Theres’ an Update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link
She was by my side on my wedding day, beautifully dressed in a turquoise gown. She had a bigger place in my wedding and decided on so many things because she was a friend who had become more than a sister to me.
I moved to Accra when I had a job offer after being unemployed for over four years. I had nothing and couldn’t afford to rent a place. That was when I fell on Adjoa, a girl I’ve known for almost ten years. She gladly accepted and welcomed me into her home.
It was a year after my stay in Accra that I met George. I became friends with him and later he became my boyfriend. I still remember what Adjoa said when I introduced George to her as my boyfriend. She smiled and was acting all happy about meeting him. When George left she told me, “I don’t feel right about that guy. He looks like a player. Guys like these would leave you after they’ve gotten what they came for.”
I jokingly asked her, “What if I don’t give him that?” We both laughed over it and moved on with our lives. George came around often to visit and he mostly met Adjoa around. They both grew on each other and became friends too. It made things easier. The two could pick a conversation and engage with each other even when I was not around.
I later rented a new place and moved out. Financially, George did a lot to help me get a new place. Both of us wanted privacy. Plus, we had known and loved each other so much that we had started talking about marriage. So, getting a place of our own was a way to start our journey to the altar.
The bond between me and Adjoa grew stronger after I moved out. She came to visit often and even stayed with me on most weekends. One weekend, in the presence of George, I told Adjoa about our plans to get married. I remember how happy she was and how loudly she screamed; “I’m so happy for you guys. I can’t wait to be in my maid of honor dress.”
She selected herself as the wedding planner that day and dictated the pace of my wedding plans all the way until that morning when she stood by me and held the microphone to my lips so I could say; “I do.” “What an honor done me by someone who is just a friend,” I thought to myself but little did I know that there was a snake under my grass.
I and my husband had been away for one week on our honeymoon. When we returned, I visited Adjoa to say thank you. It was a happy moment for both of us. We talked and talked and talked until there was nothing more to say. Adjoa went inside the bathroom to take her bath so she could leave with me. Immediately she went in, her phone started ringing.
The caller kept calling until Adjoa asked me to check who was calling. The caller’s name appeared as “Gee.” The call dropped and the phone’s screen later got lit. There were a series of WhatsApp notifications on the screen. One of those messages caught my attention; “Kindly pick up, I would like to pass by quickly before going home. I don’t want her to suspect anything.”
I called George ‘Gee’ and Adjoa occasionally called him ‘Gee’ too. Gee was calling Adjoa’s phone. Gee had sent a haunting message to Adjoa. Who is this Gee? When Adjoa came from the bath and picked up her phone and saw who was calling, she gave me a guilty look. I picked up suspicion right from there.
I left Adjoa’s home as a CID on a mission. When I got home, I started looking for anything that would give me a clue. Nothing worked.
Later in the night when he was asleep, I went through his phone, and surprisingly he hadn’t saved Adjoa’s number. I went through his Whatsapp, I found nothing. The messaging app too had nothing to show. Just when I was about to give up, an idea popped up. I went to his WhatsApp again, checked his archived messages, tadaa…there it was.
I spent over two hours reading their chats and taking screenshots of the key points. I didn’t want to miss a thing though my heart was breaking. I felt like crying or screaming or even stabbing him while asleep but I kept my cool and did what was important. I really cried my eyes out while he laid sleeping. Our marriage was not even a month old.
When he woke up in the morning, I told him; “So last night I couldn’t sleep. I read your chat with Adjoa.” He started looking around for his phone. I told him; “You’ve been doing this behind my back for over a year, how stupid I am not to have suspected.” Your first sex happened while I was still living with her, how come? You helping me to get a place was even Adjoa’s idea so you both could have the freedom to do your things. How come? You said you wanted to marry her instead of me, why didn’t you go ahead? And you told her she was cleaner than I am that’s why you enjoyed sex with her. Why didn’t you leave me alone? And just the night after our wedding, you slept with her again. She asked if that was the goodbye sex and you told her “You would be stupid to let a woman like her go.” You love her that much why didn’t you leave me earlier and settle with her?”
He stood there looking into the empty sky. He couldn’t even look at my face. I kept repeating, “Say something George. You’re a man. Look at me and talk.” I broke down. I couldn’t stand on my feet while reading back their chats to him. It felt like a bullet through my heart. He couldn’t say a word. He stood there like a lost child.
I sat on a chair and kept sobbing. “How do you expect us to go on after knowing all these?” I asked. He rushed to my side and said “The devil wants to come between us at this early stage of our marital journey. Kindly look at the face of God and forgive me.”
I was totally broken. I cried till my eyes started seeing rainbows. I left the house. I didn’t even know where I was going. I ended up in the house of another friend who was also part of my bridal train. I cried for about ten minutes without saying a word. She kept wondering what was wrong. I told her my story she couldn’t believe it. She thought it was a dream.
I stayed with her until I could figure something out. I called Adjoa, she didn’t pick up. I knew she knew what had happened. Later she sent a long message trying to explain. She put the blame on the devil. Nothing she said made sense.
The day I met her, everything looked different. She looked like filth in my eyes. I wanted to know how it started and why. She kept saying it was the devil. She said she wasn’t herself. She told me how traumatized she was and how she had been thinking of ending her life. I wished she actually did it so I wouldn’t get to see her again.
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My husband ran to our pastor and told him everything and asked him to intercede on his behalf. Our families were called. After long sermons and advice from various angles, they left me to decide. I said I wanted out of the marriage. They asked if I was sure and I repeated myself again. The pastor said, “You’re speaking out of anger and pain. You need to heal first before you can make a good decision.” He granted us a six-month separation to think things over. He told us to come for counseling individually for the next six months. He said God could still fix our situation.
It’s been five months since the incident. I don’t know what the next month will bring but if you ask me to make a decision now, I’ll say “I WANT OUT!”
—Nancy, Ghana
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The one who sees a fight and run away lives to fight another. Give yourself time to heal from all this pain, if you think that your husband is sincere then forgive and move on. But if you want out then make sure after doing so you do not regret it.