Dear Harriet,
I need to write you this letter to free myself from the torment of my feelings. If it helps, you could call it a confession. I know you know who I am but I don’t want you to be confused in case there are many others standing in line with me at the door of your heart. My darling, I am a young man working as a national service person in one of the public universities in Ghana. Precisely your school.
Before I met you, I was waiting on God. I am not saying I have never been with a woman before. Lord knows I have done unholy things in my past. The good news is, all of that passed away when I gave my life to Christ. Ever since I became serious with my Christian life, I told God I won’t go into any relationship until he brings me a woman who is like my mother. My mother is humble, respectful, and has a comforting presence. So I have been praying and waiting for him to bring me a woman of her kind in his own perfect time.
I thought God’s time was far off until I met you that fateful morning. It was quite early so there weren’t many students on campus. I seized the opportunity to work on my scholarship application in one of the lecture halls. To my surprise, you were sitting on one of the chairs preparing to study. The first thing that came to my mind was, “This young woman is very dedicated to her books. She must either be a brilliant student in her class or a final-year student working on her thesis.” Either way, I was interested in getting to know you.
As fate would have it, you came to greet me and asked if you could use one of the tables in my possession. You were so soft-spoken and respectful. I just knew in my heart that you are the woman I have been praying to God for. Yes, I had just met you but there are some things you just know.
I remember how polite you were when I started asking you questions about yourself. I asked if you were working on your thesis and you answered, “Oh no, I am in my third year. I just want to get an early start so I can catch up on some classes I missed.” “She is beautiful, smart, and serious about school,” I thought in response.
I remember when you finished your studies and said you had to return to your hostel. I didn’t want to part with you so soon so I offered to walk you to the hostel. Of course, it was also an opportunity for me to ask for your number. My heart was dancing in my chest when you took my phone and dialed the number. Before I walked away you said, “I also have your number so I will call you.”
My dear, I had a joyous smile on my face for the rest of the day. I was so happy that my day started with meeting you.
I know you are in school and busy with your books so I made it a point not to disturb you with too many calls. However, you would call me regularly to check up on me. So I also started calling you every time I closed from work. I am always excited to get a text message from you.
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The way you express yourself has my heart on your hook. I have a thing for girls who are intelligent, and you are exactly all that, accompanied with a great sense of humour. I have never said this to you but I always feel giddy when we talk about our future. You are a woman with big dreams, and I know you will go places because of it.
After talking to you for all this while, I believed we had gotten to a place of mutual affection for each other. That’s why I took things a step further and proposed love to you. “I am in love with you, and I want us to be together,” I confessed. I wasn’t certain of what your response would be but I was optimistic. However you let me down easy with the line, “I like you too but I am not ready for a relationship. I want to focus on my books for now.” I was sad but I had to understand and accept your decision.
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I know you still call and text to check up on me but it is because you care for me as a friend. That’s why I am unable to express myself with you as freely as I want to. It is also why I am writing a letter to you and publishing it online instead of sending it to you personally. I don’t want you to feel pressured but I am hoping you will find this letter here and know the extent of my true feelings for you.
My dearest Harriet, I want you to know that whatever becomes of this thing that we have, I love you. No matter where we end up in life, given the opportunity, I will choose you over anyone. For you, I am an open door. I may shut myself to everyone else but whenever you are ready for me, I am yours. If you ever need me, I am at your beck and call. Trust that you can always count on me to show up for you.
My darling, you mean the world to me, that’s why you are always in my prayers. I am rooting for you to win at life. Wherever you see this, whenever you see this, know that you own every corner and curve of my heart.
— Joe
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