When we started dating in 2008, I knew he was the one. There was just something about him that whispered to my spirit, “We are a match made in heaven.” Although I felt right about him, I prayed. I asked Him to reveal to me if he was really the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. While I was praying, Simon was also praying. He too asked God to reveal to him if I was his missing rib.

While we prayed, we studied each other. I realized that he was not the kind of guy who shied away from difficult situations. Whenever we faced problems in our relationship, we sat down and dealt with it. I’m not going to say that it was easy to do. There were times when our egos got in the way. I want to believe that’s one thing our prayers helped us solve. We understood that we were not fighting against each other. Rather, we were fighting for each other. That’s one thing that made me so sure that I want him as my life partner.

By 2013, we both received confirmation that we were meant to be. So we went ahead and got married that year. You know how we are mostly full of hope and expectations when we are starting life with someone. Sure, we heard from people’s experiences that marriage is not easy. However, we were sure that ours would be different. We had dated for five years so we were so sure that we knew everything there was to know about each other.

“I know what I am getting myself into,” I told myself, “There will be no surprises. God himself has ordained this union.” The first few months were nice. We had it all figured out. “Is this the difficult marriage that people keep talking about? What’s hard about this?” I thought. We were nailing it.

Then we started experiencing bumps in the road. We would solve one problem only for another to pop up. Sometimes we would encounter multiple problems all at once. When we felt so overwhelmed that we thought we wouldn’t make it, we looked up to God. When we forgot why we chose each other, we fell back on the love of God. I know this sounds cliché but we wouldn’t have made it if it hadn’t been for the love we both have for God. It kept us grounded and bound to each other when our emotions told us to run.

By the time we were seven years into the marriage, God blessed us with two beautiful children. I had also applied to do my master’s. Just at the time that I gained admission to pursue my studies, we found out that I was pregnant with our third child. My husband was concerned about my health. So he suggested, “Don’t you want to defer the course till after the baby?” I had heard of women who combined pregnancy, marriage, and school. I figured if they made it work then I had to also make it happen. So I decided to give it a shot.

This is the one decision I made in my life and marriage without consulting God first. In my desire to do it all on my own, I forgot to ask my maker for guidance. In hindsight, I would like to say that we cannot live our lives without God.

Just as I set my mind to make it work, I went through schooling, pregnancy, and eventually childbirth. It was not an easy journey. I was stretched thin but I refused to give up.

By the time I had the baby, I was halfway through school. That was the time I started falling sick. It was in 2020. I was constantly visiting the hospital. I ran a series of tests but the doctors could not tell what the problem was.

When we got tired of the hospital we tried herbal medicines. I have lost count of the number of herbalists we consulted. I was made to drink concoction after concoctions. Let’s not forget the spiritual baths they gave me.

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We exhausted all our savings on treatment that wasn’t working. My husband had to go for loans just so we could continue looking for a solution to the problem. That’s one thing I am grateful to God for. He gave me a man who stood by me and nursed me through the darkest moments of my life. Every hospital I visited, he was attached to my hip. Even if I had to travel long distances to run tests, he stayed glued to my side. And when we ran out of money he didn’t complain. He went about looking for more money to ensure that I got the help I needed. A man like this, who can find?

While we were going through all these challenges, I held on to my faith in God. I kept telling him that if he heals me I will share a testimony of his goodness to the world. While I was still praying and trusting him a friend introduced me to a prayer group. That was when I encountered God and He came through for me in 2023. The illness that afflicted me for years vanished and now I am whole again.

How I Met The Woman Of My Dreams

I am here to share a victory story. First, I want to thank God for keeping my marriage intact for these past ten years. I want to encourage the single ones out there to always seek the face of God when it comes to marriage. If God himself gives you a partner, life’s storms will not drown your marriage. You two will sail through everything that comes your way as long as you don’t let go of each other and your love for God. So never leave God out of the equation.

I am also here to keep the covenant I had with God. I told Him that if He heals me I will testify to the whole world and I know a lot of people from different walks of life are on this page so this is me honoring my deal and bringing you my testimony. Help me thank God for His mercies.


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