It was her birthday so I took her out in the evening. We drank, we ate and had fun. It was around 12am when we decided to go home. When I got home, I called her line to be sure she was home. I said my goodnight and slept.

I woke up very late in the morning and saw her message on my phone. She had greeted me over two hours ago. I responded and chatted with her for a while.

Her WhatsApp status had been circled green so I checked what she had posted. She posted, “I woke up this morning to realise I’ve misplaced the only money I have left in this world. My heart. How am I going to survive the rest of the month?”

I closed my WhatsApp, got out of bed and started my day. A few hours later, she called me. She didn’t sound happy. She said, “So you watched my status and decided to say nothing? Or you don’t understand what I posted?”

For the next several minutes, this girl went on and on about how I didn’t care about her and how I’d become inconsiderate about issues concerning her. “You know that my last money is missing and you don’t think as a boyfriend you should say something to me or try to meet me halfway? It’s ok. I know my place in your life now.”

She then cut the call and ignored the “I’m sorry messages” I sent her. Later in the day she texted, “You’re sorry? Is that all?” I responded, “Is there anything beyond sorry?”

She left me on read while still online. Her attitude pissed me off so I decided to also ignore her. She texted me, “At least show some care as a boyfriend. Or you don’t know what’s care?”

I read the message and left her on read. She kept sending messages and I kept ignoring her until she called. I didn’t pick up. She sent a voice note, “Or you think I’m going to ask you to pay the money?”

When I ignored her for the whole day, she texted me in the night, saying, “I wish you well in your next relationship.” I quickly responded, “Thank you. I wish you well too.” She texted an angry emoji. I didn’t say anything again.

She’s now back to her senses and trying hard to make amends, but I’m seeing her as a manipulative woman who’ll go the extra mile just to make you feel less of yourself. Maybe she was joking when she wished me well in my next relationship, but I wasn’t joking when I thanked her. It’s a seven-month-old relationship. This isn’t the only red flag I’ve seen, but this one slapped me in the face, so I want to walk before it’s too late.

Am I overreacting?

— Onua John

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