If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.
Before I continue the rest of my story, I would like to answer a question someone asked. “What did he finally say to convince me to marry him?” It’s simple. I got pregnant. That was what finally got me to agree to the marriage. As for why I stayed for all these years after everything I experienced, I honestly don’t know. Maybe I am just the kind of woman who does not like to be alone. But trust me, now I have seen enough pepper to know that it is way better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.
Anyway, when he got his green card he asked for a divorce. He said, “Now that I have my green card, I can marry someone and take $20,000 from them. I will use the money to invest in a business in Ghana.” He pitched the idea as a business venture. It was an illegal thing he wanted to do so I said no.
After that time, every little thing that happened would turn into a cold war. He would get angry and stop talking to me. Things got so bad that we started sleeping in separate bedrooms. I would cook and he would decide if he was in the mood to eat my food. I got involved in an accident and this man ignored me the entire time.
Recently, I woke up feeling unwell. I was dizzy and vomiting all morning. My first suspicion was pregnancy. He had gone to work so I called to tell him, “When you are coming home please buy a home pregnancy test. I have been sick all day so I want to make sure that’s not why.” He plainly told me he wouldn’t buy the kit.
He came home and didn’t even bother to see how I was doing. I even felt sad for myself. My illness escalated until I asked my oldest son to get an Uber and take me to the ER. We got there and they said I had vertigo. My husband is my emergency contact so they had to call him.
This man got angry that I went to the hospital without telling him. He called me stupid among other names. I told you I was sick and you didn’t care to even knock on my door to check up on me. How then do you expect me to ask you to take me to the hospital? What wrong did I do by looking out for myself?
Apart from that time when he lived in Dubai and sent us money every month, I can’t say he has done much for our family as the head. Sure, he did buy me a laptop at some point, and an iPhone recently. Every other thing that requires him to provide, he would say; “I don’t have money. You know I am investing money into my businesses back in Ghana.” It bothered me that this man would invest all his money into his businesses and leave no room for providing for his family. Nonetheless, I never complained.
His excuse is always, “You earn more than I do so there is nothing wrong if you do most of the heavy lifting.” So I would pay the majority of the bills and still find time to cook, clean, and be the traditional African wife he expects me to be. Can you imagine that after all that he still cheats on me?
After I got sick and that hospital incident happened, I was getting ready to go to work when his message notification went off. I didn’t mean to snoop but the content of the message had me curious. I opened the chat and it was with a lady in Ghana. My husband had texted her, “I can’t wait for us to make love tonight.” She replied, “Where will your wife be?” He answered, “She will go to work.” I am a night shift worker so he was not wrong.
When I saw the chat I was hurt but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even attempt to confront him. I only frowned and put the phone down. That was it. This man saw the look on my face and started insulting me. Kuroase ni, was the first thing he said. “It is only uncivilized women who go into their husband’s phones.” He called me all sorts of degrading names. I didn’t talk. I just got ready for work and left the house for him.
Things have gotten worse between us after that incident. I have put up with so much in the name of marriage but right now I am done. I have given this man everything I am and own and this is how he treats me.
Every money I earned in the USA before he joined me, he found a way to take it from me. He was even suggesting we open a joint account next year but I was reluctant to do it. Knowing him, it would have resulted in another fight and a cold war if I had outrightly said no. The moment he tells me to do something and I don’t say yes, he must give me the silent treatment for as long as he pleases. Now that he has made it clear he does not care about my feelings, I am also done with the marriage.
Yes, finding out he is entertaining other women after all the sacrifices I made for him cut me deep. But what pained me most was the way he handled the situation. He could have even shed crocodile tears and pretended he was sorry for cheating. He could have apologized and sworn never to do it again even if it was all a lie.
Anything he could have said to me would have been better than, “You are frowning because of this small thing but you haven’t seen anything yet. I am now about to do worse than what you saw.” How can a husband have such complete disregard for his wife’s feelings? This is the reason I no longer judge people who buy schnapps and eggs to curse those who wrong them.
I am a Presbyterian. A very prayerful one at that. However, I have started looking into spiritual means to deal with this man. I want him to lose everything he thinks he has gained. He should work but he shouldn’t see any money. I have already cursed him that he will beg to eat but it’s not enough.
I know some men are polygamous by nature. They do their things on the side but they are still decent husbands. They provide for their families and do not rub their infidelities in their wives’ faces. But look at me. I am with a man who does not provide yet chooses to insult me when I catch him cheating. I am the one who was wronged but I didn’t even get a simple, “I am sorry.”
READ ALSO: The First Thing He Did When He Got His Green Card Was Ask For A Divorce
I know he is doing all this because he has an American green card so he thinks he has arrived. God willing I will be visiting my mum in Ghana before the year ends. I am looking for recommendations for a powerful spiritualist. I want to take him to a spiritual court. Let the spirit beings judge our case and tell me if I did this man any wrong that is so bad that he should treat me inhumanely.
I haven’t told anyone in my family what is going on except my sister. She has advised me to let it go but I don’t want to. I also won’t legally leave the marriage for him to get the opportunity to marry someone else and collect $20,000 from the person. Let’s all stay in this sham of a marriage and live separate lives.
