I found her on TikTok and fell in love with her instantly. I made it a point to get her attention by all means so whenever she posted a video, I was the first to like, comment and sometimes repost. She didn’t get a lot of engagement on her videos so she noticed my effort and sent a message to thank me.

We became friends from there. I visited her place once and told myself, “Wow, it looks like I’m not her class.” She had everything and her apartment looked like a place I could only dream of. She works for one of the telecommunication companies in Ghana so I wasn’t surprised about the things she had.

I proposed to her and she asked me to give her some time to think about it. A week later, she asked me to follow her to see her Godfather and I did.

After the visit, she told me she had something to tell me but couldn’t tell me because she didn’t know how I was going to take it. I coerced her to say it and she said, “You remember that man we went to meet? I call him my Godfather because of where he took me from. He paid my fees and took care of the little things so I could complete the university with a degree. He’s the reason I have this job but along the line, things changed and we got involved but he’s ready to leave me alone if only I introduce the man I’m dating to him and he accepts it. That’s why I took you to meet him.”

I choked on words. “You mean…that man? So you mean…”

She responded, “Yeah, I meant whatever I said. I don’t want to lie to you but I can promise you that once you come into the picture, there would be nothing sexual between me and him. It’s an agreement we’ve made.”

Officially, she hasn’t accepted my proposal. It looks like she wants to know what I think about her situation before she accepts. I want to believe her but I’m skeptical about the man’s influence over our relationship. What would be the borderline? Would she have the strength to say no to him when we start dating?

I don’t intend to go into anything with her for now but something tells me if she has been truthful to me on this issue then I can trust her to be truthful in many other things. That’s my dilemma. Regardless of everything, she looks very resourceful. Her job is good and can sustain her even without the man but I doubt if the man can leave the scene once I’m in the picture.   


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