Theres’ an Update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link
I’ve known Edem for a very long time. We were just friends until a year or so ago, everything changed. He called me often and asked me out on several occasions. We could go to the beach, or the poolside on weekends and later come home together. Everything was well between us to the point that people started speculating that we were dating.
I was growing fond of him each day and was patiently waiting for the day that he would propose to me. He could take me to a place that only lovers go. We would have a wonderful night and come back home later without a proposal from him. I must admit, I’d wanted to ask him about it one day but it sounded like I was being desperate so I stopped.
I went to his place one day and decided to pull a trick that would speed up the proposal process. It was 10pm when he told me, “The way I’m dozing off, I might fall asleep very soon so when the movie ends, just wake me up so I can go and see you off.” I nodded my head. Minutes later, I heard him snoring so I also stretched out on the sofa and slept. It was around 1am when he tapped me to wake up. He was worried. He said, “You also slept? Look at the time. How would you go home?”
I looked at him and calmly said, “I’m not a child. I can sleep over and no one would question me so feel free.” He walked me to his bedroom and asked me to sleep on the bed. Just when I thought he was coming to sleep next to me, he picked up a pillow, turned off the light, and went to sleep in the hall. For the rest of the night, I couldn’t sleep. I concluded, “Maybe there’s someone in his life already so let me give up.”
From that day on, I decided to see him less than I used to and also call him less than I used to. He didn’t stop. He kept calling and texting me every day. We talked but I couldn’t give him the vibe I used to give him. He sensed it and asked what the problem was. I said, “Nothing. I’m alright,” Just when things started getting well between us again, he dropped the bomb on me; “Hey, guess what…I’ve been chasing this girl for a while now and she finally said yes.”
You should have seen my face when he said that. I forced a smile. I asked, “Since when have you been chasing her and how come I didn’t know?” He said, “It’s been a while now. She turned me down at first. That’s how come I couldn’t tell you but three days ago she said yes.” I tried so hard to hide my disappointment. Maybe it showed and he decided to ignore it. If it didn’t show, then I can call myself a good actor.
He told me he would introduce her to me but I said it wasn’t important and that I was happy for him. I started backing out of his life. He didn’t want me to stay away. The more I tried to stay away, the more he tried to come at me. One day, I told him the truth so as to get him off my neck. I said, “I was with you all this while and you overlooked me and went for someone else. A lot of people think we are dating. If I don’t take care, I will miss some chances because of you but then, you’ll be there enjoying your life with her.” He thought I was joking. I told him I was serious. He said, “I didn’t know that was your feeling towards me and I’m sorry about everything.” I said, “You don’t have to be sorry. You chose who is right for you and that’s fine. We are still friends.”
I didn’t meet the girl until he started posting the girl on his status. You know how new lovers behave. When it’s new like that, they share everything on social media. He kept posting her on Facebook and commented on her stuff at every given opportunity. I went through her profile one day. I said, “Any sway, she’s beautiful.”
I left the scene for them and stayed in my lane.
Recently, I was in my room when I heard the sound of a lady’s heel from the back of my window. My window is closer to the walkway of the house so I hear such sounds a lot. Girlfriends of the men I live in the house with passed by every now and then to visit their men. If I did sound engineering in school, I would have been able to identify them by the sound their shoes produce. Around 11pm, I step out to close the main door when I saw a lady going out. She looked like Edem’s girlfriend. I looked at her again. I watched her front and watched her back. I went to Facebook to look at her photos again just to be sure. I screamed in my head, “It’s her! But what could have brought her here at this time? Who did she come to see?”
Because of her, anytime I heard the sound of a ‘moke’, I came out to see who it was until one late night, I saw her walking in with Boamah. Boamah changes women like the way I change my makeup. He doesn’t mind bringing three different women to the house at different times. He’s the master of the game.
READ ALSO: The First Person I will Invite To My Wedding Is My Current Girlfriend
This time around, I saw her face very clearly. She even greeted me and I responded. She went into Boamah’s room and didn’t come out until dawn when I heard the sound of a ‘moke’ shuffling by. I called my friend Edem and talked to him for a while. Before hanging up I asked, “How’s your girlfriend?” I wanted to know if everything was alright between them. He responded gleefully, “Oh she’s there and everything is fine. I know it’s because of her that’s why you’re keeping your distance but that’s not right.”
I told him, “Don’t worry, I will make time to come and see you both.”
Boamah comes home with the girl every Tuesday and Thursday night. I see them often and I get angry. I want to tell Boamah what’s going on with his girlfriend but I think it’s none of my business. Some days I want to pick up the phone and spill the beans. Coincidentally, it’s always that day that I want to reveal the secrete to him that he posts the girl’s photo on his status. I feel he’s happy and I don’t have to walk in on him with the bad news. Each day when I see the girl, I get angry and want to report her.
I’m currently conflicted. Should I follow the old “Di wo fie asɛm” mantra and mind my own business? Or I should follow the verse in the bible that encourages us to be our brother’s keeper and tell Boamah the truth?” Or he may think I’m jealous and as such trying to put asunder what he had labored to put together. What should I do?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Ei this story no update?