When I’m alone, I try to do things the way lonely people do. I can eat like a prince in public but chew like a hungry slave when I’m alone and eating. It’s little curtsies I give to myself after going through life putting up a front and keeping up appearances.
I would be in the office all day in a suit walking like a gentleman and interacting with colleagues like the professional I was raised to be. During the day, I hold a lot of things up. I can’t fart in my office because you don’t know who’s coming in the next moment. I can’t walk to the washroom just to fart, that’s also unreasonable. So I keep them in. I tell them to exercise patience because we are not alone. Once I sign out and enter my car, there’s joy up the skies because it’s going to be a party.
I closed from work that day, entered my car, and started moving. I let a loud one go up and then a second one and then a third. All of a sudden, I felt lighter. Seconds after the third one, I saw Sophia at the main entrance trying to stop me.
Sophia works in a different company whose office is close to ours. A week ago, I proposed to her and she asked me to give her some time to think about it. When I saw her throwing her hand up and down trying to stop me, I said to myself, “No you can’t come in. This place is a death trap.”
I looked away and sped off while she was standing there throwing her hand frantically in the air. She called my phone and I picked up. She said, “So you mean you didn’t see me stopping you? Are we fighting?” I denied seeing her and told her to wait as I come back for her. She said it was OK and cut the line.
I’m the evening when I called, she accused me of abandoning her when all she was asking for was a lift. “maybe you were going to pick your wife or there was another girl waiting for you. Because you saw me stopping you and still sped off. Everything you say is a lie.”
The next day I tried talking to this lady and she gave me a cold shoulder. I explained the situation to my guys and they all laughed but they understood my point. I couldn’t tell Sophia what exactly happened because I knew she wouldn’t believe me. I apologized, telling her it was an emergency so I needed to rush off. She said OK.
Days later I asked if she was still thinking about my proposal. She answered, “No I’m not. You have someone already. The lady you went to pick when you abandoned me at the gate.”
Call Your Ex And Ask Why It Didn’t Work Out Between You Two
Brothers and sisters, that’s how I lost the lady I’ve been loving from a distance for a long time. I can’t tell her exactly what happened. I’m like a mute who had a dream. Who is he going to share the dream with his friends? The relationship was over even before it started. Back to ground zero where there is no more Sophia.
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Oh! Bro, sorry for your loss
Can’t laugh alone I need to invite someone