Before I met Yaw in 2021, I had dated Paa Ekow for six years. Yaw got posted to the town Paa Ekow and I were working in but we were on leave so we had gone home.
My relationship with Paa has been a roller coaster ride. We were happily enjoying the relationship when it came to light that Paa was cheating on me with a lady in the town.
Before then, I had always told myself that the moment my guy cheats, I’m leaving because I wouldn’t give you a reason to cheat. I love with my all and go beyond my comfort zone just to see my partner happy. To me, my partner comes before I do. So when I saw the evidence of cheating, I was emotionally exhausted. I thought I would leave but I didn’t. Paa cried and begged like a kid. He explained that it happened once and the girl had been pushing for a relationship afterwards but he made it clear that he was not leaving me for her.
I don’t know why I stayed but I believed I wanted to prove to the lady that no matter what, she can’t have my man. It was tough dealing with a village champion but I had to ignore her. My sex life with Paa changed from then. His touches hardly turned me on. I started denying him sex and I lost trust in him. I raised an eyebrow at his every move. He wasn’t happy and I wasn’t happy either. All these happened in our third year of dating.
In our fifth to sixth year, we both became abusive toward each other. We quarreled almost every day and he started hitting me. It didn’t happen once or twice. It became way too much. I started complaining to his parents. At some point, I wanted to leave but each time, his parents resolved our issue and I stayed.
He was once my playmate, my kokonsa partner, and my dancing partner. We used to fool together and we knew nothing but happiness. So I stayed with the hope that things would change and go back to how we used to be but it kept getting worse instead.
I had no one to talk to anymore. We were living okay but with no happiness. We could be in the room the whole day and each of us would be on our phones. We stopped discussing issues like we used to. I was lonely and so was he although we were together.
I hardly paid attention to any other man even though I had countless men who wanted me.
That was until 2021 when we returned from our leave, and Yaw had been posted to our town to work. He saw me. He liked what he saw in me and decided to get closer. I don’t know how and why but I gave him my attention. I guess he was everything I was expecting in my man. We became friends. He was frank with me right from the start. He told me he likes women though he has a girlfriend he loves so much. I found him intriguing and exciting. His cheating nature is everything I hated in a man but I liked him for being sincere about it.
After getting close to Yaw, I wanted only friendship because, unlike Paa, he listens to me and puts me first, just the way I desire to be treated. However, the ladies in the town started getting close to Yaw so I decided to stay back. He realized it and promised me that if we became intimate, he wouldn’t give anyone attention apart from his lady and me. He sounded crazy to me but I gave him a chance.
With time, we began to cuddle. He would go home as hard as a rock and I would sleep dripping honey. I could get wet just by seeing him. By and by, I was falling for him. We both wanted each other and our partners as well and it was crazy. We did things to each other that we didn’t do with our partners.
As time went on, his lady started visiting. Surprisingly, I wasn’t jealous. Yaw gave me all the attention I needed even when his lady was around. He would come to me after work and spend time with me before going home. All this while, we talked, laughed, and kissed. He respected me so things were easier with him.
The more I fell for Yaw the more I was falling out of love with Paa. There were times when I wanted to end my relationship with him and continue being a mistress because I was happier being Yaw’s mistress than I was, being Paa’s girlfriend.
However, I couldn’t leave Paa. Besides, Yaw had told me before that he couldn’t break up with his girl just as I couldn’t break up with my man. I should have ignored Yaw from then but we rather promised to be there for each other secretly while being with our partners because we found solace in each other as our partners were not being their best selves according to us.
One day I was chatting with Yaw. His lady was around but I complained of backache so he decided to come and give me a massage when he closed from work at 8 pm. He gave me the massage and added a happy ending. I wasn’t happy because I didn’t know how it began. It was the first time I was having a different man while dating. After Yaw left, I cried the whole night.
He was checking up on me throughout the night and realized I was crying. That was when I fell completely for this guy. He was a changed person. He felt sorry for putting me in that state. I saw his love for me grow from then. It was more of me than his lady. I became fond of him too. I continued being with Paa and getting my happiness from Yaw. We started doing it wotowoto now, not caring about anyone. Yaw is small but the way he uses it is extraordinary.
I kept going in for more and totally denying Paa. Paa was always going home on weekends so I had time to explore more with Yaw. I loved Yaw and I felt he loved me too. Things were getting intense.
