Theres’ an Update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link
I lost my job before lockdown. The reason had to do with the Coronavirus pandemic. I was the hotel manager and worked there for six years. When they had to make the decision, nothing mattered. The fact that I was the longest-serving staff didn’t count. The fact that I’d won the best working staff for three consecutive years also didn’t count. The fact that my wife was six months pregnant didn’t factor in their decision-making. “Things are not right,” They said. “Hopefully it wouldn’t be for too long. When things are back to normal, we’ll recall you to occupy your position.”
I took my letter, pack the little things I had there into a bag and said goodbye to the only colleague who was still at post. When I got home, I just handed over the letter to my wife. She wasn’t surprised because I’d given her a hint before but she looked forward and started getting scared of what lied ahead. I told her, “All is well. Let’s stay calm.” She responded, “Thank God we were able to pay our rent last month. We can manage the little we have.”
A week later, the lockdown was announced. That was when my wife, a pupil’s teacher, also started having issues with her employers. They were given half salary for March because according to them, most of the kids were owing fees before they were sent home. They told her, “It’s not likely staff members are going to get paid for April because there’s no money to pay salaries. And as far as the kids remain in the house, teachers are not going to get paid.”
We knew what lied ahead so we started managing the resources we had left. The crazy thing about this pandemic is the fact that we don’t know when it’s going to be over. That affects your plans and the way you live your life. I don’t know when I’m going to get a new job or when I would be recalled. My wife doesn’t know when she’s going to start receiving salaries. Our future looks bleak and very uncertain.
That brings me to what my wife’s mother told her when we were about to get married. She didn’t like the idea of me marrying her daughter. She said something like, “This guy is about to start life. He doesn’t have anything to fall on when you two face a challenge in life.” At that time I was selling insurance policies. That job didn’t have a promised wage at the end of the month. Some months were good and too many months were very bad but I had dreams of moving on and I was very sure life would be better but her mom didn’t buy that idea.
Not knowing she had a plan of giving her out to another man who was abroad. Her daughter loved me instead and I was the one she wanted to spend her life with. The mother tried all she could but couldn’t succeed. The father was on my side and always advised his daughter to follow the man she loved. The mother never forgave me for making her daughter fall in love with me.
Recently, I looked at my wife and told myself, “Maybe your mother was right. I’m not good for you. You deserve better than a man who loses his job just when your salary isn’t coming.” She’s a good woman and had always been supportive of me and my dreams. She’s happy when we have more than we can spend. She doesn’t complain when the tides go against us. She does her best.
Some days ago, she asked me, “Should I call my mom for help? No matter what, I’m still her daughter and she’ll always come through for me.”
I looked into her eyes and said, “No. Leave everything to me. I will work something out.” Honestly, it’s hard to work something out looking at my situation but I wouldn’t like her mother to come in at this moment and say, “I told you so.” That would break my heart and everything in me. It’s not my fault for COVID-19 to happen. It happened and took the food on my table away but I wouldn’t like her mom to come and rob things on my face.
But how long is this lockdown going to last?
Would it be over soon so the kids can go back to school? Some say it’s going to last till June. Some say it’s going to end very soon. Others just think the world is far from recovering so we should brace ourselves. If it’s going to go past June then we are going to be in very big trouble. My wife is due in June. A new baby comes with new expenditures we won’t be in a position to cover.
She said, “If things remain the way they are by June, we would have no option but to talk to my mother about it. Every marriage goes through troubles because no marriage was made in heaven but it’s our responsibility to make it work here on earth. We need help. Let’s put pride aside and ask. We won’t die.”
I know she’s telling the truth but I don’t want us to get there so a few nights ago when I prayed I told God, “If you are using Corona to test the strength of our marriage, God, we are getting closer to the breaking point. Come through for us and we’ll always stay true to your name.” He didn’t respond, obviously but I’m believing he’ll work a miracle for us.
—Arthur, Ghana
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