Ever since she told me that, my life has never been the same. I lie awake at night and hear voices in my head. I talk to myself in prayers instead of talking to God. I’ve come too far with him to receive this message from the seer. I ask myself, “Where was she when I started building this relationship? Why didn’t she see what she saw at the initial stages?”


My mom tells me not to force it. My dad says I should follow my intuition and leave the rest to God. They trust the voice of the seer because, according to them, her words have never failed. She doesn’t often speak about seeing things, but when she does, she’s rarely wrong.

So here’s the issue.

I met Kwabena in church three years ago. He sings bass in the choir, and because he’s so loud, everyone notices him easily. I didn’t notice him at first—or if I did, my mind didn’t register it. He approached me, and we became friends. It was slow at first, but eventually, we slipped and landed in love.

Honestly, if you asked me to name three things I hate about Kwabena, I’d count all my fingers and still wouldn’t have anything to say. I’m not whitewashing his flaws, but that’s the truth. He gives what he has and promises to give whatever may come into his hands in the future.

My mom liked him even before I fell in love with him. My dad and his dad are now friends because of our relationship. When they talk, they discuss our wedding and urge us to hurry.

So Kwabena came to do the “knocking” to make our relationship official. Our dream was to marry before this year split into two halves. We travelled to my hometown for my mom’s cousin’s funeral, and Kwabena tagged along to see where I’m from and to familiarize himself with the people he might meet.

But we met the village seer. She’s not traditional, but she’s also not the typical Christian type. We call them the “sumsumsor.” She’s not affiliated with any church, but she has served the village for so long that everyone goes to her for spiritual guidance.

She asked my dad to bring me, and we went. She sat on her mat and covered herself in a robe to signify she was in the spirit. She told me, “That man you’re with is not the one to be your husband. I see trouble. I see a bad marriage. If you force it, you’ll push your happiness away. So choose.”

How do I choose in this situation?

I see Kwabena every day, and he’s happy. He’s not burdened by the knowledge of the future like I am. Ignorance is bliss at play. I know I can’t let him go, but I also know I want to be happy. We are happy, and we’ve been happy for the past three years. So at what point will the cracks begin to show? When will the fights start?

I asked my dad to ask the seer if she could pray and avert the situation. Her response was that she was sent to warn, and she had done her job. Is that a job well done? Why didn’t she just keep it to herself?

It’s hard, but every day gets harder. I know I want to move forward with it, but I also know it’s risky, knowing what I know. Kwabena is your boyfriend—what would you do? I’m your sister—what would you tell me?


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