Andy is mad at me. For a month now nothing looks or feels the same. A two-year relationship should be able to withstand something this small but here we are fighting over something that ought to be dusted off our shoulders. But then, I’m also aware that it’s the little foxes that destroy the vine and also the tiniest holes that sink a whole ship. Our ship is sinking. I keep wiping out the water that is entering the holes but it keeps coming. Maybe I’ll give up and see if this will sink or a boat will come to our rescue. 

In two years we hardly fought. We’ve gone through the usual up and down all lovers go through. A word I didn’t say right would cause a fight and I’ll apologize. A word he didn’t say may bring a problem but in the end, we resolved them peacefully and became lovers again.

That night he took me out. Taking me out had been one of his love languages. He loved to sit outside with me so we watch passers-by and gossip about them. We’ll talk about our relationship and how to grow it but on this day everything went wrong. 

I was at the table waiting for him because he had gone to the counter to place our order. There were a lot of people at the counter so he was waiting for his turn. A guy walked up to me and sat next to me thinking I was there alone. I quickly pointed out to him that the seat was for someone else. 

He smiled and said, “I know. A beautiful girl like you won’t be alone but while the person is not yet in, can we talk?” 

I thought he was a sale’s person or one of those insurance workers or even those walking evangelists. He sounded respectful and spoke pleadingly so I decided to listen to what he had to say. For a while, he was looking at me and I was looking back at him. My boyfriend was at the counter watching what was going on. This guy was only smiling while looking at me. I asked him to talk. I asked him to say what was on his mind and he told me, “I walked in and your beauty got my attention.” 

At this point, I was getting angry. I asked, “So what do you want me to do for you?” He answered, “I just want to be closer to you.” 

I told him I didn’t need his closeness. When he pushed it I told him I had a boyfriend and he would be very angry to meet him there. He answered, “I’ll leave before he comes but can I have your number? Who knows? We could become good friends and help each other.” He was very annoying but I didn’t want to create a scene so I mentioned my boyfriend’s number to him. He was typing the number when I saw Andy walking in on us. He got the number but before he left, he saw Andy and how he was watching him. He walked away quickly so Andy could have his seat.

Immediately he sat down, he asked what was going on and I told him it wasn’t anything that needed to have a space in our conversation. He went quiet for a while before he asked me, “What was he looking for and why did you give him your number?” I told him what happened and I added that the number I gave him wasn’t my number but his number. He didn’t look pleased. He went quiet again until I asked if something was wrong. He shook his head and kept chewing his food in silence. That wasn’t normal. Even when I asked him a question, he didn’t answer me. Once in a while, he would give me an attitude to tell me to back off. 

On our way home it turned into a huge quarrel. “I was right there watching you both but you’re here telling me nothing happened. Why did you give him your number if nothing happened? I took you out so you get a boyfriend right under my nose? Women!” I felt insulted so I defended myself. “He’ll call you and you’ll see I didn’t give him my number but yours. Why would I do that? What for?” 

Our night went from bad to worse. He didn’t take me home that night. He stopped at a junction and left me there. I wasn’t worried because I knew the guy will call his number and I will be vindicated. 

Three days later, we were still fighting because the guy hadn’t called his number. He’ll see me online and go like, “You’re chatting with him right? I wish you well in your new relationship.” I’ll snap back, “What do you take me for? A whore? I never knew you had no respect for me. What’s the meaning of your love then?”

READ ALSO: 7 Years Later, I Still Haven’t Worn The Gown I Bought For My Wedding 

A week later, the hope I was clinging to was failing me. The guy hadn’t called his number and he kept accusing me of allowing myself to be taken by a total stranger. I wish there was another way to prove my innocence but unfortunately, he didn’t believe any defence I put up. It’s been a month now and Andy doesn’t pick up my calls. I went to his house the other time and he chased me out as if I was a criminal; “Don’t you have shame? Or it didn’t work out so you’re finding your way back to your fool? I’m no longer that fool. Leave here before I throw my hand.”

I’ve spent my days fighting to prove what doesn’t need to be proven. I thought two years together was long enough for him to know me deeper than this. A two-year tree will have strong roots to withstand any storm so why is our own different? Friends are telling me to move on because he had moved on. Some even say he was looking for an excuse to leave me and that devil of a stranger gave him one. I don’t want to believe that because our love story had been a spectacle until that night. 

Annette was closer to the solution. She told me, “Then why don’t you give his number to any guy at all to call him and ask of you? That could bring the vindication you’re looking for.” It sounded like a solution until I started interrogating it. “What if the real guy calls afterwards? I know Andy, he might even ask to meet with him just to be sure it’s the guy he saw that day. I can’t risk that.”

The issue is, I don’t know why Andy will not believe me on this one. He knows the password to my phone and knows everyone I talk to. I hadn’t done anything for him to suspect me of cheating. We’ve had some fights before but none of those fights was because of cheating or suspicion of it.

I Caught Him With Another Girl But He Says It’s A Prank | Beads Media

I’m dazed. Something heavier should end our relationship and not this small thing. And why did the guy take the number and decided not to call? He was desperate for friendship so why would he get a number and not call? 

I ask myself these questions and the answers that I get are insane. Answers like he was sent by the village witches to destroy my happiness and looking at how things are going, it looks like they’re winning. I want to know, is there anything else I can do to prove my innocence? Love like ours shouldn’t end because of this petty issue. 


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