I was almost home when this car abruptly came to a stop next to me. The window went down and the man in the car asked if I lived around. I nodded cautiously, as if to say, “I live around here but I don’t live around here.” I didn’t know his reasons for asking that question but usually, those who ask are missing and are looking for direction so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He said, “Great, I’m looking for a man who lives around here. His name is Oboadie, one popular man.”
I’d lived in that area all my life but I hadn’t heard the name. I shook my head and said, “No I don’t know anyone like that. Where did he say he lives? Did he give you the name of an area?”
We talked but I couldn’t help him. He said thank you and drove away. Several minutes later, I was by the roadside making a call when the same car came to a stop next to me. I smiled and he smiled back. He said, “I’ve seen the man. He’s just two blocks away from here. Thank you very much.” I nodded because I was on a call. He kept talking until I dropped the call. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. He gave me his number too but I knew I wasn’t going to call so I didn’t save it.
I woke up the next morning to see Momo alert on my phone. GHC1,000. The reference was, “Thank you.”
“Thank you? For what? Or it’s a wrong number?”
I went on WhatsApp to see his message waiting for me. He’s Blankson. “I sent you something small for being a help yesterday. We usually don’t meet people like you, kind and receptive.” I responded, “That’s very kind of you but it’s too much for a simple task like that. I’m grateful. You’re very kind.”
We exchanged a few messages and said goodbye. Days later he called, “Are you home?” I said yes. He said, “I’m on my way to see my friend and thought of saying hi.”
I met him outside. We talked for less than three minutes. When he was about to drive away, he gave me a gift bag and said, “For you. I hope you like it.” I looked inside and everything was wrapped. I said, “I don’t know what that is but I like it.”
A perfume, a self-help book and a bundle of money. I counted. It was GHC2,000. This time I was confused. Not only confused but scared too. This is a man I met not too long ago. The only thing I knew about him was his name but he kept giving me gifts. “What’s his intention? He likes me and trying to buy his way into my heart?”
When I called, I thanked him and also used the opportunity to ask, “What for? What’s the end game?” His response was, “We are friends and friends give each other gifts.” I laughed. “How come I haven’t given you any but you keep giving?” He answered, “I trust one day you will.”
He would wake up and send me a good morning message. He usually goes like, “Good morning beautiful friend.” Or “Good night, sweet friend.” In the afternoon he would call and ask how my day was going. He brought me lunch through a delivery. Not once and not twice. He kept sending Momo unexpectedly. He kept passing by to see his friend. One day he asked me to join him and I did. He introduced me to his friend as a new friend.
READ ALSO: Women Only Come Into My Life To Use Me
Because he kept coming around, my household started noticing him. He would say hello to whoever was around and sometimes come to the house to look for me instead of calling me to come out. I’m not a child. I put one and one together and decided he wanted a relationship but didn’t know how to say it. I asked myself the questions and decided to be honest with myself.
“Do you like him? Is he your kind of man? Does he tick the boxes? If he proposes to you today, would you say yes?”
That was my answer. We had known each other for over two months. I knew his work and knew his workplace. He had visited me at my workplace twice and each time he came, he came with a gift. He didn’t stop sending the Momo too. And one surprising thing was that the money always came at the time I needed money. It was like he was reading my mind. “I need money to buy this…” Boom! He’ll send money. He was kind and all over me but I didn’t like him. His personality didn’t strike me as someone I could live with. I was only waiting for him to propose so I say no.
It’s been five months. He hasn’t proposed and nothing has changed. He keeps sending me money. Since I’ve known him I’ve never asked him for anything but he gives willingly. And it’s something I don’t want him to stop because I need the money he gives me. It solves a lot of problems in my life. I don’t budget for it but it comes and when I receive it, it fills certain holes in my life.
But my heart is troubled. That one day, I’ll say no to him and he’ll go like, “Then bring everything I’ve ever given to you.” How would I provide them?
He doesn’t look like a man who’ll do that but in love and in war, everything is fair so you might not know. I’ve discussed it with my best friend. Her concern isn’t about my fears but why I wouldn’t like a man like that. I told her, “There’s no connection or chemistry. The ones I’ve loved didn’t do half of what he’s doing but the connection was there.”
“Do you eat connection? When you buy from a shop, do you pay with chemistry? If I were you, I would propose to him before he thinks of proposing to me. A man like this is worth millions in the bush.”
That’s her opinion. There’s a reason she’s not me. Money doesn’t rule my world. If I get it I’m happy. If I don’t, I remain content with what I have. I won’t fall for a man because he provides the world. I will fall when my soul is at peace with him. And that happens naturally when he has what I want. Blankson is a man. He could be someone’s dream but unfortunately not my kind of dream.
