I live with my senior sister and her husband. The husband doesn’t live here with us but comes mostly on weekends. His job got him transferred to the outside of town and it’s the reason why I came to live with my sister, so I can keep her company and also help her with the kids and other stuff around the house. I share a room with the kids, a four and a seven-year-old but when their father is not around, the four-year-old sleeps with her parents.
The problem started not too long ago. One night, I was woken up by a subtle noise coming from their room. It was faint and I could only hear it because it was deep in the night. I thought they were having an argument but it didn’t sound like an argument. It was as if someone was trying to suppress an emotion. I listened carefully and later heard a loud moan. I got it. The two of them were busy in their bed. I was ok, knowing that it wasn’t a fight but I couldn’t sleep again. All night they were at it. At some point, the noise went down and I tried to catch some sleep. Just when I was about to doze off, it came again. This time it was louder than before.
I couldn’t sleep all night until the cock crowed in the morning. As I said, it was my first time hearing that so I tried to ignore it. I’d lived with them for over a year and something of that nature hadn’t happened before so I took it as something that won’t happen again. Just a one-off thing. But it didn’t stop. He came on a Friday night and every night when we went to sleep, I heard this two going at it. I was in my bed imagining what in the name of the devil had come over these two. “Did he take some drug just to come and slaughter his wife? What has brought this sudden change?”
Every morning I looked at them to check if everything was alright with them. My sister was a changed person. There was lightning in her smile and thunder in her strides. She was lighter and walked as if she was floating in the air. I’d wanted to tell her but something in me said I would dim her light if I do that. I kept mute and since then, each time her husband comes home, I hear the noise. It has become a constant thing. On weekends I don’t sleep. I keep vigil because these two won’t let me sleep.
They change things around often. These days, I hear the sounds of someone being hit. They are both vocal during the act and when things get worse, the scream is loud. One night I couldn’t handle it so I got up and went to the hall to sleep. It’s a small house so the rooms are not far from each other. Even in the hall, I could hear them.
The problem now is, I’ve started seeing my sister’s husband in a different light. I’m ashamed to admit it but some nights when they are at it, I imagine it happening to me. I imagine her husband doing exactly that to me and I moan along. I have a boyfriend, Adam. He doesn’t do a quarter of what my sister’s husband does to her. I can’t even fake the noise because Adam is that lousy. These days, before I could have the urge to do it with Adam, I have to imagine my sister’s husband doing it before I could have to urge to have a go at it. It embarrasses me sometimes but I can’t help it.
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Not too long ago, I was awake and listening when the seven-year-old woke up. She tapped me, thinking I was asleep. I asked, “What? Can’t you sleep?” She said, “Mom and dad, are they fighting?” I didn’t know what to say. She looked disturbed. It was like she had been awake all night and listening to them. I tucked her in and said, “No they are not fighting. They are praying and it gets loud sometimes.” The look she gave me didn’t feel like she was convinced. Her head was on my chest. I could hear her breath. Her breaths were lighter than normal. She wasn’t sleeping. She kept vigil with me that night. In the morning I told her, “Don’t make mention of it to them in any way else they’ll stop praying and things will go bad in the house.” She nodded and left to start her life.
Now, both of us had come to expect it whenever her father comes home. Some nights when it gets louder, she wakes up and keeps vigil with me. Sometimes too she sleeps without noticing. She has come to add to my problem and the question gets louder every day, whether to notify them or let them be.
My sister’s husband is not the kind of man I like. He doesn’t check any of my boxes so I don’t fancy him in any way. It’s the reason I feel safe around here. I wish I could have my man do it the way he does it to my sister. I imagine doing it with him just to satisfy my own fancy but there’s no way I would carry my dream out. And it’s my sister’s husband we are talking about here so no way.
The whole reason I’m sharing this story is because of the child involved. It doesn’t happen every day so it’s ok. I can contain them to a certain extent and that’s also ok. Now my problem is their daughter. I don’t like her demeanour anytime she wakes up and hears them going at it. She would be moody all day. She would keep to herself for half of the day. I believe she thinks her father is doing something wrong to her mother. She doesn’t relate well to anybody whenever she wakes up at dawn and hears them. I’m scared it’s affecting her development and if care is not taken, she would grow up and have the wrong impression about her dad.
Every Problem We’ve Had In Our Marriage Had Came From Our Sex Life–Beads Media
Should I tell them and burst their bubbles or I should let them be? What they have is something most marriages lack and I don’t want to be the one to come between their happiness. It hadn’t been like that all the time. It started not too long ago. Maybe they just rediscovered a secret that’s helping their marriage. I’m happy for them. They even help me to dream but the problem now is their child.
I bought a little radio not too long ago. It plays nice music at night just to musk off their noise but that radio can’t be played too loud at night. I want to believe it’s working but if I can hear them even when the radio is on, then it’s safe to say she can also hear them.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
I think u should tell ur sister about it in a nice way
And please don’t imagine ur brother doing it to you before u get the urge to do it with ur boyfriend
It can go more than you can imagine