I was very young when that fight happened. I was fourteen or fifteen but I remember very clearly what happened on that day. My mother’s elder sister, Agatha came to see my mom. I was the one she met in the compound. She wasn’t looking happy. She looked like she had had a fight with someone and was looking for someone to rant to. She asked where my mom was and I told her she was in the room. She told me to go inside and call my mom for her.
Immediately she saw my mom’s face she asked, “What did you tell Uncle Fii? What silly things have you been telling him? That me and my husband sold the land to those people?”
I got to know the anger was about a piece of land. My mom told me to go inside but the two of them were too loud if I was in a tomb, I would have heard them. They started exchanging words, the words got bitter and then it turned into a heavy quarrel. My aunt said something like, “That’s why you’re not married. At your age, you have two kids with two different men so you don’t understand what it means to marry.” My mom answered, “I won’t marry a hungry man who’ll have the audacity to sell the land belonging to his wife’s family.”
Things escalated quickly and it turned into curses. According to my aunt Agartha, her husband knew nothing about the sale of that land so she said, “If my husband knows nothing about it and you’re making him look like the devil, you’ll suffer before you die.” My mom shouted, “That curse will come to you. You’re the one who is going to suffer before dying.”
Any curse my aunt pronounced, my mom reverted it back to her. My aunt went on cursing everything that had a connection with my mom. That’s when she said, “Your daughters will suffer the same fate as you. They would never enjoy marriage and if they try, the seeds of their womb will suffer death for the lies you’re putting on me.”
Of course, my mom reverted it back to her and added her own curse that my aunt would die before her eyes would see any death among her children.
They created quite a scene. I was crying in the room. I don’t know why I was crying but I guess it was because of the love I had for my aunt. She and her husband were kind to us. We spent many days in their house bonding with their children and calling each other sisters and brothers. I didn’t know anything about the land so why were they involving us in their quarrel?
I didn’t hear what happened afterwards and the details of the resolution of that issue but my mom and her sister were never the same again. She didn’t allow us to visit them again and warned us never to accept food or anything from her hands. When we attended family programs and she saw Aunt Agartha around, my mom would treat us the way a mother fowl treats its chickens. She would put us beneath her and cover us with her wings, ensuring we were not an arm’s length away from her. She stopped us from interacting with Agatha’s children. It was such a poisonous environment but we thrived.
I was at level two hundred when I received the news of Aunt Agatha’s death. She died in a car accident. No, she wasn’t in the car. She was crossing the highway when an oncoming vehicle knocked her down. She died two days later. My mom didn’t tell me. It was my elder sister who heard it from other family members and called to tell me. Until she was buried, my mom never talked about her death. She didn’t cry. She didn’t watch her own sister’s dead body. She allowed the whole event to pass her by silently as if she were a stranger to the one who was dead.
Many years later, we are seeing the signs of Agatha’s curses. I was there when she said it. For some reason, I forgot about everything but not the words of my aunt on that day; “Your daughters will suffer the same fate as you. They would never enjoy marriage and if they try, the seeds of their womb will suffer death for the lies you’re putting on me.”
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At thirty-nine, my elder sister has had five miscarriages and one successful birth but the man didn’t marry her. The child she gave birth to successfully also died three months later. That child’s father was a wealthy man and was ready to marry my sister after delivery but after the death of their child, the man pulled away. Nothing untoward happened but the man found an excuse to leave the relationship.
At thirty-four years old, I have two kids with two different men. My first child’s father travelled abroad and forgot about our existence. He married a lady from our hometown and took her abroad. They have two kids of their own but he treats us like we never exist. My second child’s father also got married when our son was only fifteen months old. I had hopes for that guy. He was perfect until I got pregnant. He wanted me to abort. I mistakenly thought carrying his child would make him marry me. It was the pregnancy that broke us apart.
At thirty-four, I’ve become the replica of my mom’s love story but I believe all is not lost and because I had the first-hand experience of the curse, I decided to make a move and seek remedy. My sister doesn’t believe the curse has anything to do with it. She calls it a coincidence but I believe it’s too glaring to call it a coincidence.
I ran to a trusted man of God and narrated the story to him. He prayed over it and told me God had given him a direction. According to the directions, I and my sister should fast and pray for three days. On the third day, we should go to the grave of our aunt with flowers, put the flowers where her heart is, pray and ask for forgiveness and then break our fast there in the cemetery. Whatever we eat to break our fast, we should invite our aunt. After doing this, we’ll be set free.
Easy, right?
I told my sister about it and she called my mom and told her about it. Eiish, come and see insults. My mom called me a witch for trying to ruffle a dead woman’s sleep. She told me, “If you dare visit that grave, count me not as your mother. Who told you that woman had any power? If she had any power, she wouldn’t be in the grave by this time.”
I’ve been praying about it. I see my aunt in my dreams. In one of the dreams, I knelt down and begged her to set us free. She smiled and disappeared. The dream felt so real I screamed out loud in my sleep and woke up. I went back to the man of God. He said, “You saw her smiling? It means she’s ready to forgive you but the thread of the curse runs through you and your sister so you can’t do it alone.”
Is Marriage So Hard For You? | Silent Beads Videos
That stubborn head I call sister is suffering but she believes it has nothing to do with any curse and that God knows why things are the way they are.
I’m alone in this battle. I’m fighting an enemy on the left but my family is holding my hands, preventing me from fighting back. I don’t really care about what my mom said but what can I do to bring my sister into this course? She doesn’t believe in the curse but at this moment, what do we have to lose? We are already on the floor. Can’t we at least try to do something?
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Run to God for help and the chains of the curses shall be broken
Join Alpha hour and your Life will never be the same. What God can’t do doesn’t exist!
Alpha deɛ hour! Who said you have to join some prayer group before God listens to you?
Prayer is the key.
Why don’t you invite the man of God to meet your sister then the two of you can carry out the direction without telling your mom? It’s your lives we are talking about here.
You don’t necessarily need your sister to be part of the process for the curse on your life to be broken. First of all, if you’re not saved, find a bible believing church, accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior and be discipled in that church. Now, find a proper prayer camp and go for prayer and deliverance. I’m sorry but the man of God you’re dealing with needs Christ himself. Christians have no business with the dead. It’s not biblical to go to a graveyard and ask a dead woman to eat with you.It is called necromancy, which is a sin. I will suggest Hebron prayer camp or Mountain of Fire and Miracles at Madina. All the best!