Along the line, Yaw’s lady became friends with me and started confiding in me. To be frank, I started feeling easy with Yaw when his lady made me aware that she was also doing her thing on the side. I liked the lady so I never told Yaw any of it. I was okay sharing Yaw with her. And true to Yaw’s words, it was all about me and his lady. He ignored all other ladies after I gave in to intimacy. I grew to love him more because he knows exactly where to touch and grind. He’s not as big as Paa but he’s better than Paa in bed.
We loved each other’s company but refused to leave our partners to be together. As time went on, he got recruited into one of the security services and went for training. Before he left, we had a misunderstanding so I knew we were over. Nonetheless, once in a while, he called me from training to greet me. He told me I would be the first person he would run to when he passes out.
After six months, I had been able to live without him so I felt I was done with him. Then he called me the moment he passed out and asked for directions to my new place because I had gotten a release and left the town I was working at. I didn’t want things to get messy between us again so I refused to show him where I had moved to. He pleaded with all that was in him but I knew that I wouldn’t be in control of myself if I saw him so I said no.
Two months later, I agreed to meet him because I was missing him. He also never stopped calling and pleading to see me. Instead of inviting him to my place, I traveled to go and see him. We had missed each other so much that we didn’t sleep at all. We had shuperu throughout my stay with him.
He told me he’d been having so many hit-and-runs, he called those flings commercials. He said he never slept with any of those women more than once, but there was something about me that kept him coming back. Meanwhile, I, who had never cheated on my partner before couldn’t stop myself from cheating with him.
Right now, we meet now and then to do crazy things. His lady has left him. He got broken but found solace in me. He wanted us to go public with our relationship but I couldn’t, because I’m still friends with his lady. She trusts me so much that she tells me everything. I knew she was cheating with the one she left Yaw for because she confided in me when it all started and a year later, she left Yaw.
As for me, I’m still with Paa. Nothing has changed. He doesn’t want to let me go. We are both trying to make it work but there is no chemistry between us anymore. I am still here because I don’t want to throw away what we’ve shared for seven years. He has finally asked me to marry him and I’m going to say yes.
READ ALSO: My Ex Is Married To Someone Else But I Still Want Her Back
Yaw has started with his commercials again because I didn’t agree to go public with him. When I ask him about the girls, he denies sleeping with them. Once in a while after pleading for a long time, we meet to have sex and it’s always awesome.
Truth is, I love Yaw but he has some ladies around him now because I advised him to get a lady and move on with his life. He’s a free giver and very caring in nature and I believe it’s the reason every lady he encounters grows fond of him.
Despite all the people in our lives, we can’t resist each other. Just three days ago, we met and made love, ignoring the fact that I was in my period. He feels awkward around a lady in her menses but he made love to me in that state.
The Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Done In The Name of Love
Maybe I may not be able to love anyone else like I do Yaw because he knows how to make me feel seen, heard, and loved. Unlike Paa, I get the same energy I send to the table. He sometimes goes beyond what I give him. I feel I should ignore all odds and be with him but I fear he may turn against me because I left someone for him or maybe he wouldn’t be able to let go of his commercials. He’s a health worker so he takes his protection seriously. I’ve hated cheaters but here I am loving one with every fibre of my being.
As it stands now, I may marry Paa but I’ll always love Yaw because he brings out the best in me and shows me how a lady like me should be treated.
I’m worried about how he’s living his life now but I feel like there’s nothing I can do to change him. I will just focus on my future with Paa and hope for the best.
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Madam, check your HIV and Hep B status wai because I can’t wrap my head over this sexual web y’all were in
If you don’t love Paa, stop leading him on. If you marry him, both of you will be miserable. I’m not too sure Yaw is the man for you though. You may commit to him if he can turn a new leaf. Otherwise, let him go too. Once you are free of both men, you will be ready to love again.
Thank you for telling us
Fact is most ladies are doing same and some are even doing worse
I will advice you to do yourself a favor by not marrying Paa Kow because the marriage wont work.
Truth is, Yaw has destroyed you to no repairable state. Youre now a damaged woman who cant/ will not be able to settle down with any man in terms of marriage including Yaw.
Your real pain awaits you when Yaw finally finds that one lady.