If you haven’t read the first parts of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.

All I wanted to do was divorce my husband and leave the house with my children. I was tired—tired of the struggle, tired of the heartbreaks, tired of everything that came on us because of my husband’s moment of indiscretion. I wanted to leave at once but my mother was the problem. She was scared of the label society would place on me; the born-four divorcee label. She didn’t want to be a witness to the mockery so she advised me to stay. I didn’t listen.

I packed my things one day and left with the kids to my mom’s place. Immediately my mom saw me she said, “Have you forgotten what the Fetish Priest said? Do you want your husband to die? If you leave him, he will die. You better go back and be a wife to that man.”

The frustration in my heart and the tiredness in my bones came up to speak for me. I told my mom, “Let him die. I’m tired. That man has caused me more sorrow and pain I wish I would die. The only reason I keep going is my kids. My husband should have been my joy and protection but look at me. Do I look like I’m enjoying these in my marriage?”

My mom took her time to remind me of all the good things my husband has done in my life. She even challenged me to write them on paper, both the good and bad and see which one surpasses the other. “He’s a good man who made one mistake and that mistake brought us here. Don’t forget all the good and cut him off because of one mistake.”

My mom was telling the truth. Aside from the cheating that plunged us into this armageddon, everything had been good between me and my husband. My mom said, “Leave the kids with me and go back to him. Show him love and bring him closer to you, everything will be alright.”

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I went back home and met him seated around the corner. I didn’t greet nor say a word to him. I went straight to the bedroom. In the night when we were sleeping, I felt his hand on me. He whispered, “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. If the whole world supports me and you’re against me, I’ve lost. The whole world can be against me but with your support, I will win again. Don’t leave me.”

The next morning he told me he was going to see a friend who had agreed to offer him a job to do. When he came back I asked him the details of the job and he told me the friend was a lotto agent so he was going to assist him. He would pay him GHC40 a day. My spirit sank. I nearly cried. “Shame on you,” I told him. “You thought you were hurting me, you see where life has brought you? A proud owner of Honda CRV and Nissan Sentra now a lotto agent?”

It was a slice of loaf yet better than none so we agreed for him to do it. Not long afterwards, His friend Kwesi came home to visit us with good news. All that while, my husband was struggling, his childhood friend who lived abroad was trying to reach him but couldn’t get to him. He had some cars he wanted to clear. My husband was in the clearing business so he thought my husband could help him clear his cars. When Kwesi told my husband everything, we should have been happy. It was an opportunity to make money but my husband couldn’t accept the deal.

He told Kwesi everything we’ve been through because of the side chick. He concluded, “I can’t take this deal. I will lose everything and cause havoc between me and my friend. Let this pass, I beg you.”

Kwesi broke down when he heard our story. He said he was going to stick around and help us get the solution we needed. The first thing he suggested was that I should pay the lady through my salary. Not directly so she wouldn’t attack me through the money. He also suggested we go and meet the lady so we talk to her.

When we met the lady, she started giving me attitude. He looked like a toy to me so I paid her no attention. Kwesi told her how we intended to pay her going forward. Immediately she got to know the payment was going to come from me, she got up and started screaming, “I don’t want her money. She’s not the one I’m having a child with. My son’s father is alive so I want him to be giving us his money and not that of his wife.”

The way she was behaving got on my nerves so when she tried pointing at me, I got up and gave her a dirty slap. She got up to fight me but my husband immediately came between us trying to separate the fight. This lady wouldn’t stop so my husband took over the fight and told her off that it was her curse and evil deeds that had brought him to his knees. Everything went from a conversation to chaos but we insisted I was going to send her the money and left.

After making four series of payments to her, I started having problems at work. I slept on night duty once and my superintendent nearly made a big issue out of it. Meanwhile, It was normal for us to sleep when all patients were sleeping.

On February 10th 2023, a man walked up to me and told me I was going to die the following week. He was very specific that I was going to die on Thursday. I told my husband and mom about it.

By that time, I had met a certain man of God who was helping me go through the issues. This man of God warned me not to see the fetish priest again so I ignored him for a very long time but when the man told me I was going to die, my mom quickly rushed to the fetish priest to ask questions. The fetish priest told my mom to come and tell me that someone would invite me to eat Fufu and palm nut soup. If I eat that food, that would be the end of me.

When my mom told me, I ran to the pastor to tell him everything and the pastor told me not to be afraid because nothing was going to happen to me. I trusted what the pastor said but I was very careful when it came to what to eat. A friend had a funeral and we all attended. At the funeral, we had a lot to eat and a lot to drink. We all ate together from one bowl. While eating, I discovered crab in the soup so I stopped eating immediately. Crabs are one of the things the fetish priests forbid. That was 4th March, 2023.

My daughter fell sick and I took her to the hospital. My mom came to visit us. While there, my grandma called. She told my mom that they were pouring libation when Nana Komfo told her that a calamity was about to happen because I took things for granted. My mom asked about the calamity but my grandma couldn’t name it. She said the Komfo didn’t tell her what the calamity was about but told her that nothing could be done about the calamity.

A few days later, my daughter died. The sickness wasn’t the kind of sickness that takes kids to the grave but I lost my only daughter. I was so shocked I passed out. From there I didn’t see what happened again. When I came back to life, my daughter had been buried. I cried like there was no tomorrow. I gathered my three boys and wanted to commit suicide with them but the voice in my head was so loud I gave up on the idea.

After the death of my daughter, they turned their attention to me. I fell seriously sick but the doctors couldn’t see what the issue was. I was put on oxygen while the doctors were doing trial and error. My grandma called to tell my mom that the fetish priest told her to do something on my behalf and she had done it so nothing would happen to me. After that, they took me in to do a second X-ray and it was revealed that I was having pleural effusion. They had to drain it from my lungs before I got better.

When I got home, I locked my door, put a worship song on, went naked and started praying to God. “God have mercy on me and forgive me of my sins. I don’t want to go to the fetish priest again. You are the only God I know.” I prayed until I couldn’t hear my voice. I fell into a trance and saw my daughter smiling with my late father.  She was sipping yoghurt. I woke up and didn’t understand what the dream was.

In July, my husband’s childhood friend shipped the cars for my husband and he sold them without any loss. The guy was impressed so the following month he shipped three more cars and my hubby sold them without making any losses. He bought a car for us, which we are still using. My sister-in-law introduced her pastor to us and we attended their church. The pastor said help was on the way. He told us by next year me and my husband will be out of the country.

My husband’s friend kept on shipping the cars so we made some profit. I was happy our life was back on track. I sent the December money to the side chick and added a few amounts to it and for the first time, this girl sent a thank you text. Later, she texted; “Please can I talk to you? I am sorry about everything.”

I didn’t reply. She sent a voice note talking about the curse. She said she had spoken to my husband about it and my husband informed her that a fetish priest in our hometown told them. She wanted me to take her to the fetish priest.

When I finished listening to the voice note, I jumped on my bed with a smiling face and a happy heart. I deleted her messages and blocked her on WhatsApp. I don’t want to have anything to do with her except the money I send to her. Even that one, my husband pays me double the amount every month when I send it to her.

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Good things are happening in our lives now and the prophecy my sister’s pastor gave us is slowly manifesting. I wanted to send this update when I’m in the UK but a lot of people have asked for it in the comments section that’s why I decided to send it. It’s been tough but slowly, we are winning.


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