I Found Him In Church Cheating Instead Of Praying
When I fully recover from my illness, I will register with a gym and start working out. I will save money and buy myself a new car. I will live as a single woman while still legally married to him. Even if he files for a divorce, I won’t agree.
These days when I cook, it’s for me and the kids. All the things I used to do as a wife, I have stopped. Even the bills, I don’t do the heavy lifting anymore. This is how we will do things going forward. I want nothing to do with him anymore. The marriage is over and he knows it. We are separated because a divorce will only enable him to make money with his green card. So we are all just living our individual lives while under the same roof.
— Anette
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
I understand your points. I agree with whatever you’d like to do, but taking him to the spiritualist is the last straw. Despite all the ill-treatment he has inflicted upon you, you will bounce back from this 100%. Karma will eventually catch up with him. Do not soil your hands because of past agony; let it go and let UNCLE KARMA take charge. Channel your energy to take care of yourself and your kids. Smile, let it go and don’t give yourself to him again. He’s a wicked soul.
If he wants to use his green card to marry someone else, why prevent him? Why tie your peace of mind and happiness to his waywardness? My dear, once you are married to him, he benefits from everything you earn and make of yourself. Why give him that satisfaction? Hasn’t he taken enough from you? Hasn’t he treated you badly enough? Why do you continue to expose your kids to this kind of toxic environment where your sons are learning that it is OK to disrespect your wife because no matter what, she will stay…. And your daughters are learning that it is OK for a man to disrespect you and you still have to stay?
Why dear, why?
Do you really think God cannot give you a bettwr man who would love and appreciate you and make you enjoy the essence of being a woman and wife? So much so that you have to tie your destiny to his in perpetual sorrow and misery?
This is sad.
You are not the one to punish him at the expense of your own happiness and freedom and peace of mind. No. You are not.
You saw the red flags right from start but didn’t pull away. You could have given birth and taken care of your child with family support but you chose to entrap yourself with this good for nothing excuse of a man. And now you want to tie your destiny to his by not divorcing him but rather staying in a loveless marriage full of hatred and utter disrespect?.
My dear, surely you need to think of yourself higher than this. You need to believe you deserve good things and it is not too late to experience good things in love and life. Even if you do not desire to ever love another man again, love yourself enough to move away from this toxic man and build yourself. Go out, make friends, have fun, enjoy your kids and just live.
Don’t let him continue to pull you down, take money from you, come back pretending he has changed when things are going well for you and everyone will tell you “he is still your husband, the father of your children so give him another chance”. Cut him and everything that concerns him off and be free.
Rom. 12:19, Do not take revenge my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, it is mine to revenge, I will repay, says the Lord.
The wicked will not go unpunished. There is no greater spiritualist than God. Take your husband to God in prayers. Ask God to be your peace and everything. Women please don’t get married to someone because you ended up being pregnant by them. I tell myself this dont get married to an illiterate because the ill no kraa y3 yare3 .The person is going to infest all you do with this disease so called illiteracy. You will suffer when you end up married to one. Two don’t get married to a poor person because it’s a disease that even affects their mentality. Ohiani de hia k) bribriara )y3 mu. Channel this bitterness to something positive. Words are also powerful learn to speak positive words and you will reap it fruit. Don’t watch what your husband is doing. Look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
Hmmm. After all you have suffered you deserve peace of mind. Will holding on to him bring you peace? Does it set a good example for your children of how marriage should be where discord is so obvious? My sister, let him go before he hurts physically and we read of you in the papers coz he really doesnt love you. Money can be made. As for spiritism- i m a believer in ” you shall have no other Gods besides me”. Keep your hands clean and let the God of vengeance fight for you. I m sorry you ve been through all this.
Please stay away from him, don’t live in the same house with him, let him pay his own bills. Don’t bother with the spiritual stuff, let go and let God. God will deal with him, and from your story, your husband doesn’t know how to run a business or how to make money. Let him get married and get the 20,000 dollars he will also ruin that money like he always has. If you need help, see a therapist, and heal from this trauma, you deserve better than this.
Totally 💯
I feel really sad about your story. That man is an ingrate! God will judge him, but please do not take him to any spiritualist. And why don’t you divorce him than holding on to this sham of a marriage? This about it wae, nothing do you, stay strong!
I feel really sad about your story. That man is an ingrate! God will judge him, but please do not take him to any spiritualist. And why don’t you divorce him than holding on to this sham of a marriage? Think about it wae, nothing do you, stay strong!
Our people have a beautiful saying which, translated literally says: when you poison someone, some of the poison will find a way to your own mouth. He’s not worth it. All the indications are that your are a hard- working person, let him go. Cry all you want, and work your way back. Yes, you can!
Totally, 💯
My sister, you’re really the cause of your own problems. He impregnated you, so you married him, why were you sleeping with this walking red flag in the first place? And now, you want to continue to suffer. Get evidence of his infidelity, divorce this man and drag him for child support
You don’t love yourself or your children. Continue to traumatize them.
You’re just saying Abeg 😹😹. The moment he goes soft you’ll run back into he’s hand. Amidst all these troubles there was still a chance for a third pregnancy, jokes on you.
Before we judge,let’s hear from him first. Because you won’t be a good judge when you hear only from one side.