A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a reproductive health condition. “This will affect your ability to bear children biologically,” the doctors said. We asked if it had a cure. “It can be managed,” came their response. They said if it was managed well, there was a chance I could give birth. However, they emphasized that it was a very slim chance. I interpreted slim chance to mean something that would happen after I had tried tirelessly for years to have a baby.

So I never concerned myself with pregnancy issues. I have a boyfriend. We’ve been together for a while now and we are currently planning our wedding. We didn’t intend to get married at this time but it’s happening. You can say it’s an emergency wedding. It was my boyfriend’s idea. He wants us to hurry up and get married before people start seeing signs that I am pregnant.

Imagine how much the news shocked me when I found out. They said I couldn’t have kids. Or I would have to undergo some treatments to get a slim chance. Only to find out two months ago that I got pregnant without even trying. Because of my medical condition, we were excited about the news. We would have rushed to share it with our families had we been married. That’s why he wants it to happen urgently.

Initially, I was all for the marriage. However, something has happened that is making me unsure if I want to go through with any of it. There is this job I have been dreaming of. It aligns with my passion, pays generously, and has incredible benefits. It’s also an amazing opportunity for me to grow my career. Here’s the catch.

The job is given on a six-month contract basis. It is renewed if they see you as a good fit after your first term with them. They just offered me the position I applied for. I was so excited about it until reality kicked in. I am pregnant. If I start work, by the time my contract expires I will be almost due for delivery. I’m not sure they would renew it again knowing I would spend three months out of the next contract on maternity leave. Then I would lose this incredible opportunity.

My second fear is also the fact that things are not good for my boyfriend currently. He is far stretched on money. Looking at the way things are going, the wedding is going to take a big financial toll on him. This is an unplanned wedding and he is trying to squeeze himself dry to make it happen. There is no doubt that he loves me. I know he is willing to sell some properties if he is unable to secure a loan for the wedding. As much as I don’t want this to happen, I also don’t have any means to help him.

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Left to me alone, we would call off the wedding. We would wait until I can work and save some money. That way we can both pull our sources and plan our wedding without any loan or anyone having to sell their property. Now, do you see my dilemma? If I keep the pregnancy, the job will pass me by.

Now, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have to make a choice between financial stability and a future with no kids. I don’t see myself winning in any of these situations.

If I keep the baby and we get married, we will be broke and even be in debt. How can we raise a child in that kind of financial situation? The less stressful option is to get rid of it. But I can’t get rid of the voice in my head that keeps telling me, “You have a slim chance of mothering a child.” If what the doctors have said is true then this pregnancy is a miracle. So why doesn’t it feel like one?

I have been thinking about this day and night. I need to come to a decision soon because I don’t have all the time in the world. If I get rid of it, I will tell everyone I miscarried. Then I would convince my boyfriend that we should call off the wedding till we are ready. It would work perfectly but I feel so guilty about it. What do I do? Which of these impossible choices do I make?


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