became my second home. Sometimes I would visit her and cook for her and her siblings. They were so happy that they called their mother to help them thank me. This is how committed I was to her, yet the relationship still didn’t work out.

When women say, “All men cheat,” it doesn’t apply to me. I’m a one woman kind of man. When I am with someone, I am loyal to them. You won’t find me entertaining other women in the name of harmless flirtations. It’s just you and no one else. This is what I have heard most women say they want. “I want someone who is thoughtful.” Well, I surprise you with gifts. “I want a faithful man.” Here I am, faithful to a fault. “I want a man who is serious about me and wouldn’t play games with me.” You’ve got me. All I want is a serious woman who wants to build a life with her man. What about looks? Not to blow my own trumpet but I am a six-foot, dark, and handsome young man.

The question is, where does it all go wrong? Is it in the choosing of the women or easily trusting that what someone says is true? I have found myself in relationships with women who are my all, only to realize they already have a main man. Some of them get bored in their relationships and see me as a distraction. They give me attention, enjoy my affections, and then leave me high and dry. “I’m sorry. I thought I already told you I had a man. I must have forgotten,” they would say innocently. Others would lie until I catch them red-handed. I would be so hurt but I would quietly walk away, nurse my wounds, and then put myself back out there when I am certain I am healed and ready to try this love thing again.

READ ALSO: My Married Ex Wants Us To Meet So I Can Give Her A Parting “Gift”.

I don’t know what it is I do wrong that makes women take advantage of me? This is why I am single now. The thought of getting to know someone, doing my best to win their heart, only to find out that they were just using me to occupy the emptiness their boyfriends have left in their lives, is disheartening. When I explained this to my mother she said, “I don’t understand. As far as I am concerned, you are a good person, and women like good men. So if by the end of your master’s program you are still single, then you are the problem.” My mother is my best friend. She knows some of the horrible experiences I have been through. So it hit me really hard when she said I could be the problem.

She believes that I have weak game. “Maybe you hang around these women doing nice things for them but you don’t actually tell them how you feel about them,” she explained. I assure you that that’s not the case. I have never started anything with a woman without declaring my intentions to pursue a romantic relationship with her. I know she wants to understand why I’m single as much as I do. Even my friends don’t get it. They’ve tried to connect me to their single friends but it also backfired. 

I am tired of giving everything and getting nothing in return. When did it become a bad thing to show love? Although I wish I was in a relationship, I have gotten to a point where I want to focus on building myself up. My problem is, if I become successful and rich, I won’t take any woman who tries to love me seriously? I would look at them and think, “Where were you when I was looking for someone to build life with? Now that I have toiled alone to get everything I want, you are here claiming to love me. What did you contribute to make me who I am today?” I know it’s someway to judge someone new for the hurt others caused me but this is where I am now.

In case you are wondering, I am not abusive. I don’t have anger issues. When I do something wrong and you tell me, I would quickly apologize and make sure I don’t repeat it again. I have an interesting personality and I’m a very great conversationalist. Honestly, I don’t know exactly what I do wrong to get treated badly. My friends have advised me not to shut myself off lest I miss the woman meant for me. But here lies the case where I don’t want to be used and discarded again. Please tell me, what can I do differently? What am I not doing right that the men who get the girls are  doing?

— Cacktus Jack

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