I started dating Bright three years ago. In the first year, he had nothing. Not even a job. But that didn’t affect our relationship. All that mattered was that I love him as much as I believed he loves me. We were not a perfect couple but we were happy. Things were okay between us, and our love was strong.
Because he didn’t have a job, he would sit at his sister’s bar and help her sell. Then at the end of the month, she would give him some money as a token of appreciation for his service.
His unemployment situation didn’t bother me much because I didn’t expect him to fulfil any financial obligations to me. I knew he would do well with the right push, so I made it a point to stand by him and support him in everything.
In our second year together, things were still amazing. Our love got better with time. It was as sweet as fresh palm wine. Everything we did brought us closer together. He celebrated my wins. And I too celebrate his victories even if they were little. One such victory was a job he got. A real estate developer employed Bright as his chauffeur. The salary wasn’t much but it was better than nothing.
I encouraged him, “Try your best and do it for now. I am sure that the next job after this one will be something much better.” He listened to me and worked with the man for a while. While he was doing the job, he encountered some family problems. He and one of his brothers lived in his sister’s house. The plan was to stay there till he got on his feet. However, his sister’s husband grew tired of their presence and kicked them out.
When that happened, Bright’s sister rented a place for him and his brother to live in. He almost lost hope but I continued to push him to stay strong. By and by, he got the opportunity to enter the military. We were both over the moon. “Finally, things are going to get better,” I told him. The only thing that made me sad was the thought that we would be apart from each other for six months. That part broke my heart but I stayed strong.
When the time came for him to go for training, he left. The day he left made me so blue, I cried a lot. I gave myself hope that he would call me from time to time but that didn’t happen. Every time I went to see his siblings they told me, “Bright called us the other day. He is doing well. Have you heard from him?” I would shake my head sadly and say, “No, he hadn’t called me.”
It hurt me to find out that he could call me but chose not to. I wondered if he loved me as much as he said he did. I even made up my mind that I would break up with him.
I was there one evening when I received a call from an unknown number. I picked up, only to hear my boyfriend’s voice on the other end. After we exchanged pleasantries he told me he would call me back. That was it. The call didn’t even last for a minute, and he didn’t call back either. I felt so broken.
I remember telling one of my friends about my frustration. That friend always felt I was too good for Bright anyway, so she advised me to break up with him. Although his behaviour hurt me, I was still in love with him so I didn’t take my friend’s advice.
Fast forward, he came back from training. I thought things wouldn’t work out but I was wrong. Our love grew stronger than ever before. All this while, my parents knew about us and they supported us. His family rooted for us as well. Everyone had hope that we would settle down as soon as Bright started earning income.
After two months at home, he was posted to the North to work. We promised to stay faithful to each other and get in touch as often as possible.
When he left Accra for his post, everything was fine. We could talk three to four times a day. In between that, we would text each other. For a whole year, we did everything that we were supposed to do to keep our love strong. It was hard but we did it for love. And our efforts yielded fruits.
Soon, it was time for him to come home for his annual leave, and I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to see him and hold him in my arms. And when he arrived, we spent almost every waking moment together for three weeks. Everything was perfect, or so I thought.
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A day before his return to his post he said he had something to tell me. He was crying as he said this. My heart was all over the place. I thought he was sick or someone had died. “You know that after everything we’ve been through, there’s nothing you can’t tell me,” I said in an attempt to comfort him.
This guy held my hand and said, “Something happened while I was in the North. I had an affair with a lady over there and now, she is pregnant. She has refused to get rid of it so I am going to be a father. I am so sorry that this happened.” I was so shocked that the only thing I could say was, “Why are you telling me this?”
Call Your Husband And Tell Him You Love Him | Silent Beads
His response was that I’m a good person who doesn’t deserve to be lied to. I couldn’t talk. I just ran out of the room with tears running down my cheeks.
It’s been two months since his confession. He says he loves me so I should give him another chance. And I still love him too. I just hate the fact that someone else is pregnant with his child. It doesn’t help matters that she is closer to him than I am. I don’t know what to do. Do you think I should forgive him and stay with him? Please, I need help. My heart is bleeding.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
You can accept him but be prepared for for more battles to come. If you can’t, let him be for the sake of peace to reign in your life.
For your peace of mind leave the realtionship and live your life, i lnow its hard to let go but its better to let go now that its hurts more than ever, with time u would be fine and meet someone who loves u