We were silent while the movie played on. Along the line, she got up and asked, “What do you think about threesome? Is it something you can do?”
The question was coming from the movie. In the movie, a couple were breaking apart and as a parting gift, the lady suggested she would have a threesome with her soon-to-be-ex if only he could provide the girl. When Jacinta asked me, I jokingly said, “If only you can provide the girl.”
She called all men selfish because of my answer; “Why are you men like that? You’re too selfish. Why should it be another girl and not another guy?” To me, the discussion was just theoretical, there was no way it was going to happen so it didn’t get to me when she called me selfish. She asked me, “What if I want it with you and another man? Is it something you’ll consider?”
“Why are we having this discussion? I thought it was a joke.” I answered.
We continued watching the movie in silence until the couple in the movie got their wish. The guy provided the girl. They did it all night. In the morning, their relationship came to an end. I couldn’t help but think it was something that could happen only in a movie. In real life, relationships end bitterly so no one has the time to give such a parting gift. It can only happen especially in a Western movie.
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While I was there thinking about how flimsy the movie was, Jacinta was looking at it from a different angle. She told me, “If you can also bring the girl, I’ll be ready for you.” She went on to tell me how she had fantasised about that for a very long time and how it was one of the things on her bucket list and how she couldn’t wait to cross it out. Maybe I was already interested but scared to talk about it. I told her I couldn’t bring the girl. “There’s no lady in this world who will agree to such a thing, I thought to myself.”
We made love like we usually did and went our separate ways to allow the night to do what it does best.
Several days later, Jacinta sent a text telling me she was thinking about a girl who could do it. I called her and we spoke at length on the phone. I wanted to know if she was a lady I could like. She sent me photos, a very beautiful lady. “Where do you know her from and how do you know she’ll do it?”
She told me I was asking too many questions instead of watching her make our dream come true. Days later, we went on a date with the girl. Her name was Ama. Very soft at heart and didn’t look like she could do what Jacinta was saying she could. The night went very well. We exchanged a few words but she was warm, fun and receptive.
Right after the night was over, Jacinta created a WhatsApp group for the three of us to discuss how we were going to do it. Throughout the discussion, Jacinta referred to me as her husband. “Ama, you don’t have to go hard on my husband, remember I’m in control.” “Ama, you know you can’t do this and that and after that, it ends there, no snitching and no backdoor issues.”
They walked in together that evening. We put music on and had something to drink. We didn’t know how to start it because we were all shy to ask. Jacinta turned off the light and said, “Let’s get going. It’s getting late.”
The whole thing didn’t last for more than twenty minutes. It was awkward. We all didn’t know what to do to make it fun. I didn’t know what to do so Jacinta wouldn’t feel I was paying too much attention to her friend. Ama was reserved throughout. We wanted to sleep and do it again the next morning but we couldn’t. By morning, Ama was having a severe headache she didn’t want to do anything with us.
The footprints of sins are questions. You don’t go scot-free after doing something of that nature. My mind was never at rest. My heart wanted to know more about Ama, not in a loving way but why a beautiful lady like her would easily allow herself to do that with us. What did Jacinta tell her for her to agree to do that?
These questions kept me awake for days. I still loved Jacinta. I called her the craziest. I wanted to see her every day after that night. I felt her crazy matched my crazy, birds of a feather kind of affair.
I asked her to be honest about Ama but she didn’t say more than she had already told me. “She’s a friend. I knew she would do it because she’s an open-minded person. I called Ama on the phone. Her first question was, “Does she know you’re calling me? If she doesn’t, then please let’s not say anything to each other.” True to her words, she said goodbye right after my answer. That was cold.
I tried finding answers from her phone but there were barriers. I went on social media to look for Ama and ended up finding half of the answers I was looking for. Her photos on Instagram were hot and saucy. She said she was an influencer. She had the numbers to support that claim. On Facebook, she was very loud and said a lot of crazy things. One pattern I noticed was her love for the rainbow community. She made a lot of posts about them. She called herself an ally. She called people out if they spoke against the colours.
“Could it be that Jacinta and Ama are…”
I wasn’t bold enough to end it. I left it there because Jacinta loved shuperu too much to be the child of the rainbow. I banned the thought but I got triggered anytime she told me she was with Ama. She called it a girls-girls outing.
One such night, I decided to go to her place unannounced. I found what I was looking for. They were loud, loud enough to hear them from behind the window. I called Jacinta. I heard the phone ringing but she didn’t pick up. I knocked on the door before she called back to ask if I was the one knocking.
Jacinta was lying in the bed pretending to be sleeping. There was a cloth on the sofa, making it look like she was sleeping on the sofa. “Why didn’t you tell me? She decided to spend the night here because it was too late for her to go home.”
I told her, “I heard you two loud and clear. She’s not sleeping. You were busy. I’ve been behind the window for several minutes. Your voices traveled. I thought we agreed on no back door issues. So what’s happening?”
Ama stood up from the bed and started dressing up. Jacinta asked her not to leave. She said she didn’t want to be embroidered in our issues. I tried to make her stay but she screamed at me not to touch her. She walked away. I concluded she was the man in the relationship.
Jacinta continued denying it but Ama, out of anger blew their cover. She texted me, “What’s your problem if we are what you think we are? Please stay in your lane.”
It Will Be Difficult For Me To Commit To One Person
I still wanted to be with Jacinta. I loved her. She was with a girl, that was better than being caught with a man. I told her to choose. She said, “I don’t have to choose because what you think about us is not true but the fact that you hold that thought spoils it for me. No, I can’t do this anymore.”
She chose Ama but she wasn’t bold enough to say it.
I didn’t tell you how the movie ended. When the couple broke up, the guy ended up dating the lady he brought in for the threesome. I should have learned a lesson from the movie but I was so fixated on thinking it wouldn’t happen in the real world. It did happen. It happened in my real world.
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Please let her go!!!!!
Asem oo it’s better this way. If you ended up marrying her then my dear wahala for you. Cheating is Cheating irrespective of the partner being a man or woman. You kraa are you sure you mind dey? Because no normal person will still want to be with such a person.
Whoa… what a story. The movie you watched with your lady played out in real life. Interesting. But I think what you didn’t know was that, your lady was bisexual and she probably knew Ama before you came into the picture. That movie was the perfect chance for her to reveal her true self to you and to make her dream come true. Orrrr it could also be that’s something she’s into, I mean the threesome stuff. Anyway, I think you should let her go. She would’ve chosen you if she loved you enough and obviously she didn’t.
How can you be with the daughter of a devil and expect to be loved. She played you big and you were too smart to just think Jaconta plucked a random meleable girl from the Instagram streets for you. My brother, look for a Conservative woman and settle down with and leave these false rainbow cover crazies alone.