Recently, I’ve been trying to build boundaries. Not strong boundaries but they are boundaries anyway. I say no to outings he brings up. When he wants to come to my office, I say no. He passes to his friend and I tell him I’m not home. The sad thing is, he sees the change but does not ask questions. He’ll send Momo with funny references. He’ll send a gift through delivery. He’ll tell me, “I’m your friend. You can tell me everything.”
I Didn’t Tell Anybody Because I Enjoyed It
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s the friendship he wants and not love so I should stop getting myself worked out for something that doesn’t exist. I’m scared about the future. I can trigger it with conversation but I’m not able to because I love the money he sends and I don’t want it to stop. Am I evil? Am I taking advantage of him? Should I run for my life before the worst happens?
I need advice. Tell me everything but don’t advise me to stop collecting the gift because that won’t happen. As I’ve stated, I have a lot of problems money can solve. Some of the gifts he sends me, I sell them to raise money. He’s a pillar I didn’t build so I wouldn’t like to be the one to collapse it. I want to know, what’s the worst that could happen?
If you have a compelling story to share with us, you can email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com or send us a voice note on WhatsApp number 0593290182.
I wish I could advise you but it doesn’t look like you would heed to it because your mind is all made up on accepting the money yet would definitely say no to him if he is to propose one day.
You definitely know how it would end if you are to even strike that conversation in order to know his true intentions towards you, but you would not because you definitely know what you are getting from him would definitely cease coming.
You are just taking advantage of a good man knowing perfectly that you would never want to be with him.
Just put yourself in his shoes and see how you would feel if someone was treating you this way.
Or just consider yourself being his sister, how would you feel if another lady was doing doing this to your brother?
If he is truly just your destiny helper, coming clean as to how you feel about him would not be an issue to him because he is only in your life to help you.
But if he is not just a destiny helper and rather someone who want to pursue a romantic relationship with you, then he would definitely stop which you also know that you don’t want that help to stop coming.
Sometimes it takes money for hidden traits of a person to come out revealing the true identity of an individual.
My sister people are praying for destiny helpers and changers if God has given you one I beg keep quiet and the the man bless your life .
Hmmmmm 🤔 Araba!. Hmmmmm remember the saying that there’s no free lunch?? Also not all that glitters are gold. Please open your eyes. Ask him questions, specific questions to get answers. I can’t read minds but don’t take him for granted. If indeed after your clarification from him and he’s genuine then forget about this connection and chemistry bogus and give him a chance. Most importantly from today get his intentions before you proceed. Please whatever happens don’t forget to bring us an update on this story. Silent beads please ensure it🤣🤣
I remember a story on this page where a guy took a girl through school and even got her a good job… she was waiting for him to propose aaa. Before she heard the guy is marrying someone else. Ask for clarification and be direct. Otherwise you’ll work yourself to death.
He wants friendship. If it was a relationship he wanted with you he would have made it known to you despite you avoiding him. Why think about the future when it has not yet come. Enjoy this new found friendship. Who knows your feelings might change later. Don’t feel guilty he chose to gift and spend on you by his free will.
U have a destiny helper n u don’t want him, life itself is like dat…I used my life savings to rent a shop, can’t move in cos I don’t even av a dime to dress it …
Ur good ooo…dat money would av done a lot 4 me
I showed him the fake chat with my kid bro that I have a boyfriend
He just gave a smile in disappointment and left. He stopped taking my calls for long and everything died a natural death.
I never wished to date a man who could not look me in the face and ask me out.
You know why I gave this story????
Dear sisters,
it is w!ckedness to watch a man spend a fortune on you when you know that you can never have something to do with the said guy.
Stop insensitive statements, saying you took him like a big brother or a destiny helper.
Turn to your mom’s children as bros
Stop taking advantage of people’s good heart simply because they are not bold enough to propose.
When the opposite gender begins to make certain sacrifices that crosses the line of “just friends” , begin to ask questions.
A man would never feel used for having $ex with you but would feel used for letting him spend so much on you.
When a man goes this miles, and doesn’t ask for your body, he wants you…
Hope this made sense?
©️Ndukwe Otuomasirichi Favour
You want to eat your cake and still have it 🤣🤣🤣
Do you know that love can be developed?
Once you love his money create space in your heart to love him as well.
He will propose to you very soon so prepare to say yes!
I Love the advice your friend gave you because money answers everything not chemistry!
Be there and be collecting his gifts, one day he will also collects your organs. No free gifts oooo wise up and run if you don’t love him or you’ll liv to regret all what you’re chopping now.
Be there and be collecting his gifts, one day he will also collect your organs. No free gifts dey anywhere, wise up and run if you don’t love him or you’ll liv to regret all what you’re chopping now.
Be there and be collecting his gifts, one day he will also harvest your organs. No free gifts dey anywhere, wise up and run if you don’t love him or you’ll liv to regret all what you’re chopping now.