Before we became a thing, Peggy asked questions about the relationship between me and another girl in my life. She was unsure the kind of role Efe played in my life so I explained; “She’s just a friend. We’ve been like this for so long because of where we started from. You don’t have to worry about her once you’re in my life.”
Maybe she understood me, or she didn’t because anytime we talked, Efe came up somehow. “I’m trying to believe what you said about her but it’s hard,” she said.
I reduced the time I spent with Efe.
As fate would have it, just when I started dating Peggy, Efe got busy with work so she didn’t come around me often. We talked. She told me about her day. That’s where it ended. We didn’t see each other for so long Peggy asked me one day, “I hope I didn’t create any problem between you guys. It’s been a while since I saw her around, to the extent you don’t mention her name.”
I spent more time with Peggy. If I wasn’t home, I was in her house. She cooked for us, we talked, we kissed, we grew the love between us day by day.
There’s always something to talk about, something I love about Peggy. One day, we stayed on the phone from evening til dawn. When the dawn approached she said, “We have work to attend to in the morning but here we are talking as if tomorrow doesn’t exist.” We didn’t want to go to bed. I remember when we said goodbye, I went to the bathroom, bathed and got ready for work. It was a new day.
The strength of this relationship has always been the way we talk fearlessly about things. Peggy will not lie to me and I’ve learned not to lie to her. It’s a light I tapped from her source. She can show you the moon in the afternoon and say, “I put the moon up there because I killed the sun.” She’ll commit a murder and still talk about it truthfully.
She won’t talk about what she’s not ready to talk about but when she’s ready to talk, she’ll tell you nothing but the truth. I don’t know her inspiration behind telling the truth but it’s something I admire about her.
We had a plan that day, me and Peggy. We would meet at a friend’s place and later spend the rest of the day together at her house. We were at the friend’s place when Efe appeared. I knew she was coming. I told Peggy about it so her appearance there wasn’t unexpected. Unfortunately, we spent a lot of time at the friend’s place than we planned. When we were about to leave, I texted Peggy, “How about I come around tomorrow morning?”
She saw the message but didn’t respond. Efe was sitting next to her in the car while the friend we visited was also sitting in front next to me. I told Peggy I’d sent her a message and she said, “I’ve seen it but I won’t respond.” I begged her to answer my question so we know what next to do. She didn’t until she got down at the station and picked a car home.
Obviously, she was angry about the message I sent her. I texted and asked her not to go home. She didn’t listen. In her mind, I changed our plans because Efe was around. To me, that wasn’t the case. It was already late. I explained that I wanted to spend more time with her the next day hence the change of plans.
In the evening when we talked she told me, “I’ve accepted someone’s marriage proposal so get ready to receive our wedding invitation soon.”
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I thought it was a joke. She added, “You made me do it. At least, this man won’t treat me like an option.” Again, I didn’t take her seriously until I met her two days later. She told me, “So when I got home that day, Eric called. He was direct. He said he wanted us to get to know each other and I agreed. So as we speak, we are in the process of getting to know each other and take it from there.”
They had scheduled a date that very day I was with her. I drove her to the mall where she was supposed to meet Eric. I didn’t know until we got to the mall. Eric called on the phone. They talked like two people in love. I was like, “What’s going on here? We had a misunderstanding for a day and you walked into another relationship?”
She called Eric to cancel their date. I drove her to her house so we could talk about the situation. She was convinced she did the right thing. She felt I had an option in Efe so she needed to have an option too. Again, when we were talking, Eric called. They talked like two people in love. When she hung up the phone, she went to the bedroom and came out with Truth or Dare cards. She said, “You’re going to confess your sins today. We are playing two truths and one dare.”
We kissed and later ended up in bed with our clothes off. She asked me, “Now that we are back together, what do I do with Eric? I don’t even like him like that but see what you made me do.” I responded, “You started the fire so you have to quench it.”
In the evening when we talked she told me, “Now that we are back together, everything he says annoys me. I don’t want to hear his voice.” I answered, “It’s your fault. You gave him hope that something can happen so he’s operating on the wavelength of the hope you gave him.”
The next morning when I texted her, she responded, “I’m on my way to meet Eric. Whatever this is, I’m going to end it with him.” I called her later in the day. She responded, “I’m on a date. Can we talk later?”
I’m the evening when we talked, she said, “Eric was very optimistic we were going to end up together but I let him down slowly. He didn’t even sound genuine about his feelings for me but the good thing is, we are no longer doing whatever that was.” I teased, “Did you kiss him?” She answered, “No I didn’t, we only hugged.”
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It sounds crazy how things escalated quickly. But in the end, she agreed she would take her therapy seriously because it didn’t feel right the way she handled things. Yes, she’s going through therapy. Mentally, she’s battling stuff. Emotionally, she’s dealing with too much than her heart can handle. The least I can do to put her mind at rest is to resolve the issues surrounding the relationship between me and Efe. I don’t know how to make her believe me but I’ll do my best and see what the next day will bring our way.
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