If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.

I went to his office when I knew very well that he wouldn’t be around. I asked about him. I asked of Aboagye. Aboagye was one of the colleagues he introduced me to. From the way they related that day when he introduced me to him, I could see some vibe and brotherliness that I didn’t see from the others. When Aboagye came and saw me he was a little bit surprised. I asked, “Do you remember me? He said, “Your face looks familiar. Where did we meet?” I said, “Kenneth’s girlfriend, remember?” He got it. He said, “Looking for Ken? I learned he stepped out.” I said, yeah I was told but can I have a conversation with you?”

He sat with me for a while I asked questions and h answered, mostly about Ken; “I’ve been dating Ken for a while now. He keeps me in the dark when it comes to relationships. You’re one of the very few people he had introduced me to. That’s why I’m happy to meet you. Ken wants to marry me but there is too much I don’t know. You’ve worked with him for a while. Can you tell me anything you know about him? Anything at all.”

 I didn’t make it look like I was investigating him.  I acted like a woman who had concerns. He asked me, “But when you try to talk to him about these things, what does he normally tell you?” I answered, “Honestly, I haven’t asked much from him. The few questions I asked, I didn’t get answers.” He said, “Ken is like that. He doesn’t open up to anyone when it comes to his personal life. He became a different person when his father died a year ago. He became distant. He kept to himself often and didn’t want to mingle or talk much. Everyone around here respects him a lot because he’s a good guy.”

I acted normal. I pretended already I knew about the death of his father. I said, “Guys are like that with their fathers. So it’s hard for them when they lose their dads” He said, “That’s true. That’s very true. Have time with him and he’ll slowly open up.” Aboagye was next to me when I called Ken’s line. I told him, “I’m in your office to surprise you but you are not here. Should I wait for a while?” He told me he wasn’t coming back. I said thank you to Aboagye and left.

If the comments on my story weren’t scary enough, the death of his father was the last straw that tipped the scale for me. I called Berlinda and narrated the whole story to her. She said, “Anastasia, we are in trouble. What you just told me is what it is. No need to wait until December. Start running away. December would be too late.” When Ken called and asked me to visit him, I went with Berlinda. When Berlinda entered the house she said, “He can kill you here and no one else will know.” Ken called me on the side and whispered,  “Why did you come with your friend without telling me?” I said, “We would be going somewhere from here. I came with her so it becomes easier for us to get there early. Any problem?” “I don’t like it when people invade my space. Don’t let this happen again.” He retorted.

When it was time for us to leave, I told him. His response was “ok.” He spoke undertone. He wasn’t happy but I didn’t care. We left. Days after, we were chatting when he asked me to come over. I said, “If only I can come with my friend, I will.” He asked with a tone of surprise, “Even in the evening when you’re coming to sleep over you have to come with her?” I said, “Unfortunately I can’t sleep over until we are done with what we are doing.” He was pushy but I remained resolute. He tried bullying me to accept his demands but I didn’t bother.

It was in late November when I asked if his parents were indeed coming. He said, “I know you can’t wait to meet them. Don’t worry. By the middle of December, they’ll be here.” He saw the change in me and started asking questions. “What has come over you?” 


“So why are you behaving like we are fighting?”

“How am I behaving?”

“It looks like you want me to beg you before you visit me?”

“I thought I told you about what I’m doing with my friend? Immediately we are done, I will visit again.”

He started showering me with gifts for no reason at all. Shoes here, new dresses there. He bought me an expensive piece of jewelry I’ve never used. I’m scared there might be something to it than meets the eyes. He asked what I wanted for Christmas; “My parents are getting ready to come. Say what you want so they get it before coming.” I had nothing in mind apart from my safety. I couldn’t ask them to buy me safety on their way coming so I kept quiet. 

Around December 11th, I asked for the specific date his parents were going to arrive in Ghana. We were talking on the phone. He said, “They will be here in three days’ time.” I asked, “All of them? Your mother, your father, and your sister?” I asked. He answered, “All of them.” Berlinda was sitting behind me and was tapping me to ask him. She whispered, “Ask him…Ask him about his father. Ask!” So I asked calmly, “Ken, I know your father is late so which father of yours is coming to Ghana?” He was quiet for a while. She asked, “What did you say?” I repeated what I said. He asked, “Who told you that?” I asked, “Is that a lie? That your father died a year ago?”

“Who have you been talking to?

“You haven’t answered my question, Ken.”

“Oh ok, they’ve started telling you lies about me, right? No wonder you’ve been acting strange these days. Who is that? Just say it, I won’t be angry.”

We went back and forth until he said, “I have nothing to explain to you until you tell me who you’ve been talking to.” I wasn’t ready to tell him so he cut the line. Clearly, I caught him by surprise. I thought that would end everything but no. He called in the evening trying to convince me to come over. You could hear sobs in his voice but I wasn’t going to be tempted. He said, “The man I said would be coming is actually my uncle. When my father died, it broke me into pieces. It changed who I am. It’s the reason I don’t want to talk about my dad. I was waiting for them to be here so we talk about it. You’ve brought back the memories and I’m hurting. Can I see you?”

I asked one more question, “Tell me about that room you visit at dawn. Who do you talk to? Your uncle or your mother? The last time I came down there, your phone was in the bedroom so what device do you use to talk to them when you enter that room?” He answered, “I can see you have a lot of questions about me and the way I live my life. Why don’t you come over so we talk about it? You’re acting strange and it hurts my feelings. Come over.” 

We decided to meet in town. I went with Berlinda. When he got there and realized I wasn’t alone, he drove off without saying a word to us. When He called the following day I told him, “You’re not ready to come clear. Just leave me alone. The way you live your life and how secretive you are is getting me scared. It’s the reason I stopped seeing you. When you’re ready to meet me in truth and in all honesty, call me and I will meet you.” 

READ ALSO: Love Brewed On Social Media And Spiced With The Word Of God

He stopped calling for days. I didn’t even bother to check up on him. He called me on the 20th of December, telling me his parents are in. “They asked of you. If you want to meet them, you can come around. They’ll love to see you.” I didn’t respond. He called. “You didn’t see my messages?” He asked. I told him, “I’m in my menses. You still want me to come?” He said, “Why not? You’re not coming to sleep over. You’re just coming to meet my people.” I told him, “I’m not ready to meet your lies. You stopped calling. Let’s keep it like that. But let me tell you this, a man who could hide the death of his father from the woman he says he loves isn’t a man a woman should trust. Your lifestyle is eerily suspicious. I won’t be the judge but deal with your conscience.”

He went into defensive mode accusing me of allowing other people’s opinions to spoil my mind against him. Concluded, “You’ll regret this someday. You’ll never find a man like me. Mark it on the wall.” I answered, “That’s the point. I don’t want to ever meet a man like you that’s why I’m working out. Your time will come.”

It’s Christmas. Maybe he’s having fun without me or maybe he hopped unto another woman. Whatever the case is, it’s my back case. I learned early in life that when something is too good to be true, then it probably is. This one has all the jingles of ‘too good to be true. I’ve advised myself. Some days I’m scared he might come after me. I walk while looking over my shoulders but I believe it’s a feeling that will go away soon. It’s better this feeling than spending forever in the dark. 


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