Yaw and I became friends through a mutual friend. Then I found out that his niece was in my class. It gave us something to talk about. Along the line, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was dating Kay then. Things were not working well but I held on to the hope that it would. So I turned down Yaw’s proposal. We remained friends though.
Unfortunately, Kay, the man I thought I had a future with married someone else without my knowledge. We were having problems but we were still together. So the news of his marriage shocked me to the core. While I was trying not to lose my head, this guy reached out to me after his wedding acting like the perfect boyfriend.
I didn’t confront him about his marriage or try to start a fight. All I said to him was, “Congratulations on your new life as a husband. I wish you all the best.” He was surprised to find that I knew. “Who told you this lie?” He asked in disbelief. I had seen proof so I didn’t buy his act. That was the end of us.
While all this was going on, Yaw was still my friend. He was my rock through those difficult moments. I saw him as my confidante. I told him a lot about me. Too much maybe.
I remember when he asked me to be his girlfriend again. “You’ve known me for all these years. I am not a person.” Yes, I didn’t see him as a bad person but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. He was my closest friend at the time. Also, I felt he knew too much about me so it would be someway to be with him.
He knew my concerns and assured me that we would work through them together. After four years together as friends, I finally agreed to give him a chance.
We started dating beautifully but it got to a time when he grew distant. I tried to get closer to him but he kept pulling away. I asked if everything was okay and he assured me that it was. However, I could sense that something was not right.
One day when he visited me I asked him, “Is it that you are no longer interested in me? If you’ve met someone you’d rather be with, tell me and let me move on.” He flipped things around and asked me, “Are you sure you’re not making these things up just to find a reason to leave me?” That’s how we left the conversation.
We were three years into the relationship when he posted something on his WhatsApp status that suggested something tragic had happened to him. “What’s wrong, babe?” I asked. He was vague in his response. “I lost a relative. Someone very close.” I asked for details but he said we would talk about it later.
I was walking through the neighbourhood when one nosy woman stopped me and asked, “Isn’t it terrible what happened to your friend’s wife? Will you attend the funeral?” I looked at the woman with confusion on my face. Before I could ask for context she said, “Or are you no longer friends with him? I am talking about Yaw.” I don’t know how I got out of that conversation with my composure intact.
The woman was so eager to talk that she was oblivious to my confusion. She kept trying to sound sad and empathetic but the entire time she was giving me information about my boyfriend. I played along at some point so she could say more.
It turned out that all those times I felt things were different between us, it wasn’t in my head. He had gone to marry another woman at my blindside. Sadly, his wife died in childbirth. Had it not been for his inconsistent behaviour, I wouldn’t have believed it.
I was shaking and covered in goosebumps by the time I got home. I put so much trust in this man. I thought he was my last stop. Not knowing he was the last killer. The one who came to finish me completely.
READ ALSO: He Has Given Me A Last Warning About How I Keep It Bushy
Somehow, I managed to contain my pain until the funeral was over and we met in person. I was polite to him at the beginning of the conversation. We talked about a few trivial things here and there. Then I asked, “So why did you marry another woman knowing we are still together? You didn’t even have the decency to break up with me after your marriage.”
I asked what I did to deserve such treatment. He was quiet but I threw more questions at him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he walked away in embarrassment.
I Had Some Hope For Marriage Until He Invited Me To His Wedding
I’m hurt. I feel so disappointed. I’m not myself. I am doing everything to hide my pain but I feel choked. I don’t understand why something like this would happen to me twice.
I am a kind person. I don’t worry the men I date with money problems but it seems I am never enough for them. I am so tired of all this. I need some words of encouragement to comfort my aching heart.
— Yram
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You will survive. Take it to God in prayers. Go out and live your life a day at a time.
It’s isn’t easy but be strong and have faith in the Lord. I have been there before and it hurt like hammer hitting your finger during hamatan. Console urself dear