They say every man suffers a broken heart once but I have suffered broken heart three times at three different stages of my life; one, when I was young and careless, two, when I was unemployed and broke, and three, when I had a job and had something in my pocket. Girls have a way of breaking a heart that has been broken many times. They don’t have mercy, trust me.
The third heartbreak nearly drove me to the rope but instead of going for the rope, I went for a different kind of rope; patronizing prostitutes.
Every night, I went for a different one, thinking they would help me heal my broken heart. They didn’t but they helped me cover up the hurtful feeling I was going through. They helped me musk up the hurt so I kept going to them. When I was with them, I forgot my problems. Immediately I leave them, my problems come staring me in the face so I kept going back until I became addicted. Now I can’t stop.
Five years later, I’m totally healed and have a woman who loves me dearly. I’m not sure if I love her that much but this woman gives me everything I ask for but the problem is, I can’t stop seeing these hookup girls.
At least, twice a week, I visit them. If I don’t go there, they’ll call my phone; “Customer, this week I haven’t seen you. Is everything ok?” I would answer, “Hmm this week diɛ things are not that good. My pocket is empty that’s why you haven’t seen me.” Those girls are not that bad. At least, they have a heart and they appreciate their customers so they’ll say something like, “Oh if it’s money, no problem. Just come. I know when the money comes you’ll do me fine.”
Nothing pulls me away from them not them, not even poverty. I’m hurting my girlfriend and hurting myself. I know one day she might find out and leave me and that will also do damage to my heart. I want to stop before that day comes. Last week I fasted and stayed. I didn’t even break my fast before one of them called. Eiii, satan is strong oooo. Please show me the way. How do I stop and not go back again? I’m desperate.
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My brother, this is more serious than you may presume. It is an attack on your destiny and only God can deliver you. You need to be serious and fervent in fasting, prayer and the Word. Be consistent with it. Don’t do it one day or a few weeks and expect it to go. Satan is smarter than that. He will hit you hard.
You need someone spiritually inclined to help you with this as well.
I recommend Pastor Elvis Agyemang of Alpha Hour fame. God will help you
You don’t need prayers for this, you can change your number or block them, or tell them honestly to not call you for sex, and move with your girl often, ask her to be checking on you, it would help you