My friend here is a very good woman, but when it comes to relationships, it’s hard for her. You should hear the reasons men have given for leaving her—it’ll make you cry. Sometimes, I feel like she’s being pursued by some spirits who crush her relationships.

I’m a woman, and I share a house with her, but Louisa won’t let me do anything. She wakes up early and sweetly scrubs the bathroom, then cooks for us. When she’s out, she always comes home with something. When I’m in trouble, she stays with me until the trouble is over. When she’s in love with a man, she doubles her kindness and her serviceable spirit, but it all comes crashing down.


I know three guys who have left her for crazy reasons. There’s Jude, who used the line, “You’re too good for a man like me,” to leave her. That guy was cheating. Louisa caught him three times but didn’t leave. Later, he left. I was happy.

Then she met Eric. He was the only guy Louisa found and left me entirely for. She would leave work and go straight to him. I’d call her phone, and she wouldn’t pick up because she was busy. She stopped cooking here because she was always doing something for Eric. They were together for two years. It wasn’t perfect, but she was managing—until Eric told her, “I’m going through an issue that requires me to be alone, so it’s better we break up.”

Louisa wanted to wait for as long as he needed to be alone, but he said no. That guy got married a few months later. The woman he married wasn’t even beautiful.

As for James, it was all games for him. He pursued her for five months until Louisa finally gave in. Once he had sex with her, he fled. No reason was given—just silence and ghosting. She was crushed. I even told her to buy forms for Coventry because, eii…

And then Eben came along. I was sceptical at first, but she assured me Eben was different. Three months later, that relationship is over. Ask me what happened. Go ahead, ask me. Some men…

According to Louisa, they were being intimate, and she was being loud. She said the guy kept telling her to shut up, but she couldn’t, so he clamped her mouth, and she farted. That was it. It was sudden and spontaneous. She couldn’t help it, but Eben stopped everything and got dressed. Since then, their relationship has been hanging by a thread. According to Eben, it has nothing to do with the fart or the noise but is about a reason he can’t talk about.

I’ve told her to let go, but she won’t listen. She goes there, and this guy drives her away, but she keeps trying to prove a point. She’s no longer herself, which I understand. When she’s going through things like this, she overworks herself and sleeps very little. She’s losing it, and I’m concerned. What can I do to help a dear friend like Louisa?


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